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Southern Obedience Dog Club


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Hi all,

Long time no post. I have been working full time, so that why I haven't been around much.

I saw a ad in my local paper to say that Southern Obedience are having an open day next saturday. I was wondering if thats correct. I looked on the website and there is nothing there for it.

Also, does any one go there, or know anything about it?? The breeder of my boy recommended that obedience club.

Thanks in advance,


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hi there

thats a lovley set of boys you have!

I trained there a very long time ago when i was about 13 - 14. I imagine it would have changed a lot since then. (i am 37 now!) I remember it as very busy, lots of dogs and lots of grid formation heeling. I had a german shep pup at the time and they didnt have much time for teenage handlers. An adult perspective would be better so check them out and try before you buy. I have since worked with and for many trainers and that is my advice. Ask lots of questions and try out all the clubs in the areas you are prepared to drive to. See how they treat you and what they can offer in the form of help and advice. If you like what you see then go back and join up. If you dont like how anybody treats you then keep looking till you find what you like. There are many options available to you and what one person recomends might not be what you yourself are looking for in a training place. Good luck and happy hunting! :confused:

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I've been to southern. They are basically a trial based club, pretty "traditional". Some good trainers, some I didn't like so much.


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We went there years ago they were pretty open to trianing methods then but as with all clubs the committees change and so do the ideals of the club.

I hatd the ground getting through the verandah of dogs that lunged and barked was like running the gauntlet it was almost impossible to walk through to the ground withour having you or your dog pounced on at least once. You also had to wait forever to use the rings Hopefully things have changed since then

I agree with beardog check out all your options and then make a list of pros and cons of each club


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:laugh: The beagles and i love southern, the trainers that i have worked with have been 100% to date, the grounds are open to members all year/week, day round, the aglity equipment is owned by the club (as are the grounds and club room), the puppy area and one agility are seprated from the rest of the grounds.we searched for months for the perfect place to take the beagles (one being the supreme escape artist) and travel 40 minutes each way to class every week. Since the beagles have started there 2 girls @ work have joined us each week and are as impressed as we are with their methods, the grounds and the facilities avaliable, have a look around, go to open days as everyone suggests- i cant give it a big enough wrap :confused:
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This is my first post so I will head on over to meet and greet shortly but just wanted to say that I go to Southern, it's great

My pup has been there for 3 months I think and has learnt heaps

I just checked the 2006 dates and the open day is this Sat 28th Jan

Come have a look, I'll be there with Eddie

I was recommended to go their bu his breeder who goes there as do a few other breeders she knows

Shortly after I joined my friend joined with her 4 year old beagle and the difference in him is amazing already

The grounds are great as they are owned by the club and fully enclosed with a tall (7 foot maybe?) fence and you can go down there through the week to train or to let them run, it's a few acres from memory, great size

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shoemonster: will look out for you :mad we are wednesday night folk- finally made it the obediance level 5 (i know its only Beginners- but the beagle boys did it!!!) we actually went to 6 diffrent obediance clubs in melbourne looking for advice and the best training methods for beagles- we were laughged @ by 4 and told beagles will never pass obediance and another 2 told us the use of treats/motivation/rewards were not acceptable in their clubs :rolleyes:

Went down to southern and wow- what a diffrence, we can use treats, the boys can go for a huge run before class in a fully enclosed area and the level of experience amongst the trainers in fantastic! Our favoirte trainer has raised hounds and every time she sees the boys go up a class she is almost as excited as we are :o big fan :)

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We've been going Wed and Sun

I have noticed a few beagles tere (apart from Coop, my friends, I think he is in beginner 4 or 5 too)

Next time I see someone with a beagle I will ask them if they are crazy lol

We didn't go last week though as Eddie has a foot injury but he is on the mend and I think I'll be there this week, if not just for the social visit!!!!

Good on you and your beagles, they are not easy but your guys and Coop prove that it is not impossible either

Oh Suz, we're all real friendly at Southern too! I love it down there

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:rolleyes: shoemonster: love the name :mad we are wednesday, class 5- and there are 2 handlers and 2 beagles!!!! both boys even though the little one looks like and gets called a girl :o we will be there next week- maybe this week if we can get out of work earlier enough? :)

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Will definately keep an eye out for you and introduce myself!

Eddie has graduated puppy class on Sun (well we have to go to one more just to get the cert!!!) but he's already in beg 2 on wednesdays as there is no pup class at night, he has been doing really well though but he's generally a good boy anyway (I think I got the only stafford in the world who has so far been non destructive Woo hoo!!! Though there is always time for that to come!!!)

Edited to say: Sorry I kinda took over your thread Suz, hope you go down to the open day

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Suz - it definately pays to check out a few training places and do your home work. I take my Murray to ADT and they are fantastic but it is all what you want to get out of the training and what works for you. ADT have info sessions as well so that you can get an idea of what services they offer etc. They also have centres all over Melb.

Have fun with training your boy whereever you decide to go cos that's the whole point :)


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  yogibear said:
We went there years ago they were pretty open to trianing methods then but as with all clubs the committees change and so do the ideals of the club.

I hatd the ground getting through the verandah of dogs that lunged and barked was like running the gauntlet it was almost impossible to walk through to the ground withour having you or your dog pounced on at least once. You also had to wait forever to use the rings Hopefully things have changed since then

I agree with beardog check out all your options and then make a list of pros and cons of each club


i found it the same as you Yb ... the verandah is like running the gauntlet...lol if u have either an aggressive or a timid dog it makes it pretty hard... there are some great trainers there dont get me wrong but also some not so good ones . personaly i didnt like their training methods, and altho they have great grounds i wouldnt go there..

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Hey Suz,

If your breeder recommended there, do they train there?

How old is your boy? Who is his breeder? He could be related to my boy!!! There are 3 or 4 sbt breeders there and their lines are very close

Oh and the verandah isn't that bad guys, the dogs on the verandah are alwas attached to a person, it only really gets chaotic in the minutes before class starts!

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Yeah I know what you mean but I find there are more good people who are watching than bad who aren't down there (just my experience anyway!) There are only a few dopes lol

Suz I found your post on Bronsons breeder, not familiar with it but I'm new anyway so don't know that much!

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We spent a year at Southern with Jazz. On the whole i found it reasonably good, but i have to agree that they are more 'traditional' and perhaps a little military-like in their methods. As others have said, there are some great trainers there and also some not so good. I really didn't think about the verandah thing until someone mentioned it... i agree! It was always a bit of a struggle to get your dog through LOL. One of the advantages of Southern though, is that they own the grounds, so you are able to exercise your dog there almost any time (fully fenced).

When we moved, we started going to Berwick DOC, which i found more relaxed - nice bunch of people as well. Now we go to Berwick ADT which is fantastic - couldn't recommend them highly enough! The initial cost is high, but if you spend several years training your dog at one of the clubs, the cost is probably comparable.

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I was quite impressed by what I saw today. I had to leave relatively early as I had my 2 kidlets with me, one of which isn't feeling too well.

I am all joined up and start tomorrow, so we will see how we go.

Oh, nice to meet you Shoemonster!!! See you tomorrow.

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