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How Long Does It Take To Groom Your Dogs?


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When I had my Old English Sheepdogs, it seemed that all I did was grrom them. At one time I had 12 in show condition and I was constantly brushing them

My Elkhounds only take a 5 - 10 minutes brush each once a week. The Afghan iis almost 12 months old and still has his puppy coat, so he takes about 30 minutes every couple of nights. I know this will increase when he gets his adult coat.

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My friend has owned and shown afghans for years and has always told me never to brush them. She baths them at least weekly and they look gorgeous so I tend to follow her lead and seldom brush. I bath the shelties about every 6 weeks and apart from a comb behind the ears and in the elbows seldom touch them in between unless they are molting

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I would LOVE to see some pictures of your family of OES :laugh:

Dieter is very wash and wear, he gets a bath about once a month (or when he goes swimming) and probably a weekly brushing, more if he is blowing his coat... ugh!

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To fully groom my standards for showing.... it takes about 4hrs (bathing, drying, clipping & scissoring)

and to do a pet trim takes 2.5 hrs

The showdogs need a 30 brush several times a week and re banding (their coat is kept in latex bands)


Edited by capanash
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alot of treats or a massive bone & at least an hour of chasing him round the yard, only then to tackle him & hold him down & struggle till I cant hold him because of his wriggling the joys of a long haired GSD who hates to be brushed. My other normal hair GSD 2 mins :cheer:

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alot of treats or a massive bone & at least an hour of chasing him round the yard, only then to tackle him & hold him down & struggle till I cant hold him because of his wriggling the joys of a long haired GSD who hates to be brushed. My other normal hair GSD 2 mins :thumbsup:

aww can we pleeeaassee have some more photos of your LH GSD in the photo forum (i cant remember his name :cheer: ) :cheer:

Riley's pretty easy - just a brush every few days and a bath when he starts to smell :cheer:

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This is why I love my gundogs - wash and wear :cheer:

The pap is fairly easy too, though the Saint's take about 2hrs for show bath/groom/dry.

I've often dreamed of having a standard poodle/afghan but don't really have any idea how to keep them in show coat.

Capanash - do you have to keep them in bands constantly and only out for shows? Obviously you need to scissor/trim between shows but by doing so do you need to give them a full clipping session every 6wks or does the constant trimming keep them ok ?.

Norskgra - I know you afghan's still a baby but can you tell me how long it takes to fully/mait. groom an adult afghan ?. I saw on a program they shave the belly of the afghan's is this with show stock too ?

I apologise for all the questions but I'm geniunely interested to find out.

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Norskgra - I know you afghan's still a baby but can you tell me how long it takes to fully/mait. groom an adult afghan ?. I saw on a program they shave the belly of the afghan's is this with show stock too ?

I apologise for all the questions but I'm geniunely interested to find out.

No Problems Hazz.

When Afghans are in full adult coat, I prefer to give them a brush daily or every second day. It shouldn't take any more than 30 minutes. You need to spray/mist their coat before you brush them and Inormally use a leave in conditioner in the spray. You also need good quality brushes so that you don't break their coat.

Our current Afghan will be 12 months old on Thursday and he is taking more grooming because he is losing his puppy coat whicjis prone to matting with his adult coat.

NO, you don't shave the belly on a show Afghan. The standard actually states that coat must be allowed to develop naturally.

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Thanks Norskgra :cheer:

So is 12 mths the time when they get their adult coat ?, and how long til it is full adult length ?. Now you said the standard states that the coat must develop naturally - so is the show coats you see in the ring (long on legs and follows the body up - shorter in mid region - then back down again) is how the coat is naturally with no trimming ?.

And one last question (I promise :thumbsup: ) Do you have to keep the hair banded (like capanash's poodles) to keep it in top condition or is it versatile enough to cope with daily activities ?.

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Hi Hazz,

They can start to get their adult coat earlier than 12 months but do not really have their full adult coat to 18 months to 2 years. What you see in the ring is supposed to be natural and most of the Afghans around their coat is completely natural apart from their saddle and maybe tail which people normal pluck. Most of them aren't trimmed although they maybe thinned out a bit. Normally you would band the males coat in the areas that may get wet when he lifts his leg. You wouldn't normally band a female. They would also normally wear a snood to protect the hair on the head and ears when they are eating and drinking.

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being a lab mine should only take 10minutes a week!! but being me (mr parinoid about what it looks like) i usually brush every second day for about 20mins especially at this time of the year, hes moulting so much it goes everywhere.I wouldn't be able to cope with a dog that requires constant grooming as im too much of a perfectionist, id end up never stopping and id be constantly critical. Im critical enough now.

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Grooming? What's grooming? :cry:

She gets a bath the day before (or of) the show. That takes about 10minutes, including drying time!!

Plus about 2 mins to remove her whiskers.

Oh, and she gets her nails trimmed once every couple of weeks, so that's another 10minutes.

Hey, this is adding up! :cry:

I dont know how you cope with the long coated breeds that take so long to prepare. You must have liked playing with hair as a child!!

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