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Rescue Remedy


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So AIDS can be cured through natural cocktails but the world isn't allowed to find out yet because the drug companies won't make any money.....well that's an interesting one, can you share with us the link to that clinical trial report?

As clinical trials of anything outside the scope of orthodox medicine for cancer treatment are actually ILLEGAL in the USA, there are none conducted, let alone published. The pharmaceutical companies managed to get such trials banned at federal level some years ago!

The AIDS cure I referred to is actually homoeopathic, and is actually a nosode made specifically for that patient, from his/her particular virus - definitely not something that can be manufactured and sold by the pallet load. Homoeopathic medicine was being used while standard allopathic (standard) medical practitioners were still using leeches and mercury, and requires a lot more knowledge than your "natural cocktails" imply!

My lecturer in homoeopathy was able to help many AIDS patients. He was treating symptoms and improving their T-cell counts, enabling many to go into full remission after suffering full-blown AIDS. When he was informed of the results of homoeopaths in Sth Africa who had been curing the disease, he decided to try it himself. He chose as his guinea pig a uni lecturer who had been brought into remission after 2 years of full-blown AIDS. This man agreed to the trial, altho there was a risk of going out of remission. After treatment, his blood test came up HIV negative. The doctors were astounded, and did 5 more tests over the next few months - all of which came up negative.

Result? Did the doctors clamour to find out how he was cured? Nup - they decided he had never had AIDS in the first place! A girlfriend's daughter who was a qualified homoeopath worked with this same practitioner at his AIDS clinic days, and was amazed at his results.

Clinical trials? Can be manipulated and distorted - just ask the FDA! Look at how aspartame was approved against the FDA's advice. The trials had to show that the test animals were tumour free when autopsied at a certain stage, so the boffins operated on them removing cancerous tumours weeks before they were killed and autopsied! Guess what - no tumours!

I implore you not to reccomend peoplpe take their dogs off prescribed medications to try natural medicines unless you can provide a commercial clinical trial report, this is completely irresponsible & dangerous

Agree that prescribed medication cannot just be stopped willy-nilly without careful consideration by a qualified practitioner - this can be fatal with some drugs. But if I had waited for a trial report I would have dead animals on my conscience! There are some excellent homoeopaths and herbalists who have done a lot of work with animals, who know which medications are safe to stop or gradually decrease, and which aren't.

And some medications should never be prescribed in the first place, when there are much safer alternatives. For instance, we will never use antibiotics for any person or human on our property, and our vet is comfortable with this decision, as he has seen for himself what we can do to cure life threatening infections. He has even asked us for before and after photographs!

It is refreshing to see medicos with open minds on the subject, when so many close their minds to anything outside of what they want to believe!

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I am interested in this

And some medications should never be prescribed in the first place, when there are much safer alternatives. For instance, we will never use antibiotics for any person or human on our property, and our vet is comfortable with this decision, as he has seen for himself what we can do to cure life threatening infections. He has even asked us for before and after photographs!

what do you use?

I too would like to see the clinical trials and evidence for the HIV cure.

What is used?

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I am interested in this
And some medications should never be prescribed in the first place, when there are much safer alternatives. For instance, we will never use antibiotics for any person or human on our property, and our vet is comfortable with this decision, as he has seen for himself what we can do to cure life threatening infections. He has even asked us for before and after photographs!

what do you use?

We use a combination of megadoses of vit c and colloidal silver, the amounts depending on how serious the problem is. The horse that nearly died from a massive infection which developed during antibiotic treatment as well as the side effects of the antibiotics themselves, recovered with 20 mls of colloidal silver given 3 times daily and over 50 gms of vit c daily, divided into several doses.

As this mare was only hours from death, we also used herbal thuja plus homoeopathic strep and staph nosode, just to cover all the bases! Her stress levels were dramatically reduced by us not having to stick an 18 gauge needle into her muscles every 12 hours as well - she had been terrified of us! Once she realised the syringe only contained liquid to be squirted down her throat she was actually pleased to see us.

We use the same treatment on ourselves, and never have to worry about racing off to get acidophilus capsules (which aren't cheap) to counteract the effect of antibiotics. It is also much safer for young pups and kittens, and much easier to administer - and once again, no side effects.

Re the AIDS cure, homoeopaths do not buy into the whole clinical trial/publicity crap. They simply do what they do best - treat their patients. Doing double blind trials etc means that innocent people are being denied treatment in the name of the holy grail of scientific research. Mind you, when done by pharmaceutical companies, the ones receiving the placeboes are usually better off than the recipients of the actual drugs...

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I used RR on my dog when her eczema was really bad.

Myself, I use it when I stress or worry and I am using it now because I have split with my partner of 6 years.

I know other people who use it on their dogs who get carsick, a few drops before a car ride and they're fine :rofl:

NOTE: it contains alochol so if your animal has a sensitivity to alocohol you should check with your vet first :love:

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Re the AIDS cure, homoeopaths do not buy into the whole clinical trial/publicity crap. They simply do what they do best - treat their patients. Doing double blind trials etc means that innocent people are being denied treatment in the name of the holy grail of scientific research. Mind you, when done by pharmaceutical companies, the ones receiving the placeboes are usually better off than the recipients of the actual drugs...

ah I see no clinical trials at all, right, ok. Just the miracle aids cure... rightyho... :thumbsup:

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Just the miracle aids cure

No, not a miracle cure, it takes a lot of knowledge and effort, and it doesn't help everyone.

But clinical trials have serious limitations, and are very easily manipulated, so they are not the be-all and end-all of research or knowledge. You only have to look at the number of highly dangerous drugs that are released thru the use of clinical trials, that are recalled years later after killing and maiming tens of thousands of people.

Use google to investigate what pharmaceutical companies have done to people with "clinical trials", and also check out alternative medicine. You could well be surprised!

edited to add a sample site, which has info that has been around for years, but no-one wants to do clinical trials!

Vit C

Edited by morgan
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I really enjoy reading your information Morgan - I see your beliefs match mine regarding conventional medicine and homeopathy. You seem to have an immense amount of knowledge about homeopathy - I would rather consult you than my vet in most situations!! :thumbsup:

Rusky, who cares about clinical trials - if I had AIDS I sure as hell wouldnt - I would care about what worked and what made me better. I think if you only ever try what the doctor tells you to try you will always be way behind the eight ball. Like Morgan said, clinical trials can be manipulated. People seem to forget just how much of a major part money plays in this type of situation. The pharmacutical companies are giants - if they stand to lose money from information coming out Im sure they do what ever is necessary to stop that information.


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can you explain the serious limitations to me?

if you have a cure for HIV AIDS believe me it is a miracle. Who actually has this knowledge? Why do the people who have the HIV AIDS cure not shout it from the rooftops like they did with developed vaccines and antibiotics?

Can you give me an example of alternative medicine that might be prescribed for a myocardial infarction or any cardial ischaemia?

Or even for thrombosis, diabetes, eplilepsy?

heck what about vaccines for smallpox, diptheria, typhiod, yellow fever, polio?

Do you do vaccines or do you limit yourself to cures for AIDS?

I actually have no problem with simple home based treatments, I have used them all my life. I never take for granted or poo poo the amazing work carried out by dedicated scientists who continue the fight against disease.

People died in the dark ages from illness and disease which we now pay no attention to. Doctors used what they had to try and save a life even in the early 40's only sulphur was widely available to fight infection, people died, limbs were lost. The discovery and post clinical trialing of penicillin was one of the greatest breakthroughs in medical history.

The pharmacutical companies are giants - if they stand to lose money from information coming out Im sure they do what ever is necessary to stop that information.

Jenny I am sorry that is absolute rubbish tell me what they can lose? If they find this miracle cure they would earn trillions of dollars, there is no advantage in 'stopping information' All drug companies which support clinical trials are racing to find cures every day, not just for AIDS, for all the disease which limits lifestyle and comfort.

Edited by Rusky
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Jenny I am sorry that is absolute rubbish tell me what they can lose? If they find this miracle cure they would earn trillions of dollars, there is no advantage in 'stopping information' All drug companies which support clinical trials are racing to find cures every day, not just for AIDS, for all the disease which limits lifestyle and comfort.

Ahem - pharmaceutical companies only make money out of pharmaceutical products. Pharmaceutical products are only developed if the particular company can patent them, so that they have exclusive rights to produce and market them.

Therefore, if the remedy CANNOT be patented and marketed exclusively, there will be no research, development or clinical trials.

They are only "racing to find cures" that they can OWN and sell.

Do you understand the problem here?

If a cure is "natural", ie vitamins, herbs, homoeopathic, minerals etc, it CANNOT be patented = no magic millions for the shareholders.

Now, pharmaceutical companies like making lots and lots of money - they are not in the business for the good of mankind. This is why they spend so much money lobbying govts, funding research grants at universities, free gifts to doctors etc.

As they have huge clout with the media due to the massive amount of revenue they inject for their advertising, the media are very careful not to upset them with coverage of alternative medicine. It is called "not biting the hand that feeds you"

Are you getting the idea?

If you check out the link I posted, you will see that Dr (yes, medical doctor) Fred Klenner, was curing polio and other diseases, and vastly improving MS patients thru vitamin therapy long before antibiotics were discovered. His use of vit c was revolutionary - even the articles he wrote for sporting magazines on vit c treatment for dogs bitten by snakes out in the field saved many lives - could pharmaceutical make lots of money out of vit c? NO - it couldn't be patented. Could they make lots of money out of antibiotics? Yes! What does your doctor prescribe for you if you have an infection?

Bear in mind that antibiotics are only good against bacteria, not viruses - yet vit c will fight both bacteria and viruses (technical details of how it works is on the site). Vit C is cheap, easily stored, does not require a prescription or a chemist, and works on incredibly fatal diseases like meningococcal where antibiotics often fail (read Nobel Prize winner Dr Linus Pauling's books)

Can you now comprehend why pharmaceutical companies aren't the slightest bit interested in finding alternative cures? And why they manipulate and distort clinical trials to get their drugs past the FDA? And why many doctors aren't interested in promoting them? The almighty dollar wins again....

Can you give me an example of alternative medicine that might be prescribed for a myocardial infarction or any cardial ischaemia?

I can certainly give advice on how to avoid them in the first place, but to fix them up you would have to speak to a qualified practitioner! Alternative health is about looking after your body to avoid life threatening problems as far as possible. Your immune system is your life!

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Ahem - pharmaceutical companies only make money out of pharmaceutical products. Pharmaceutical products are only developed if the particular company can patent them, so that they have exclusive rights to produce and market them.

not true

you only have to look at the generic products on the market, go on look....

you claim to have a cure for HIV AIDS are you now saying you have a prevention? Certainly this year clinical trials into a vaccine are going to go ahead, the future vaccine has been researched since 1993.

Pharmaceutical companies make drugs and fund research . I know they would be interested in your cure, write to them.

generic products

Aids cures

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and I am so angry

how dare you tell or suggest that a dying person ( cancer) or a person living with such a shocking disease as Aids has a cure which is a cover up.

I shake my head at charlaton behaviour and seriously hope that we do not have any people suffering from such a disease reading the forum.

Charlatan is a pejorative word which accuses a person of the practice of quackery or some similar confidence trick in order to obtain money by false pretenses.

The word comes from French charlatan, and ultimately from either the Italian ciarlare, to prattle; or from Cerretano, a resident of Cerreto, a town that was apparently notorious for producing quacks.

In usage, a subtle difference is drawn between the charlatan and other kinds of confidence people. The charlatan is usually a salesperson. He does not try to create a personal relationship with his marks, or set up an elaborate hoax using roleplaying. Rather, the person called a charlatan is being accused of resorting to quackery, pseudoscience, or some knowingly employed bogus means of impressing people in order to swindle his victims by selling them worthless nostrums and similar goods or services that will not deliver on the promises made for them. The word calls forth the image of an old time medicine show operator, who has long left town by the time the people who bought his snake oil tonic realize that it does not perform as advertised.

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  morgan said:
Jenny I am sorry that is absolute rubbish tell me what they can lose? If they find this miracle cure they would earn trillions of dollars, there is no advantage in 'stopping information' All drug companies which support clinical trials are racing to find cures every day, not just for AIDS, for all the disease which limits lifestyle and comfort.

Ahem - pharmaceutical companies only make money out of pharmaceutical products. Pharmaceutical products are only developed if the particular company can patent them, so that they have exclusive rights to produce and market them.

Therefore, if the remedy CANNOT be patented and marketed exclusively, there will be no research, development or clinical trials.

They are only "racing to find cures" that they can OWN and sell.

Do you understand the problem here?

If a cure is "natural", ie vitamins, herbs, homoeopathic, minerals etc, it CANNOT be patented = no magic millions for the shareholders.

Now, pharmaceutical companies like making lots and lots of money - they are not in the business for the good of mankind. This is why they spend so much money lobbying govts, funding research grants at universities, free gifts to doctors etc.

As they have huge clout with the media due to the massive amount of revenue they inject for their advertising, the media are very careful not to upset them with coverage of alternative medicine. It is called "not biting the hand that feeds you"

Are you getting the idea?

If you check out the link I posted, you will see that Dr (yes, medical doctor) Fred Klenner, was curing polio and other diseases, and vastly improving MS patients thru vitamin therapy long before antibiotics were discovered. His use of vit c was revolutionary - even the articles he wrote for sporting magazines on vit c treatment for dogs bitten by snakes out in the field saved many lives - could pharmaceutical make lots of money out of vit c? NO - it couldn't be patented. Could they make lots of money out of antibiotics? Yes! What does your doctor prescribe for you if you have an infection?

Bear in mind that antibiotics are only good against bacteria, not viruses - yet vit c will fight both bacteria and viruses (technical details of how it works is on the site). Vit C is cheap, easily stored, does not require a prescription or a chemist, and works on incredibly fatal diseases like meningococcal where antibiotics often fail (read Nobel Prize winner Dr Linus Pauling's books)

Can you now comprehend why pharmaceutical companies aren't the slightest bit interested in finding alternative cures? And why they manipulate and distort clinical trials to get their drugs past the FDA? And why many doctors aren't interested in promoting them? The almighty dollar wins again....

Can you give me an example of alternative medicine that might be prescribed for a myocardial infarction or any cardial ischaemia?

I can certainly give advice on how to avoid them in the first place, but to fix them up you would have to speak to a qualified practitioner! Alternative health is about looking after your body to avoid life threatening problems as far as possible. Your immune system is your life!

Thanks Morgan - exactly what I wanted to say but didnt get time to write anything yet :D

I cant understand that some people can not comprehend that pharmacutical companies are interested in one thing - MONEY.

If their 'medicine' makes you better thats wonderful - but have a look at how hard they have fought against natural things like homeopathy. Its quite amazing how hard they try to publicly discredit it. Hmmm, I would think if they really were just interested in the best 'medicine' for us (whether that is natural or conventional) then they would want to try anything that might work. Most doctors know nothing about homeopathy but they are very quick to tell you that its "quackery" and "doesnt work".

The comment about pharmacutical companies having "no advantage in stopping information" just blows me away. As Morgan said - if the product doesnt make them money why would they promote it!!!!


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I haven't used Rescue Remedy on my dogs, however, (one is a HIGHLY STRUNG poodle, the other is a sooky poodle), under the suggestion of a friend who is a vet in the UK I have given the highly strung one some herbal sleeping pills, valerian (small dose). This doesnt send her to sleep, but it calms her and relaxes her and she doesnt attack the other poodle for no reason!

Every night she goes and taps on the table where the pills are kept cause she knows thats when she gets her medicine :D I think she knows it helps her.

She is much less stressed, no more self mutilation since she started on it.

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not true

you only have to look at the generic products on the market, go on look....

Generic products are those whose patents have expired, so that anyone can make them. Patents only last for a specified number of years, which give the companies enough time to recoup their development costs.....

how dare you tell or suggest that a dying person ( cancer) or a person living with such a shocking disease as Aids has a cure which is a cover up.

Where on earth did I say anything like this? :D For a start, no company has ever said they have a cure for AIDS or cancer - only treatments which might help..

Rusky - I can understand where you are coming from - I remember my bewilderment when I realised the extent of this situation, but instead of berating me, why don't you do some research and satisfy yourself? Google is a wonderful tool! And you will find lots of sites with info on studies and trials and published articles that will back up what I have said.

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Are you seriously saying that there is no benefit of a Clinical Trial? A true clinical trial is held over a 10 year period, this period of time is so you can see if there are any later effects of the treatment.

I think you totally took me wrong, I've studied in the area and endorse complimetary medicines, however my background is Science so I can see two sides of the coin.

Are you currently studying with an Accrediated (by the Government) Private College? Because there is only one in Australia with full accreditation by the government & industry bodies.

I appreciate your passion for natural medicines but quite simply we're not as advanced with them as some people would like to think.

I'd be all for a natural cure for AIDS/Caner or any other dreadful disease and you see the difference is I'd conduct a trial and then provide the results free for anyone to do what they wish with them, I wouldn't expect money or a patent.

Anyway, that's me on this discussion because it's begining to be like :flogdeadhorse:

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I m not saying that i agree or disagree with the statement about pharmaceutical companies having a cure that they don't provide , ,,, as i don't know either way.

However, pharmaceutical companies are definately only in it for the money.

Look at South Africa where the pharmaceutical companies and the Government have contracts tied up that mean that even though a cheaper medicine is available to treat the terrible epidemic of aids in the country, they are not allowed to use it. They have to buy the expensive one, which means half the population can't afford a solution.

aaaaaahhhh this world is a shocker sometimes.

As for rescue remedy and homopathic remedies, well i certainly can say that rescue remedy provides relief for many epi dogs

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