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People Not Controlling Their Dogs At Obedience


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remember people, you have paid your money and invested your time to do the right thing by your dogs. If other people are being irresponsable then you have every right for you and your dog to say something. If you let people get away with stupid behaviour then the only ones to suffer will be you

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... I have one young girl in my class that every week watches her dog poo and just walks away and NEVER cleans up after her, :confused: .... I think to tell the instructor but feel I'm being a dober?? so I keep my mouth shut and my head down... :confused:

Kitty - The instructor would definately want to know about this. The grounds where you train are hired by your obedience school. It is part of the agreement with the people that they hire from that the grounds will be kept clean ... especially of doggy doos. They are school grounds. Apart from other dog handlers not wanting to step in it, there are kids who use the school during the week. They deserve to not have to dodge animal excament. Your obedience school has a good reputation for looking after the grounds they use, so they would want to know if anyone is not doing the right thing and cleaning up after their animal. Please do have a quiet word with your instructor .. subtley pointing out the 'offender' - just so they know and can keep an eye out on her and make sure she's doing her part. If it makes you feel easier, let the instructor know that I said for you to tell them and that the reason you're doing so is that I mentioned the club might get into trouble from the people we hire the grounds from. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the instructor will probably make a general announcement to remind everyone this is their responsibility, re-explain why (to refresh everyone's memory) and then be able to catch the offender on an individual basis if she doesn't comply.

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