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Very Sick Doggy


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My friend knows someone with a husky who's sick.

His ears are oozing dark puss and his eyes are oozing white puss, he has a fever and constantly shivers...and he's lethargic...anyone know what it could be?

The vet says it's a simple cold, but I have a feeling it's much more.

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Ear Infections

Common signs of ear infection include:

    * Head shaking

    * Frequent scratching

    * Foul odors

    * Abnormal discharge

    * Redness and pain

She has just told me that the ear has unusual smells..could it be an ear infection?

She just told me that the dog is not really bothered by them touching his ears...and he's not scratching nor shaking his head...because he doesn't want to move at all.

He's 4 months old.

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Ears do not generally ooze pus nor smell abnormal - so it's gotta be an infection. Ditto eyes. General malaise ie doesn't want to move plus rigors (fever plus shivering) = TAKE THE DOG TO ANOTHER VET IMMEDIATELY!! Stop the dog shivering or his temperature will rise even further.


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get the dog to a different vet asap. it could be a zinc problem, but not entirely, it is more likly an infection requiring medical treetment now...

make shour the dog is getting lots of water to drink, your friend may need to do this by hand depending on how bade the dog is, you need to keep the pup well hydrated or you may loose it.

tempt the pup on some mild, cooked chicken again hand feed if necasery, if he dosn't eat it leve it nere the pup for 15-30 min to see if he will eat it on his own.

deffinatly get the pup to a new VET ASAP

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I just heard the owner of the pup isn't even that good of an owner...

They just kept the pup for breeding purposes.. :rofl: :D

They took her to a different vet..I heard that she's not doing so well...they said the disease is pretty much too late to cure... :(

They bought their pup from a pet shop and she's probably not vaccinated...


:p :rofl::rofl:

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:p :rofl: grrr what makes these people think they can just breed..... the poor dog suffers while they are just thinking of the potential money that can be made from him... i hope if he is suffering that he is given his wings and it teaches them a lesson , this is bad karma coming to them and thats what they deserve...

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The poor pup has been put to sleep today.

I wish her all the best in heaven, at least now she doesn't have to be giving birth to a bunch of puppies and she can play and romp around and do everything a real puppy does at rainbow bridge.

:p :rofl::rofl:

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What ? Someone is not telling the whole truth here me thinks. No vet that saw a discharge as you describe would write it off as a cold and Ear infections etc dont go from one thing to needing to be put to sleep in such a short time without many other symptoms. Very strange . Pups that come from pet shops have to be vaccinated prior to sale. Zinc deficiencies can affect the dog's immune system but there was more than that going on here.

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You know how there are those road-side puppy selling "booths"?

This part of the world, there are such disgusting ways of selling puppies.

None of them are vaccined, none of them are healthy...yet people still buy :p

I don't know what the name of this disease is, but I've heard it's impossible to cure if it's too late.

They didn't know what was wrong with her, because they suspected the first vet had lied. Their friend asked me if I could help find out what's wrong, so I did.

Day before yesterday(?), the puppy was taken to the vet and had been diagnosed with that certain disease, and yesterday she was pts.

I'm not certain what this disease is..but I have heard of it..

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omg ive just found this topic again to find the poor dog was pts ,,, probably better off now than she ever was but should never of had to suffer the way she did... and i hope it has taught this person a huge and costly lesson, thats karma for them!!!

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