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Barking Probs!

beagle babe

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Hiya Beagle Babe and welcome to DOL!

Is she crate trained?

Is she sleeping inside or out?

What do you do to tell her to stop?love to see a photo too!

If she is sleeping outisde- i would prob change that as they love hunting and howling, being as vocal as possible when they are bored and @ nightime. I would highly recommend crate training her, that way she has her own space and place, i had to bring my beagles inside due to the same issue- and hunting!

I have always used spray bottles as an excellent way of training the little angels into the correct behaviour- each time she barks spray her, she will soon learn that this is not the behaviour that you want.

Is she on her own? if so i would be making sure she has alot of toys to keep that busy beagle mind- busy! as a bored beagle is generally a naughty beagle!

Edited by crazy beagle lady
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Beagles are fantastic dogs (not that I am biast or anything :laugh:) but they will bark and howl when they are bored or lonely like any other dog.

What is her nightly routine? Is she inside with you or outside alone? Does she get enough exercise and mental stimulation before going to bed to make her sleep the whole night through?

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Hi Beagle Babe,

Welcome!!!! I found a great way to keep them busy during the day is to get one of those treat balls (the ones you put the treat's inside).

Mine are both inside at night. They like to think they are human!

Good luck and post some photo's.


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OMG the last coupld of night I have ahd the same problem with Kasper...I think it's all the cats roaming around at night...I've tred spraying him which stops him for a while but then he starts again...Kasper sleeping in the laundry but has a doggy door so he can come and go as he pleases...I closed that off a few times last night too. I'm worried the neighbours will start complaining

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Yeah when my oldest was young we used to close off the doggy door and restrict him to the laundary at night. As he got older and more trusted we opened both doors. He now sleeps on his bed (or our couch) at night and the doggy door is left open so they can wonder out whenever.

Plus I know it was a full moon last night if that helps! lol :laugh:

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My 4 month old beagle puppy barks all the time...especially at night

when i tell her to stop it all becomes a game...

What do i do?!?!


Just be silent and ignore her barking. When it no longer works she will tire of it. Welcome to dol :laugh: .

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