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Gsd With Exocrine Pancreatic Deficiency


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My gsd has been diagnosed with exocrine pancreatic deficiency. My vet has suggested that I continue to feed her normally but add a supplement called "enzyplex' to each meal.

I'm wondering if anyone else has had a dog with this condition or can give me any other information or ideas re special diet, etc that may help my beautiful girl!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated



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Tomorrow i will give you a link to a forum devoted to dogs with this condition (my weim has it). They have lots of experience and advice to offer. Dont panic if the enzyplex doesnt work, it didnt for mine but there are stronger alternatives that work well - my boy now has to diet because he is too heavy.

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The forum is a yahoo groups discussion board, you apply through yahoo groups to join in order to view.

[email protected]

Once you sign up you get a first email which is very long but well worth taking time over, it covers a lot of info on feeding and treatments for EPI and also SIBO that some of the dogs have in association with epi. After that feel free to ask questions - there are a number of regulars who have lots of info.

You will find it is heavily american with some european, think i am the only current australian, but most are german shepherd owners so they will love you :eek: . You will find they dont know enzyplex, its australian and seems different in that when i spoke to the manufacturers it was bacterial derived. Consensus among the board is you need an animal derived enzyme to get good effect, but as none have tried out the enzyplex its worth a shot as it is cheaper than the animal derived. By the way americans will speak of pancreatin or viokase, the equivalent here is Creon (human drug that my dog has), unfortunately due to import restrictions we dont have access here to the cheap bulk ordering that the forum offers.

Like i said before dont panic, now you have a diagnosis and that is the hard part over (took 6 vets for my dog). Many vets see very few cases so the extra info the group can provide is often useful, and they are now sending info to vets, to help with understanding.

One other thing; they dont get into breeding lines despite the genetic evidence in gsd, so there is no bitching/finger pointing about breeders, its purely about helping the dogs and the owners deal with epi.

Sure your dog will improve - just a case of experimenting with meds and foods to find what suits the individual best.

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sorry I have had no experience, yet, with this disease, you are in luck though, being in NSW as Dr Karen Hedberg is there, as you know, if you have not seen her, I would recommend making a visit.

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Guest magnum

Hi Kaz,

I would also contact your breeder, as some lines are known to have this problem maybe if they have had dogs with this condition they can help you too.

Best of luck with your girl :eek:

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Hi Kaz,

I would also contact your breeder, as some lines are known to have this problem maybe if they have had dogs with this condition they can help you too.

Best of luck with your girl :eek:

Good point Magnum and as this condition can be inherited, perhaps they could consider doing some research for the future

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With an EPI dog its most important to keep low protein & low fat, as these are the two things that the pancreas finds the hardest to digest. You always make the mix in a soup-like consistency, adding powdered animal pancreas enzymes (I use prescription 'Pancrezyme' brand) to each & every meal. Allow the enzymes to set for 15-30 min before serving. Do not substitute plant enzymes with animal pancreas enzymes as plant enzymes are not strong enough for an EPI dog. It's also important to feed many (3 or more) small meals a day rather then two or one big meal. Smaller meals are easier to digest.

The following are foods & supplements recommended by a veterinarian. Basics are meat, potato & cottage cheese. Others can be added one at a time to test for reactions & for a change in taste for the dog.

Foods (All foods need to be blended in the blender for easier digestion)

White Rice, Potato's (White or Yam), Macaroni, Oatmeal, Corn Meal, Cream of Wheat, White cream of Rice (there is brown cream of rice but a holistic vet recommends the white)

Yogurt (To keep down bacterial infection)

Cottage Cheese

Veggies *Pureed* (these should be introduced slowly, they need these for fiber. Fiber holds the food in the stomach longer allowing more time for digestion)

Peas, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots.

Meat (Boiled & blended)

Ground Turkey, Ground Beef, Ground Chicken, Fish


B12 (up to 50 mg per day)

B100 (1/4 capsule per day)

(Use Wellness brand Phyto greens powder as this has the B's in it & other good things. This should be added slowly. The wellness is a much better brand then 'Missing Link'!)

Calcium (500 mg capsule 2X a day)

Milk Thistle (100-200mg capsule per day. This eases digestion)

Blood tests should be taken every 6-12 months (for the rest of dogs life) to make sure enzyme & other levels are all normal.

If feeding home cooked, keep a close watch on the dogs stools for any changes, report any changes to your vet a.s.a.p. Also keep a lookout for excessive drinking, as this could be a sign the disease has caused diabetes.


Following meals suggested a these amounts are for eating for a whole day

Cottage Cheese and Rice Diet

1 cup cottage cheese, 1% fat

5 3/4 cups cooked white rice

2 Hard boiled egg yolks, no whites

2 teaspoons bone meal

Multivitamin as directed on label

Now you can also omit the egg yolks and add 2 teaspoons Canola Oil instead. Everything else is the same.

Chicken and Rice Diet

1 1/3 cup Chicken Breast Cooked (no skin)

5 3/4 cups cooked white rice

2 tsp Canola Oil

3/10 tsp Salt

Multi Vitamin

Again here you can also interchange the egg yolk as in above diet with the canola oil.

Chicken and Potato Diet (this is still low fat, but we are increasing the protein)

2 cups Chicken Breast cooked no skin/fat

7 cups cooked potatoes with skin

2 tsp Canola Oil

2 tsp. Bone Meal

Multi Vitamin

You can omit the oil to make it even lower in fat if need be.

Cottage Cheese and Potato Diet

2 Cups Cottage Cheese, 1 %

7 Cups Potatoes with Skin

2 tsp. Canola Oil

2 tsp Bome Meal

Multi Vitamin

Still waiting to hear from friend with dobe but found this for you

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Hi everyone and thanks for all your help - I have been a viewer of this forum for some time but this is the first time I have posted something and I am so happy with the response I have received! :laugh:

Dogdayz - I have signed up with the group - thank you

for all the info and for your reassurances!

Holly - great idea - I will contact Dr Hedburg and see if I can organise to see her

Magnum - I have contacted the breeder that my girl came from (they actually own the sire - hope thats the correct term for my girls dad) and they are contacting the breeder (owner of the dam) and trying to find out whether there have been problems with any of the others from that litter etc

Isaviz - thanks for all the diet info - it is interesting that you mention excessive drinking/possible diabetes - my girl started drinking heaps more than usual from when I started giving her the enzyplex - I mentioned it to the vet but she didnt seem too bothered about it and - do you think i should chat with the vet again? how do they test dogs for diabetes?

Once again - thank you all

I will let you know how she goes


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tell the vet may be important and probably test with blood test type

exocrine pancreatic deficiency

in the yahoo toolbar and you will find heaps of stuff

hope your gsd is okay and how about posting a pic

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Thanks Isaviz and I would love to post a photo but I dont know how!!

I had only just figured out how to post a message and respond ! but I will ask the IT people at work today and have a go at posting a photo tonight.


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Sorry to hear about the EPI diagnosis, but as the others have said there are products and foods that you can give which help in most cases.

Enzyplex is a great product which helps majority of EPI cases. It provides the essential digestive enzymes normally provided by the pancreas, which helps give complete digestion of food and improves nutrient availability and absorption so your dog puts the weight back on and stays healthy. Combine this with the diet your vet has given and you should notice improvements within weeks.

I hope it helps, please keep us posted!



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