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What Could It Be


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It is called Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency and if the Vet is on the ball and the diet has stuff like Enzyplex added the dog can do quite well.

If you can send Holly or Rappie a PM, they are very helpful :thumbsup:

this vet is on the ball and I have every faith in him. Oliver is now drinking copious amounts of water and tonight he ate his tea but is now burping and has the belly rumbles just waiting for a toilet run to see what happens at that end, I have just googles EPI and I hope to god he doesnt have that I have a friend whose Dobe has that disease and also copper build up in his liver he is under the same vet so all the stuff that will be required is on hand. The Dobe is into his 2nd year with it and although a bit on the thin size his is controlled by diet and drugs but touch wood so far Olivers faceas looks nothing like his which is sometimes yellow and gooey or straight out runny.

Will post as soon as I know more

thanks everyone and you know who.

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Oliver had his last antibotics today and is more his happy self he has been teasing Elka to play with him this arvo, he is going back to the vet with another poo sample on Saturday morning and will test it again if he still has undigested food particles in it he will do the blood test. I asked him today to do it anyway just to make sure. His stomach is still rumbling and he is still burping but his poo is solid again. So hopefully it was just a bug in his gut from all the rain we had but I still think it has something to do with that spot on.

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Fingers crossed you get some answers soon.

The tummy rumbling is consistent with the Inflammatory Bowel Disease my 7.5yo Collie had last year, sounded like a volcano.

At least your Vet sounds well and truly on the ball. the one we went to at the time( no longer go there) let my gir's condition go too long before finally listening to me and sending her to a Specialist( if he had listened to me earlier I think I would still have her today :rofl:, the IBD was well advanced by the time saw the specialist so no meds or diet ever got it under control and we had to give her her Wings))

Please let us know how he goes

Edited by InspectorRex
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Fingers crossed you get some answers soon.

The tummy rumbling is consistent with the Inflammatory Bowel Disease my 7.5yo Collie had last year, sounded like a volcano.

At least your Vet sounds well and truly on the ball. the one we went to at the time( no longer go there) let my gir's condition go too long before finally listening to me and sending her to a Specialist( if he had listened to me earlier I think I would still have her today :laugh:, the IBD was well advanced by the time saw the specialist so no meds or diet ever got it under control and we had to give her her Wings))

Please let us know how he goes

I agree, we used to call poor Duncan "Drano Guts" he was that noisy! My vets waited too long too, it was IR's encouragement that pushed me to request a specialist consult. Fingers crossed we have our boy under control with his IBD now, he seems to be putting some weight back on at last!

Hope your GSD is OK Izaviz!



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Note: There is a significant difference, so I believe, between Irritable Bowel Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Don't quote me, but I'm sure I read this and heard this from a number of different but reliable sources.

Hope everything begins to improve for your dog, Isaviz. It's so frustrating for us when the dog can't specifically tell us what they are feeling and where and that we can't simply see what's going on on the inside.

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I am new to this forum,

I have a 9 yr old beautiful kelpie girl who has had EPI all her life.

When we got her at 6 months she seemed fine, but after her first month with us she began to vomit regularly and her faeces were terrible, and she lost an incredible amount of weight, after many tests we learned that she had EPI.

One particular vet told us to enjoy her because we won't have her for long, well that was 8 and a half yrs ago. Her diet is boring ( she scoffs it down though) a cup of Advance Light dog bickies in the morning and at night the same with minced chicken and brown rice.

She was first on Viokase tablets (one per meal), we couldnt get them as of 2 yrs ago, so now she has Creon, and she is fine.

We did try "Lucy" on Thrive D for a few months but it didn't work for her.

It was sad when we learnt of her condition, but to think she has come this far is a credit to us, and her ( for putting up with boring food),

I hope your puppy dog continues to improve.

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Well Oliver still hasnt had the tests, we are still waiting on another poo sample and he has been puking again. Have you ever followed a dog around for nearly a week to get a sample. He will go bown the back but if he sees me looking he just lays down. He waits til I go to work and then I cant work out which is his cause the poos in the yard are all normal looking, now he has pusy, itchy eyes which is being treated as an allergy. So now I have a day off I will be able to catch him doing his business, he is back to eating normally (for Oliver anyway) for a big dog the girls out eat him 2 to 1 he doesnt eat much. He is off to the vet again tomorrow morning to be weighed and his eyes looked at again. At this rate I will need a second job to pay the vet.

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