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Schutzhund Videos


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Some clips from my home country

GIAN von der Mooreiche




GERO vom Klingbach


YALLA iz Slavnoi Stai

Gem'Givveeon HUGO BOSS


Edited by myszka
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Well, I have watched the first link. Having a rest, while cleaning the "dogs" car.

It looks cold, the music is good and the dobe has a tail.

I must admit Schutzhund does not do much for me. While watching the first clip I not see anything while shows a highly trained dog. Sure it was focused and it barked and on command bit and released, but...................???? Some kind person explain degree of difficulty to me please?

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No problem Jeff. All dog work interests me also.

Here is a link you can view short segments of an American retrieving, national. It was won, that year - 2005 - by a trainer who has visited Australia twice to hold seminars.

Warning: Make sure you have broadband, they are rather long.

I look forward to your comments. I take all opinions favourably.


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You are confusing me. I am not very good on the computer. (I do OK as a match maker from time to time though, LOL).

If you scroll down three quarters of the page, you will see daily links to the videos. If not successful let me know, and I will try again with other links.

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there are some cool vids there... i've watched all of the first lot, downloading the last 3 now...

OMG i nearly cried watching the one of them heeling in the snow!

(GIAN von der Mooreiche video 4)

cant wait for the rest to finish :)

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I watched the last one of the 7 days from the ln=ink Lablover has posted.

Yes - in my eyes that was a well trained dog :thumbsup: but I can also see how someone that has no idea about retrieving trials (Im one of them) could think - after all its just a fetch of a dead bird with a bit of sniffing around t find one..

I guess that could be LL what you are thinking seeing a sch dog that only barks and lets go when told.

What do you think?

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Pax, can you send me another Email please? I seem to have accidently deleted your original.

SARDOG, had lunch at the local again today. As you know I am more than happy to go there any day, to eat and have a couple of cooling drinks!!!!


I do see your point. Now lets see. Endulge me, if you will. The setups are multiple retrieves. I am not sure if you thought they were singles?

I suppose it would be akin to showing a dog at a distance 3 or 4 "naughty men" for a short period of time, them hiding and sending the dog to locate the victims/ferals/bad men. The dogs are expected after leaving the handler side to take a direct line, not cheat the smallest inset/bay, face cover, go straigtht (ignoring wind etc) and return without a command except "go/fetch". The order of selection/naughty person, LOL, is up to the handler not the dog. The classical hidden retrieve is normally close to the line of a "mark" and dogs are expected to ignore previously hot/succussful areas. The dogs must take a straight line to the blind, stop to the whistle and take casts/directions (backs,sides, angles) from the handler.

Am I making sense????? Probably not, LOL.

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OMG i nearly cried watching the one of them heeling in the snow

I did cry and I only watched the first video.

I will be happy when there is no more of this type of training in this country, fight your own ruddy battles, poor dogs, kicked and beaten.

This really is low class sport.

Are people such cowards that they need to hide behind a dog? I guess so huh.

will say no more have said my piece. I am shocked and very very unhappy.

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I viewed the Schutzhund videos. Or at least I think I have. Which video is making people angry. The dobe in the snow?? Where the handler is using a heeling stick?

I admit the dog looks a bit nervy, as it is leaping a little, but I did not find the heeling stick a problem.

I use a heeling stick as well, and certainly do not beat my dogs. They are conditioned with the stick, patted/stroked with the stick, and retrieve the stick. It is used as a guide and marker. I use flat collars also rather than a correction chain.

What am I missing?

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i wasnt upset by the heeling video, i thought it was absolutely beautiful...

the focus and closeness that dog had was unreal, and i just loved the way he was lifting his right paw up to dodge his handler's left leg when they were walking...

and that waggly tail the whole way was just unreal!

i personally cant see a problem with Sch... a properly trained dog should think it's all a big game... and as far as i have seen there is no mistreatment of dogs during the training.... i say as far as i have seen, because there's no doubt idiots out there who get it wrong...

the 'sticks' they hit them with are usually very light, and make more noise than anything... they are a distraction to the dog, not something to cause them pain... who wants a working dog with broken ribs? it aint gunna be much good to you...

and people forget Sch isnt all about bit work... there is a big tracking element and lots of obedience in there too...

edit: sense me not make...

Edited by Scope
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My connection has been playing up so I have only watched bits and pieces of the videos (and I used up most of our space last month downloading doggy videos :) )

I love the focus and intensity of the dogs, especially the bit where they heel the Dobe backwards, how cool is that! It is always great seeing the dogs enjoying themselves.

When I watched the Schutzhund Nationals one of the most interesting things I thought was the different heeling styles - there was one dog there who practically bounced the whole heeling routine!

Having watched and participated in training security dogs, I love watching the dogs gain confidence and start to really get into the work.

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