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Best Heart And Intestinal Wormers


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Little Pixie,

Have you used a credit card with Priceless Pets?. Their prices look too good to be true. I kinda believe that if something looks too good to be true then it isn't true. If you or anyone else has used a credit card and purchased without any problems I will purchase some.

You can call and give CC details - this is what I did. They were extremely fast and it was great service.

As to what and how - I've been advised (once I move to Cairns - paralysis tick country) to use Interceptor Spectrum once monthly with Advantix every two weeks.




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Hey guess what mickatie, I can actually understand this topic :rolleyes:

I use Heartguard, Drontal every three months and Advantage for fleas when necessary. I haven't actually had any fleas for three years so I've been lucky.

I don't use the 'all in one' monthly products because I don't want to put all those chemicals into my dogs every month to treat something that they probably don't have.

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I use Heartgard and Drontal and have been v. happy. I haven't tried payless pets but use vetshopaustralia.com.au and have been for about 4 yrs. they are great. good prices, fast service, secure server etc. run by real vets too (some of the others look pretty dodgy.

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