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Sore Paw


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I have a liitle fella with a sore paw. He has lost a bit of the layer on the pad between the pads. I took him to the vet yesterday & he seems OK with it. Said it would heal in about a week. But he keeps on licking at it & it drives me crazy. I thought there wasa bitter spray of some description that you can spray on to stop him licking. Does any one know of it? Do you have to get it at a vet?


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Cant remember the name - you can get it at the vet or at a good petshop (that doenst sell pets :D )

And its yucky... I tried it just to see how bad it was :cool:

I was heaving for about an hour :rolleyes: :worship:

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Yep there is one, the one we have here is the one you can spray on furniture and is also safe to use on wounds etc.

You'll find them at most larger pet stores, your vet would probably have some too.

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the vet should be able to give u a small bottle of ,.... wound deterant.. its a bitterant spray they usually give to u after an op to deter them from biting stitches out,, if u have alreadt taken the dog to the vets just go back and ask for some tell them that the dog is licking and chewing at the wound...,, they should give u some free of charge my old vet did..

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Is that bitter aloe?.

Its a bugger when they chew, especially though when you apply something like filtabac to their noses and they say dont let the dog lick it off!!, only other way would be an Elizabethan collar.

Now a good cheap way to do this collar, esp if vets closed, is to cut the bottom out of a plant pot holder, you know those plastic ones that you stand the pot in to hold the water-cant remember what you call them!!

Quite effective

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I wrapped Mac's foot up in a sock when he had a sore paw that he kept licking at. He's a pretty good boy though - he doesn't tear things up. Maybe that's an option for you. :worship:

As for bitter spray - I heard that ferrets like the stuff! :rolleyes:

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  lablover1 said:
the vet should be able to give u a small bottle of ,.... wound deterant.. its a bitterant spray they usually give to u after an op to deter them from biting stitches out,, if u have alreadt taken the dog to the vets just go back and ask for some tell them that the dog is licking and chewing at the wound...,, they should give u some free of charge my old vet did..

That is the stuff!!


(would also like to say tha ti have tried Metaderm?? (SP) Atlas was on it and hated it.. i didnt think it could be that bad!! After a taste i put it in the bin.. it was so horrible!!)

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Well i went to the vet and bought some stuff called "Fooey" (the bottle says "the most bitter stuff on earth". wasn't cheap either. well my little boy wasn't put off in the slightest! just kept on licking despite the bitter taste. And yes I tasted it to and its revolting. I guess he'll drive me batty to-nite. i might try the sock idea.

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I think the spray you are wondering about is called Bitter Lime spray. If the Fooey doesn't work then the other stuff probably won't either. My friend has some stuff in a bottle called Yuck!, she only has to bring the bottle out and the dogs run. It's not the taste but the smell which they hate. I have no idea where you could get this though :) .



Edited for spelling.

Edited by fido666
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I never managed to get anything for wounds, Stella would lick everything streight away, and vet always said she would, though yes, there are some products supposed to deterr the licking.

Try to convince him to Eliz. collar, just couple days may be enough.

Same time, if its' in the paw, there may be something left, like tiny splint, so have a good look.

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Well its a few days now & he is much better. walks normally again now & the sore part of the paw has gone back to its usual black colour. I actually washed his paw in pyohex shampoo & i think it helped a bit. Its interesting the anatomy of a paw, the vet told me its just dead skin. interesting.

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