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Ingrown Eyelash


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Would like to hear from any body (particularly Sheltie owners) who may have had this problem and what they did about it. My 4 month old Sheltie has 2 inngrowing eyelashes that ar rubbing on his eye..my options are a $900 opertion with a Specialist (minimal scaring) or let my local vet do it a lot cheaper but more scaring.....I'm curious as to how much scaring a dog would have when done at their local vet. Also if anyone has had the operation have the hairs grown back....why can't they just pluck them out.

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Been there with my samoyed. Shes had it done twice so far. Firstly by specialist vet at the local surgery (which cost me less) and the last time by a doggy opthalmologist. I would definately go with an opthalmologist as the equiment eg.microscope is so much better than what a local vet would have.

My dog has no scarring apart from a healed ulcer on her eye caused by the irratation. If its only a few hairs they can be plucked out but would most likely return. The hair follicles need to be excised completely for the problem not to reoccur. So far its been 6months since the last surgery but i have been forwarned that the hair follicles that havent been removed will most likely cause more problems later down the track.

You may be lucky and only require 1 lot of surgery but i would advise take your pooch to someone whos an expert in the field. When i had to way up the diffence in cost between the two (double the cost with an opthalmologist) i simply put it in the following context. I wouldnt have eye surgery done by a general surgeon nor would i allow a dentist to deliver one of my kids.

Good luck.

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I agree with Cowanbree - contact your breeder & get them to show you how to pluck out with tweezers. You may find that once removed, they may not come back. Have had this happen.

Easier & cheaper to see what happens with the tweezers first than getting an operation especially when it is only one or two eyelashes.

Then if it is a problem, suggest you ask your breeder to recommend either a vet or eye specialist to do the operation.

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  • 1 month later...

Interested in this too as my girl has extra eyelashes and has had a bit of redness and weeping today, though first time we've seen it (we've had her 2 weeks)

I suppose it can't be any worse than plucking our own eyebrows really

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I dont think it would be something I would be attempting myself. Might cause more damage than good.

Maybe go to the vet the first time (if the breeder is too far away) and see how they pluck them out and then give it a go yourselves next time.

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Hi If you like I can come and do this for you?I come up your way for work just pm and let me know...

I have had to pluck eye lashes heaps of times they are very fine but if left they can cause more problems best to get on this straight away.

Good luck

Edited by Owned by Shelties
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It is very easy. Sit outside on a sunny day or use a lamp to shine on the eye (not too close), this highlights the hair. Pull the lid away from the eye so ther is no danger of touching the eye and then very carefully pull the hair out. Generally it comes out very easily and is a lot easier to pull than the likes of our eyebrows. Be very careful and only use blunt ended tweezers, they do have to be good ones that close completely or the hair can be difficult to grasp. I have never had any problems.

Please don't leave your dog with ingrown eyelashes. If you can't do it take it to the vet, these are very painful for the dog. Imagine having something rubbing on your eye

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Thanks guys, I will have a good look at it tonight and make sure that is what it is (which I would assume as that's her puppy eye test came back with 2 on one side and 1 on the other with the advice to wait and see if it caused a problem) Her original owners said it was not a problem before and I am close with her breeder so will give her a call tonight too

Thank you for your advice, and will let you know if I need more help (if that's OK!!!)


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Hi since I posted this topic I have been to a fantastic Vet in Glenhuntly who looked at Kasper's eye and said that it didn't seem to be bothering him at the moment and would like to wait until he is a few months older to make sure no more extra eyelashed appear...one of Kaspers testicles have not come down so we will get them both done at the same time. This vet has done the operation on a friend of mine's show poodle so I know he will do a good job with no scaring.

I think the trouble with plucking is the hair will grow back short and sharp which will irritate even more

Edited by sheltiesrule
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Had a good look at moll's eye and can see the extra eyelash but it is sooooooooo fine

Her other eye has a thicker one but it does not cause a problem

I wonder if it is the eye lash causing it or something else

I'm going to give her another night and then book er at the vet if it's not looking good tomorrow

Compared to any of the pics I can find, hers seems almost non exisistant

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You guys are unreal suggesting plucking them out if the dog wiggles or she misses some as they are smaller the poor animal can end up with more eye damage that it did in the start pay the 900 get it fixed by a specialist and as for breeders this is something that is being seen more and more its expensive to fix and breeders should addressing it in their breeding stock rathe than making out it isnt an issue

If you sell a pup as a pet and the owner doesnt realise this is an issue a dog could be suffereing for a lng time damaging the eye before it eventually gets seen to

Ive just had the surgery done it was quick no disconfort no scarring and now i can relax and no once done the lashes wont come back as the follicle is destroyed

It makes me mad that things liek this are just brushed off by breeders how many pluck extra lashes and continue to show and breed from the affected dog even though this is an genetic problem

Edited by yogibear
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As a breeder I am extremely concerned about eyelashes, I have never knowingly bred from an affected dog but as it is a extremely common issue in my breed and all my puppy owners are advised of the problem.

As for your comment about it not growing back, I can assure you it does in a very high percentage of cases, every single time they recoat. The first time I struck it I had the dog operated on, 6mths later they were back. It is a lot simpler and safer to simply pluck them out

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I have to agree with cowanbree I am not a breeder but have owned shelties all my life so I think I know what is best for them. I would rather pluck them out myself, knowing if I paid the money for the operation the eyelashes can and will come back... So i would suggest if you can see them do it yourself if you dont feel comfortable just take your dog to the vet and they will do it for you.

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When I first posted this thread my husband looked at Kasper eye and although he could see it he still wasn't confident to pluck it as Kasper may have moved at that moment....and when I asked the Vet about plucking them he siad No, they will just grow back you need to get rid of the hair folicle.

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well i have been assured by a specialist that they dont grow bak as the follicle is destroyed so maybe since you had yours done they have found better techniques different to freezing etc which arent as successful

only ten percent of dogs that have these new technichues ned further surgery and that is only if they had rubbed the lash out before surgery it it hadnt grown through at the time as they can only see those with lashes in them

so the surgery is the best way to go saves a lot of mucking around and risk to the dog a hair cannot grow where there is no follicle for it to grow in simple as that

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kasper's eyes are worse his coat is thickening up and both his eyes are pink around the edge of the eyelid...he is also blinkin alot...I have looked but cannot see any eyelashes that could be annoying him...i don't know hether to take him to the vet now or wait until his coat had finished growing ;)

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