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What Kind Of Bones Do You Give ?


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Just wondering if there are different cuts of bones you give to different breeds because of the different sizes?

Not sure what to give mine.. thinking of buying a couple of bones to keep him occupied when Im out for a couple of hours ?

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Do you get the butcher to chop the bigger bones to smaller ones?

I guess Im not sure if he would be better off with something biggish so he can grab and chew or something smaller. I think im paranoid of him choking on the bones ! :)

I tried getting chicken necks but the chicken shop didnt have any ! hehehe

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My Sheltie Kasper gets chicken necks and lamb necks.....I get the butcher to cut down the lamb necks to about 3 inch size. Kasper eats all of the chicken necks but just eats the meat of the lamb necks as the bones are to hard for him.

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My bones are cut into meal size pieces. Don't get your butcher to chop each meal into little pieces or it defeats the purpose of the dog chewing on the bone. I feed:

chicken wings

chicken carcasses

lamb ribs

lamb necks

lamb off cuts

beef ribs

beef briskets

the occasional marrow bone

basically anything easily digested that is readily available. I get most of my bones from an organic butcher.

Also feed: heart, liver, kidneys (although Tyler prefers to roll in the kidneys than eat them so she doesn't get them very often :) )

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George (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) gets lamb necks now. He used to get lamb shanks but I find that the necks have a bit more for him to "get into" his teeth with - the shanks were too smooth.

We have tried beef soup bones but the bone proved too hard for his little jaw - much as he tried!

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I just bought a 'bag of bones' from the butcher at the market for $2.. !

Am going to give him one tonight in the backyard when we head out. I noticed that he doesn't play with the toys I leave out in the mornings.. sheesh! Seeing that he is quite food oriented, maybe the bone will keep him occupied for while :confused:

I decided not to get the chicken necks as he is a 'gobbler' !

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I would suggest that you don't give him the bone and then go out and leave him, especially if you are paranoid that he will choke on one. If the bones you bought are soft bones, then it should take him only 5 minutes to get through one anyway.

I always supervise Jyra with her bones and I have had to assist her twice when the bones have got stuck in her teeth, she has never choked on one.

Just restating that I have only had to help Jyra twice in 1.5 years of feeding raw bones every day. That is not very often (don't let it put you off giving bones), but makes it worth supervising anyway.

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I gave a piece of bone to him this evening and watched him carry it into his kennel.. chewed on it for 5 minutes and decided to 'bury' it... and wanted to come in.. lol

It didn't keep him occupied for long :confused: I did notice that it move from where he buried it before I left the house :confused:

It was a fairly hard piece of bone.. so I think he was trying to get the little bits of meat off it first.. :cry:

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Guest LittlePixie

Chicken frames, necks and wings

Lamb brisket, offcuts and necks

Turkey necks and wings

All fed raw, all fed whole.

My smallest dog is Brody (5kg)... if the others are eating something big for dinner I'll give the same thing to him whole and let him wrestle with it for as long as he likes, then either put it back in the fridge for his next meal or let Holly finish it off.

He keeps up well enough :confused:

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I have large dogs, I give them Chicken necks, Chicken frames and Turkey necks. They are given as part of their meal and not as treats. Anything else poses a problem for my dogs either of choking, puncturing, or breaking teeth. Many are also just too fatty.

I get the frames in bulk from a butcher for $5 a box (approx 25) and the necks from woolies.

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I mainly get bones from the butcher. When I get marrow bones I ask for it to be cut the bone in half horizontally and then cut in half so I have 4 bones. By cutting it horizontally my dogs can easily eat the soft stuff inside the bone.

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