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I agree giving medication to any of our dogs is not ideal. Three of my old dogs were on long term pain relief medication so I had been educated on their use.

All the same, if someone was not willing to spend the dollars (which is not the reason of this thread), I would suggest buffered aspirin.

I keep an emergency canine medical kit in my vehicle and buffered aspirin is included.

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All the same, if someone was not willing to spend the dollars (which is not the reason of this thread), I would suggest buffered aspirin.

I keep an emergency canine medical kit in my vehicle and buffered aspirin is included.

But you said you had some education about the uses of painkillers in dogs :thumbsup: The OP or the friend obviously DON'T. Therefore the best advice is for the dog to be taken to a vet BEFORE it gets overdosed with human medication. :)

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Nurofen is not safe to be given to dogs. My girl Morgan found some Nurofen in my handbag when she was a young puppy. After a quick call to the vets to see if it was dangerous she was rushed to the vets and given some kind of crystals to induce vomiting. She was called the Nurofen puppy at the vets for the next few months.

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Glad to see you've been careful as Panadol and similar drugs will kill people so I hate to think what they would do to dogs.

I know this very very well as my 13 year old daughter recently overdosed on Panadol and the emergency department told me that it is the second most dangerous drug to overdose on and SHOULD NOT be available in supermarkets for anyone to purchase. I have also seen on the animal shows on Animal Planet that a dog nearly died from chewing on human tylenol which is the same as panadol.


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Panadol will kill a dog, as said before the liver does not react the same way as humans do and a dog who is given panadol could suffer fatal liver failure. I believe it's the paracetamol in the product therefore I suggest that nurofen is not given either!

Talk to your vet if your dog requires medication for pain. Hope everything is ok

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