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Drooling In Drive?


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:I worry about the stress Stamp places on himself. I try so hard to calm him down.

Are you worried about him when he is and/or thinks he is going to work? Or is he aways looking for cues that you may give that indicates he is going to do some work? Is this because you are worried about the long term effects of continuous stress? Does his stress affect his working ability? Sorry about all the questions:), but stress is one of my fav subjects.

K9: well there are many, & that whole topic will be covered in the workshops for Training in Drive & the SAR one...




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Are you worried about him when he is and/or thinks he is going to work? Or is he aways looking for cues that you may give that indicates he is going to do some work? Is this because you are worried about the long term effects of continuous stress? Does his stress affect his working ability? Sorry about all the questions:), but stress is one of my fav subjects.

Hi MJ,

I am not sure if these are the answers you are looking for.

Stamp is always looking for work. A glance at him, while I am sitting down, may mean to him something is going to happen or should happen. Ever hopeful LOL.

His stress/excitement I feel does affect his working ability, especially with memory. For this reason I try to return to his crate, or tie up area, at least 20 minutes before running in a competition. If possible I try to run him on a few simple retrieves also.

He will heel beside me at every opportunity, again ever hopeful.

I am sure he will eventually settle down. Now I am being "hopeful". :)

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When I see signs of manic drive, can I keep interrupting or delaying in sending Stamp, by stroking him and soothing him?.

K9: yes you can, you can alos teach him to calm down from a certain posture you can show him, less obvious in a trial...

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I am not sure if these are the answers you are looking for.

Stamp is always looking for work. A glance at him, while I am sitting down, may mean to him something is going to happen or should happen. Ever hopeful LOL.

yes they were very quick questions with me thinking about an article I read on the long term effects of constant stress and 2 dogs that I have owned that were the same always ready for action (as I had a sneaking suspicion Stamp might be) , like you said one glance and they were looking to do something, both dogs were fanatical retrievers. As one of these dogs got older she seemed to get forgetful like she was getting dementia. The article was saying that they thought that Alzhiemers could be caused/aided by an increase in a chemical in the brain that destroys cells in the short term memory part of the brain, but I can think of a few other possible reasons for some of my dogs different behaviour that are probably more likely to be the cause. Just wondering what you had found.

His stress/excitement I feel does affect his working ability, especially with memory. For this reason I try to return to his crate, or tie up area, at least 20 minutes before running in a competition. If possible I try to run him on a few simple retrieves also

I know myself if I'm stressed my memory goes taa taa, like forgetting which is left and right in the trial ring :rainbowbridge:

I am sure he will eventually settle down. Now I am being "hopeful".




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