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Peeing On Concrete

Guest BlondeAmbition

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Guest BlondeAmbition

Can anyone help me?

My dog keeps peeing on the concrete and also defecating on it when it's cold or has been raining.

She obviously doesn't like getting her feet wet- but I don't like cleaning up the concrete every day either!!

What can I do?

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Can anyone help me? My dog keeps peeing on the concrete and also defecating on it when it's cold or has been raining. She obviously doesn't like getting her feet wet- but I don't like cleaning up the concrete every day either!! What can I do?

What's the difference between cleaning up the concrete and cleaning up the yard? Where do you live that it rains every day? Maybe that's where our water storeage dams should be. :thumbsup:

Can you supply her with an area that is dry? Either that, or barracade off the concrete area where she can't get to it - then has no choice.

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Griever does that too when it rains. I don't have the heart to stop him. I just clean it up when its dry the next day.

He looks so forlorn when he's trying to do his business in the rain. I'd hate to have to poo or wee out there.

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I'd hate to have to poo or wee out there.

:thumbsup: Can't say it'd be something I'd look forward to either. I put my girl's waterproof jacket on when I send her outside in the rain to toilet. Mostly she'll stick to the grassed area just under the eaves of the roof for shelter.

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Guest BlondeAmbition

Thanks all, I live in Melbourne, so the weather isn't the best, haha!

The dogs sleep in the garage which is joined onto the patio area (uncovered) which is concrete and then they have to walk past the pool which is also surrounded by concrete, before they reach the grassed area. So I guess my girl has a bit of a walk before she reaches the grass anyway, probably an attack of the lazies on her behalf, lol.

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  • 1 year later...

My 2 dogs are terrible for peeing and pooing on the concrete. We live in tropical Nth QLD, so we have heaps of wet rainy days. They drive me nuts. I have spent the whole morning supervising their toileting. If they don't go and the wet grass, I have been crating them. I can't stand the smell of dog waste on the concrete during wet, it just doesn't go away. :p

I would suggest getting a crate and taking your dog out for regular toilets when it's wet. They are most unlikely to soil/wet the crate. I know, this is great for people who have time to dedicate a whole day to watching dogs pee and poo!! See how you go. - Andy.

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