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Schutzhund Training


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Hi guys, just a question (i know there are shutzhund threads but dont to want to read pages and pages to find this out)

I seem to recall some one saying that that type of training has implications for your normal pet classificatins ie maybe dangerous dog?? please correct me if im wrong :laugh:

My Father in law has his GSD in Shutzhund training overseas and i was checking to make sure there would be no problems if they were to decide to bring her over here if they immigrate.



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Check with the council he will be moving to. I think they are considered working dogs although many council rules state that any dog that has done bite work is to be classified as high risk.

Is it titled or just training at the moment? Sometimes its better to just declare you have GSD and leave it at that.

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I seem to recall some one saying that that type of training has implications for your normal pet classificatins ie maybe dangerous dog?? please correct me if im wrong

You are not wrong.

In Victoria, you are supposed to inform the council if the dog has been trained for attack purposes, and the dog may be declared dangerous.

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Anywhere I can get some official Vic documentation on this? He cant believe it as it is to him training your dog to its utmost

and if they are going to immigrate in the next 10-15 years.... (could be a lot less) it will have implications

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just be careful, very few people actually know or understand how schutzhund is not just training your dog to be a vicious killer. In fact well trained schutzhund dogs are better behaved then most people Pooky Poo. Shutzhund is not like Ring Sport or protection where the dog can go for any part of the body, not just the arm, whilst I've seen Schutzhund dogs only get riled up if theres a bite suit/sleeve involved.

Declaring your dog as having done bitework can start more problems. Jeez my Mal has done it and yet she plays in the park with little kids just fine, even gets mauled by tots hugging and kissing her face. If I said to the parents 'Oh yeah and she can pull down a 100kg man in a bitesuit' what would the reaction be?? This is not Europe where it is more commonplace, we are dealing with the uneducated. They will see the dog as a vicious monster though it may have a family friendly temperament.

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  Nekhbet said:
Sometimes its better to just declare you have GSD and leave it at that.

I agree. Many GSD's are imported into Australia each year, and just about all that come from Germany will carry a Sch. title.

If you do not declare the title, then there will not be a problem, unless the dog creates one after it comes in, and this should not happen if the dog has a stable temperament and has been correctly trained.

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He is from Europe a stones throw from Germany, and the breeder is from Germany so they dont/cant anderstand why there might be a problem i just thought i would check as they do plan on moving here in the future

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Sparty said:
He is from Europe a stones throw from Germany, and the breeder is from Germany so they dont/cant anderstand why there might be a problem i just thought i would check as they do plan on moving here in the future


Just came across your post and question. The fact is that you do not have to declare any training your dog/s have undertaken. Schutzhund is a reconised sport and the Victorian Supreme Court has already made a ruling on such. The judge said that a Schutzhund training dog is less likely to bite than and untrained dog.

The bite work you have heard about is just the dog trying to get the toy simular to a drug dog looking for his reward.

Hope this helps



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"Schutzhund is a reconised sport "

In AUstralia, what recognised legal body recognises Schutzhund as a sport?

"and the Victorian Supreme Court has already made a ruling on such. The judge said that a Schutzhund training dog is less likely to bite than and untrained dog."

What was this case? Was it before or after the 2005 admendments? What were the legal consequences of the case? Was the dog still required or not required to be treated legally as a dangerous dog?

I don't particually respect taking the law into your own hands, by subverting it or being less than candid. It is fraught with difficulty. I sure would have liked to beat the living daylights out of the so and so's who threw egg (again) at my house this morning, or opened the gate and let my dog have a go. The law says different so I don't. If I want the law changed, I need to go throught the process of getting the law changed, and give my fellow citizens a go at having their say.

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Tell your father in law not to worry ,Schutzhund is alive and well here in Australia and if he wants to continue the dogs training ,after moving here to OZ, he can, as there are over a dozen clubs operating ,legally, throughout the country......4 of which are here in Victoria.

He needs to get in contact with the Australian United Schutzhund Clubs,or if you want to give them a call,they will tell you exactly where Schutzhund stands within Australia.

If you get in touch with either Evan Turner or Tom Stewart of the Australian Working Dog Magazine,they will be able to help you.




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probably best if you start a new thread as this ones for schutzhund dogs not protection dogs :rofl:

what state are you in?

what experience do you have with protection trained dogs?

why do you need a protection trained dog?

do you have any kids?

are you aware in most states its becomming mandatory to own a security licence to undergo protection training with your dog?

are you aware of all laws involving dangerous dogs and liability laws if your dog attacks someone?

is your shepherd from working lines?

do you realise it will cost roughly 5 to 10 thousand dollars in training your dog from a pup to adult ?

there is only a handfull of reputable protection dog trainers in australia who i would intrust training my dog with,

unless you have a specific reason eg work for owning and training a protection trained dog its not worth all the hassles

Edited by Jeff Jones
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see above post from Jeff Jones.

Plus look at your reasons for an attack dog. Its an extremely difficult thing to train and handle. If you're after an ego trip then cut your losses because no worthy trainer will have a bar of you.

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Great post Jeff. Well said :rofl:

I wish people would come to realise that schutzhund training is not protection training. It would only take a little bit of research on the sport to work this out. The 2 keep getting aligned with each other. I have nothing against a well trained PP dog if it for the right reasons, and only the right reasons and they are few.

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