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Moses & Josh On Tv - Please Vote For Us


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Thank you to the person who put up link under general about the new TV show. Emailed them and directed them to my webpage. They then asked me to send in a video. They have since rung me back and got me to sign a copy right form and said they will be on

Episode 2, Chanel 2, 6.30pm - 28th March - Tuesday

The Pet Show

6:31pm Tuesday, March 21, 2006

"Australians spend four billion dollars a year on their pets (source: Business Integrated Solutions, 2002). With this level of pampering going on, The Pet Show has dedicated a segment to making sure these family members get their 15 minutes of fame. The Star Pets segment will see three videos sent in by the public each week. The panel pick their favourite and the audience can vote for their favourite on The Pet Show website.


Have now found the website. Go to http://www.abc.com.au/tv/petshow/

then click on "vote" on the right hand side or click this link http://www.abc.com.au/tv/petshow/vote/ and hopefully my dogs will be up probably after Tuesday night, I will be taping it at home.

Edited by DunnyBrush
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That's great news DB - will def watch it.

Just re your website - I went to have a look and it triggered some sort of Microsoft download. I kept on clicking "cancel" but the dialogue box kept on coming up again and again.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't tape it, just caught the end (with the Star Pets segment). I guess it was Josh & Moses in the "Leaping Retriever" segment? I'll give them a vote to support a fellow DOLer :confused: . I thought the dog mopping the floor was pretty clever too, I know it's all training but still pretty cool. I saw the painting horse too, not so impressed with that.

I did see the segment with the dog with the grass seed in it's ear for 5 years :thumbsup: . I am amazed it took so long to spot the problem, endoscopy aint exactly a new medical breakthrough :laugh: .



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Watched the series last night and saw Josh doing flying leaps. Was disappointed that they didn't show some of Moses more spectacular tricks such as coits, trolley pull or opening and closing cupboard/doors drawers then he would have been sure to win. I had sent them in a video with all his tricks. But then that is showbusiness and I am happy that my dog got on. Thanx for voting for us.

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