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5 Week Old Pup


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Does anyone know about caring for a 5 week old pup. Someone told me that it shouldn't have been weaned until 8 weeks, but the lady I bought him for said it was fine because he was eating dry dog food, and mother was pushing him away??

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Whilst they may be "weaned" at 5 weeks and are capable of eating and drinking on their own, they do need to continue to remain with their pack ( litter mates & mother or just litter mates ) as this is a critical time for their social development.

A puppy should also never be allowed to leave the breeders prior to 8 weeks as their has not been the required time (10 days ) for their first 6 week vaccination to cover them from parvo, distemper etc.

The mother may well have been trying to wean the puppies by pushing them away, as they have sharp little teeth and a quite rough on their mums, by the time they get to that age.

I would get the puppy checked out by a vet and if closer to 6 weeks than 5 I would also be asking about the first vaccination. It is very important not to put this young puppy on the ground and I would even go so far as to keep it inside or a tiled or wooden floor in an attempt to aviod disease for the next few weeks. Make sure he or she has newspaper or something suitable to toilet on and is warm if it's cold and has a comfortable bed to sleep in.


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Hi... Wel done for coming here & asking :D

five weeks is very young to be away from MUM...you will get all sorts of good advice from people here, so I will just say...

A vet visit firstly,if you can..to check all is well..and get advice.

Avoid "human" breakfast cereals etc..puppies do not need these.

Buy a low lactose or powder formula milk from the vets or pet store,Puppies cannot digest lactose well.

Feed RAW meat..human grade if possible.Package it into small quantities & freeze until you need it,to avoid tummy upsets.

Feed about 5 meals daily..small ones

start giving chicken wings, chicken frames etc ..pups this age can chew bones well.

Do not give COOKED bones!! Raw ones are easily digested..cooked ones are not!!

Buy the BEST dry food you can afford..you get what you pay for :cry:

Try this website, too, for starters


Edited by persephone
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You still need to keep him off the lawn and don't take him out in public untill he is 8 weeks old. :(

If he shows any signs of being lethargic ( i know puppies sleep alot ) vomits, has an upset stomach or does not appear to be well, take him straight to a vet.

As advised, keep the meals small and frequent, give him a few minutes to eat and as soon as he stops eating and wanders off, take it away untill the next feed time. This will encourage him to be a good eater and not picky about what he has.


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maybe things are different in the USA but in oz, dont think breeders can let their pups go before eight weeks of age

good luck and am sure you will get lots of advice on this board

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I'm shocked that a reputable and ethical breeder would release any pup at such a young and under-developed (socially and physically) age. I would be contacting him/her again to ask why they found it acceptable to do this at all...it's just plain wrong IMHO.

Good advice about getting your new pup to the vet...this is imperative in a pup so young away from its mother and littermates.

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Not tring to defend this breeder but she may have not know any different. This is the first I have heard of any of this so it is very well possible that she didn't know either, but she didn't tell me about not keeping him off the ground I just happen to over hear that part. I was thinking that 7 or 8 weeks was the proper age, but I also hear of a lot of people getting pups at 6 weeks too. How big a deal is 2 weeks. Some people act like this woman should be hung by her toes. Do they really learn that much in a 2 week period.

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There is a HUGE difference in a puppy's development between 5-8 weeks, so yes that additional 2 weeks at home with Mum and litter mates is very important.

As cavnrot has said it will learn bite inhibition, how to play with other dogs etc. This is where the first socialisation of a pup comes from. Undue stress or trauma at an early age may affect a dog's behaviour for the rest of its life.

This is when the pup first fully becomes aware of its surroundings. During this time the pup will play with litter mates, learn to bark, begin to respond to human voices etc. A breeder will also introduce the pup to numerous noises such radios, vacuum cleaners etc.

Most breeders start weaning at 3 weeks, but at 5 weeks they are only just off Mum fully, and this is the week that generally Mum can be taken away from them at night. So if Mum has only just been taken away at night, what is the trauma involved to suddenly be taken away from Mum and litter mates.

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But really I do those thing also by intro him to vac and ect... I can also show him about biting... I know she gave him to me to early, but what happens to pups that lose their parents who teach them those things but a human!!!

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These may give you some information :(

"""Not tring to defend this breeder but she may have not know any different. This is the first I have heard of any of this so it is very well possible that she didn't know either,"""

I would think if she is a breeder,she would have done her homework.... this is fairly basic dog knowledge..

puppy growth & development are essential things to learn otherwise , how would a breeder be able to assess the pups' progress accurately?

I know you will give your new puppy a lot of care & love..if you can, we'd enjoy seeing pics posted here. :)

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By the sound of it ladybug, this pup has you wrapped around its' little toe already. :(

Even if Mum is gone, being left with the litter is just as important.

I would follow what others have said prior to this, as it is very good information and we're only thing of what's best for pup. Remember this pup is going to be around for a very long time, and if it hasn't been brought up correctly (not that what your doing is wrong) from day one, it will effect this pup for the rest of its life. I know that sounds strange, but it is true.

Good luck.........................

Where's the picci's.............................?

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