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I Still Can't Decide When.......

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What a heartbreaking time for you MSJ. I truly feel your pain, it really is such a hard decision. You have received some wonderful advice though, and you know Jenna better than anyone. So believe me, you will know.

I remember with my Blue cattle dog, she just didn't seem herself anymore. My parents went to take her to the vet (I was young then) and before they even left I knew she would not come back. My Pepper just wasn't in there anymore. She was gone. Her eyes were void and lifeless and looked as if they were looking far, far away into the distance. And I believe whatever she was seeing in the distance gave her eyes a flicker of hope or relief from the pain she was in. She probably saw rainbow bridge in the distance. She was seeing something that I couldn't. She knew it was her time, and so did I. Luckily, although I didn't want to believe it, I said my goodbyes (still hoping she would come back from the vet). But she didn't. I was devastated, but knew it was right and felt some relief. Cause my girl had gone, and it was her eyes mainly that told the story. I was only young, but I could see it... and so will you. And I will never forget that look or the story her eyes told me for as long as I live.

Give Jenna lots of love until that time comes.

Best wishes to you in this terrible time.

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:) You know her..you will see when she looks tired..when her eyes don't sparkle, and when she has to work hard at being the clean, considerate girl she has no doubt been.

One day..she will just radiate the fact that she doesn't want to fight anymore.

Thinking of you.

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I knew it was time two days before my rotti collapsed with partial paralysis with what was likely osteosarcoma. While I knew in my heart, his physical sign of degeneration was the clincher....he still had enough gumption to try and bite the vet though...heart breaking moment, pin down your dog so the one trying to euthanase him doesn't get bitten.

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My darling Stafford was PTS in May 2005 after being diagnosed with cancer 18mths earlier. It broke my heart to see him slowly get worse and worse. In the end, I just had to look in his eyes and know that the time was right. He wasn't his normal self, and just looked at me as if to say "its time to let go mum"

I cried and cried and it took all my strength to actually get to the vet to do it. The poor vet nurse took one look at me when I walked in and instantly handed me the entire box of tissues.

I am so sorry that you are going through this, and I an sending you oodles of strength and courage.

You will know in you heart when the time is right.

OK - off to get the tissues again!!

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How do i thank all you guys who reponded/adviced/suggested things/sent me links/shared stories/experiences!!! :confused: and wrote such big lengthy responses!


Well as you all said, she will hopefully let me know when, and i will be looking for those signs before she deteriorates too much...

Atm , she is not that bad, just losing weight and lacks spirit...

Life goes on for the moment :laugh:

Thankyou CK9 for all those links!!

haven't had time to look into them properly yet, but will


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