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Today a friend of mine made the difficult decision to have her gorgeous man Oscar PTS.

I hope I can do him justice in saying that he will remembered by many people and dogs as a gentle and loving dog with perpetual cheer, a permenant grin and a great sense of humor.

After one last swim he was given his wings and will never again feel any pain.

Lots of love :laugh:

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RIP Ocar Man. You were a credit to your breed. Always happy always smiling, loved a swim but only with other dogs or it was a bit too much like exercise, and who will ever forget your tyres that you loved playing with sooo much.

No more pain just free happy running with my Khesahn.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you to everyone who have mourned the passing of my special boy Oskar.

It is good to know that others saw past his disability and through to the special qualities that I was able to see.

I know that I will never again know a dog as special as Osk and hope to see him again one day.


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