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More Itchy Dogs


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I know this has been a common problems but my Elkhounds and Afghan are continually itchy and scratching all the time. I have never had dogs as itchy as they are.

They are regularly treated for fleas and I have checked and they do not have any. There is no sign of any skin problems.

Both the dogs fed on BARF and the ones fed on dry are itchy so it can't be food initiated.

They all get fish oil tablets daily and fish at least once a week.

I have even tried washing them in wool wash as suggested in a previous post and it didn't make any difference.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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My young lab has recently developed a rash. It is in the areas where she sits and lays down so the vet thinks it is a contact allergy which makes sense to me. I need to work out what is causing it. The only new addition to the garden was some straw I put on the vegie patch. What part of their bodies have the rash? This might give you a clue.

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Thats the problem Katey. There is no sign of a rash or any skin problems. There is no sign of anything wrong apart from the itching.

There have not been any changes to thier surrounding either. The reason is a mystery.

Edited by norskgra
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Hi Hazz,

There are no new plants in flower. The ones that are inflower, have been here for a lot longer than the dogs. The itching has only been going on for a couple of months.

They don't have any new bedding and the bedding they do use I made for them and it is washed regularly.

We use Revolution on them and have not changed recently. Our youngest had a bath at her breeders before a show about a week ago and was flea rinsed but I don't know what they used. No fleas came out there or were sighted.

This is why I can not work out what could be causing it. Nothing has changed.

I know that the do not have flea allergy dermatitis because my old kelpie x suffers from it on and off. The house and surroundings are also regularly sprayed for fleas.

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One of my dogs had nonstop itching and it wasn't until I checked out the dried food that I realised the problem. It was 22% protein.

Make sure that the protein level is under 20% as too much heats up the blood and creates a vicious circle of scratching. You'll find their skin is very hot to touch.

In this particularly hot weather keep the red meat down.

An idea worth looking into. It helped with mine.


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I have an itchy dog too, it only takes one lone wandering flea to set off flea bite dermatitis in some dogs, she is on tablets and a rinse and still scratching and a barf diet as well it is so frustrating going to try wool wash tomorrow.

Ditto on all acounts :D

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Wool wash can cause burns on some animals so I would advise against using it or if doing so to use extreme caution.

We are going through the same itchy problem with George at the moment and are on an elimination trial.

As Suezija pointed out, a lot of animals can also develop a protein allergy and it can happen quite suddenly even after years of being on the same food. Maybe a food elimination trial might help?

Other than that the next thing we are trying is to keep George off the grass and see whether this has any effect. I am thinking contact allergy as it seems to be the paws and bottom half of him which is worse.

Good luck though - I too, know the frustration of trying to find the source of itching!

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A couple of herbs I would look into using are (if you are interested in natural remedies) - Burdock root Arctium lappa , a blood cleanser. Licorice root Glycyrrhiza glabra , an anti-inflammatory also aids the adrenal glands which produce the body's natural cortisone, and Yellow dock Rumex crispus which is commonly used for skin conditions (dry itchy skin) -blood cleanser, it aids in the elimination of toxins.

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Sounds like this "rash" is going around...

Mine also has a rash where she sits, on her paws and her belly. My Vet also said it is probably a contact allergy?!?!?!?!In which case she will have to get a blood test to try and determine what it is she is allergic too.

However, she had some quarterzone (spelling??) shots and antibiotics and she has finally STOPPED!!!!

Yahoo, if only some temporary relief, for BOTH of us it is worth it.

I have also put her on the "fish and chip" diet which is potato and fish and NOTHING else and they are apparently having just fantastic results with coats from this product.

We shall see eh!!

I too share your pain Norskgra, wishing you the best.


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have you tried malasab or even an emu oil shampoo.I had a dog who was constantly scratching and after taking her to the vets they put her on Macrolone tablets and suggested malasab washes.Vet said even pollens in the air can set off allergies.While she is quite good now(not on tablets) i still bath her in malaseb occasionally but use emu oil shampoo every couple of weeks now



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