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Lucinda And Oscar


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Now that is the truth....she still thinks shes got it!

A few months ago, when Keisha was still here the two of them had a dust up. I grabbed keisha by the tail and pulled her away and Lucinda obviously thought" Just hang on tight to the b***h and I'll finish her off. " I had a terrible time getting my husband to do anything but stand there looking shocked.

Lucinda demands RESPECT! and in capitals too. LOL.

:) I can just picture the look of joy on her face when she thought mum was coming to help her win!! :D

Hope you are all well... Big hugs to all of you!


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Helen, I've just read that Lucinda's brother has some nasty stuff going on too :( Could you please change your title to add both of your kids names so that we can follow their progress.

It is all so unfair, haven't you already been dished out enough illnesses for one lifetime ?

Thinking of you today in awaiting your updates here.

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Lucinda is having agreat time at the moment.

Her brother Oscar..we are still awaiting the specialists interpretation of chest x rays. There is something nasty going on with heart and lungs. sigh. it seems to never end.

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DBS ..... I have everything crossed for an outcome that can at least be medically treated with good results. They have drugs which can do wonders with certain heart conditions - but then, you probably know more than I do in that respect.

Hugs and wishes for the good luck you and your furkids deserve.

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Oscar update:

His breathing is still laboured. But the specialist does not believe it is his heart or that he has cancer. Rather that he has thickening of the lung walls...we are now trying coryisone ( briefly) in an attempt to improve his quality of day to day life. Will be contacting Barbara and collegues today.

Lucinda is still frisky and veyr playful. Delighted herself by frightening the water delivery man this morning..put on a very convincing dispaly of agressive nasty dog. LOL

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Fingers all crossed here that Oscar improves more each day...

Glad to hear Lucinda is well... And cheeky...

We have not heard from the vet yet if Ollie can have his chemo again - the waiting game...

Give the pooches a hug


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:rofl: to Oscar, Lucinda and Ollie ...... and to their humans. It's a turmoilish, time consuming job you guys do, and is not without its emotional roller coaster ride. Good luck. Thinking of you all. And of Rusky's Goldie too, who last communication I understood was doing better. :D
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At least it's not the "C" word Helen... Let's hope that the cortisone improves Oscar a little, just enough so that the holistic meds can effectively take over...

I too am glad that Lucinda is doing well and enjoying life. :(

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well here we go again! sigh.

Oscar has not been himself again..the breathing problem has eased ( thanks to the pred) but his prostate has not gone down as much as we would have liked. For the past couple of nights he has had some difficulty with bowel motions! But in the mornings had seemed much better. This morning I checked him and he seemed OK, so took my husband to the airport. got back to find Oscar as flat as a tack..he could barely move so off to the vet. he has megacolon as well as everything else!

we are praying that the nerves recover.....so if you could spare some prayers for him it is appreciated.

now monday, i have an apptointment for Margali who has lost her bark.



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I am praying for oscar and Lucinda and Kal and anyone else who needs my prayers, hugs to the skin people too.

I just looked properly at your website and I think you are an angel, you have given dignity to great dogs :dropjaw:

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Helen - yes, it sure it a rollercoaster ride and that's an understatement.

Prayers coming your way from me ..... I seem to be spending so much time talking to Him up there (points upwards) I must be one of his best customers, so I'm sure He'll be able to spare enough healing miracles to help Oscar, Lucinda, Margali, Ollie dog, Goldie and, naturally ..... Kal :dropjaw:.

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