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Protruding Vaginal Mass


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Arian are you saying you're 24? and thank you for your compliment :) so are you studying medicine?

Thanks again for your reassurance :laugh: i like the benign option :D if i've got anything to do with it she will be here for another 6yrs minimum

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Yeah, I'm 24. Sorry, I'm not as good at communicating as you clearly are ;-)

Nope... wish I was studying medicine! I think I am far more competant and compassionate than most G.Ps and hospital doctors.

Um... I'm a special case :) When you have as many things go wrong with you as I did/do/have you end up knowing a lot of medical staff and they end up trusting your opinion *L* If they didnt my life would be too hard.

I got to the stage that I could walk into emergency and they would know me immediately and take me out the back to a couch ready for my blood transfusion! *LMAO* Other people in the emergency would look at me funny when I walk in and the staff know me and we're having a good old chat (yet dont look too urgent).

I think they all got a bit miffed because I was looked after immediately... little did they know I was probably close to death.

I remember one time all the other nurses were busy and I got a newbie... she didnt know what to do and got annoyed that I thought I could just walk in and get blood (they always had blood there for me)... so she wasted a heap of time trying to get blood sample from me and having it analysed. 30 minutes later she comes back in a panic because my HB was lower than 70. I have never seen someone so frantic. *LOL* Oh... I have so many stories about stupid hospital people... that is why I only go for blood transfusions etc and dont stay. I do my own health care from home and only go in when on deaths door :D

I was a vet nurse though :laugh:

Email her pic to me and I will put it up. aricaer at optusnet.com.au

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Dan, sounds like you're in extremely knowledgeable hands with Arianwen (who I would never have guess is only 24!)...

I think the website for free photo hosting is called photobucket...? Do a google search, it will find it for you.

Good luck with the reasearch, keep positive and I will be sure to check in tomorrow for any updates.

G'night all :)

PS: We survived the fireworks... and I'm 27 :laugh:

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Wow Arianwen, sounds like you certainly have an interesting life story...so what do you do now? are you still in the veterinary field or you got out of that? i'll email that pic to you, thanks for putting it up for me.....

Hey Meriment, sounds like we're all about the same age :) glad you survived the fireworks ok

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Dan, I too am really glad she came out of the sugery OK... I'm in France so I missed the fireworks and the obvious distance is why I'm always a bit behind the news.

Taking into account what has been said here and what is available on internet, your girls' tumor is almost sure to be benign !

I just went through a biopsy and cancer analysis scare but it was NOT MALIGNANT, your girl's wont be either, I just know it :)

By the way, I'm 10+ years oder than any of you... :laugh: ...

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Thanks Pampa, your words of encouragement are really appreciated....and thank you for your concern and thoughts...the worst part is waiting isnt it? initially for me though the worst part was waiting for her to come through the surgery ok...it's all relative. I think when it's anything to do with your pets health and they are hurting then it's all the "worst part" and i just know within myself that it will come back benign...plus she told me it was ok last night :laugh: or maybe it was that half a bottle of whiskey that i shouldn't have had hahahhaah (no, the nurse didnt drink while he was on duty :D )...but seriously, her health at the moment and everything else certainly doesn't point to it being malignant...i just hope her current health etc is a justified basis for assessment

The slacker is still sleeping though! i wish i could sleep as much as she does..she just loves the attention :D

Pampa, are you originally from Australia and moved to France? There's nothing wrong with being 10+ years older ;) age is all in the head ;) i mean Tasha (my dog) is 40yrs older than me but she acts like a child :p so she must think she's much younger than she really is :( there's also an aussie saying relating to age but i'll leave that one under the stubby holder for the time being :p :)

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Glad all went well.

Have emailed you some groups for people whose pets have cancer.

Also mentions holistic vet in Sydney but can send you contact details for reputable holistic vet in Perth if you would like. Immune system support is IMHO vital for the best possuble outcome.

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  my_malamute said:
There's nothing wrong with being 10+ years older :p age is all in the head ;) i mean Tasha (my dog) is 40yrs older than me but she acts like a child :D so she must think she's much younger than she really is :p there's also an aussie saying relating to age but i'll leave that one under the stubby holder for the time being :(:)

A malamute shares our home too, they never grow up so far as I can see, they are the Peter Pans of the doggy world..

I hope your girl is soon feeling happier and that the outcome is the best possible one.

Thinking of you and sending good vibes your way, hugs to Tasha

:laugh: :D

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Hey Rusky, great to see another Malamute owner out there....atleast yours shares :) mine thinks she owns the house :laugh: they are just such sociable animals....it's funny! we have some friends who have quite young kids and as Malamutes are pack animals she figures they are her pack (in addition to me and my wife...you should see her with my inlaws dogs! now that is a laugh) Its funny watching her watch over her "pack" when they are playing outside and she takes anything that they throw at her (not literally but you know how kids can be) and she loves it she's a great mum and i fully trust her with kids...Malamutes are such little kids. With Tasha you know when she wants a back scratch because you can be sitting down somewhere, she will walk up to you, turn around, face her back to you and sit right in front of you. If you don't start patting her she looks over her shoulder as if to say "Well? cmon!" they are such characters....does anybody have any experience with being able to let a Malamute off the lead to walk? With mine if you even consider letting her off the lead she would just run..all the training in the world hasn't stopped that sadly coz i'd love to be able to let her off the lead at the park to throw a ball for her. There's so many stories...they really are cheeky little critters :D but i wouldn't trade her for all the gold in the world...you should have seen her nose be out of joint when my wife and i got married and she moved in with me! WOW! jealousy plus! just imagine any affectionate moment and a full grown female malamute jumping in to break it up...do you have the picture in your head hahahahha :D

Thanks for your support and well wishes as well Rusky...she's very sooky at the moment and wont let me out of her sight. She's laying down beside the chair right now snoring her head off :p

Please do send as many good vibes as you can muster up :( thank you

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Dan... I'm a Mum now... I was meant to start work in a vet surgery in 2004 but then discovered I was pregnant! Oops!

The rescue and my bub keep me too busy :laugh:

I think your girl is going to be just fine :D Sounds like she has a loving owner.

Meriment... you've read other posts by myself ;p Surely my tenacity and amazing ability to ALWAYS put my foot in it alerted you to my age!? ;-)

I've just lived a lot in a short short time.

Pampa... you are only as old as you feel :D You seem young and bright to me :p I thought you were closer to my own age... not through immaturity but through energy and outlook :)

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Hey thanks for putting the picture up Arianwen, that's Tasha last night still under the influence and a bit groggy....that patch on her front leg is where the small lump was that i asked the vet to remove. She's much better this morning although she is still quite tired so she's snoozing...the camera isnt the best so the picture doesn't do her justice..i put a sheet on her futon mattress as i figured that the fleecy kinda section that is on it might iritate her stitches a little...I also laid pillows all around it for her so she is comfortable :) she's spoilt

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Arianwen, that would do it :) so not only do you have puppies but you have a human puppy as well :laugh: and thanks! i reckon she'll be fine as well....although as soon as she has recovered from this surgery i'm getting her spayed but i'm certain that will be a lot less stressful than this.

You're such a suck Arianwen hahahhahaha :D energy and outlook indeed :D just teasin ya hahah

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Dan... sure does look like a well cared for doggy :D

Yeah... the human puppy is much louder though! Funny thing though, she is less work and less sleepless nights! :)

She is becoming a toddler though so she is into EVERYTHING without exception. And the tantrums she throws! *LOL*

But she is too cute...

Hey! I'm not a suck... I'm actually an irritating bitch :laugh:

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  haven said:
  pampa said:

By the way, I'm 10+ years oder than any of you... :) ...

Tis ok Pampa, we love you anyway :)

Careful MM or your profile will be in the OT dating section before you know it :D

Thanks Haven, you've just made my day :(

I was thinking the same thing, MM... There are a lot of hungry single girlies out there in doggy land and not so many of the male gender, so a gentle, literate, dog-loving chappy like you will have to watch out ;)

I'm an aussie who has been living O/S for 18 years and am hoping to return home soon, but only if they let my girls in.... I'm currently waiting for an answer from AQIS.

Fingers crossed.

How is the princess this evening (morning for me) ?

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