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Protruding Vaginal Mass


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fingers crossed that it is nothing too serious and that tomorrow night you will be pushing a giant sigh of relief... She seems to otherwise be in perfect health so keep your chin up and reserve her a special treat for after her surgery :laugh:

I'm looking forward to hearing that everything is fine :( (and I'm sure it will be, positive thoughts do wonders !)

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You guys are the best :) Thanks Meriment for your concern....i'm just about to go and pick her up. Apparently the surgery went for some time. It was definitely a tumour of some sort.....i'm going to get more details from the vet when i talk to him shortly and then when i get back i will give you an update and hopefully you can share some more wisdom with me....thanks again everybody for your thoughts and compassion it is truly appreciated

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MM - Just read this thread .... hope your girl is ok and that everything turned out as good as it could. It's a worry, isn't it? It's really obvious how much you care for your dog and that she is well looked after. :) Good luck .... and standing by for some good news. :laugh:

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Hey Guys and Girls, seriously you are all the best! you don't even know me but our common bond and love for animals definitely surpasses that bundary. By the way, if anybody was wondering i'm 26 and live in Perth..

Ok, just got her back from the vets...she's sleepig very soundly in the loungeroom at the moment as she is still a little groggy. She walks like she's drunk half a bottle of whiskey poor girl. I have given her lots of cuddles and she has given me lots of licks to pass back to you all.

The surgery went as well as could be expected. Apparently it lasted about an hour and a half. It is definitely a tumour and is best described as a mushroom with a stalk and a cluster of berries like head. Overall the head is about half a golf ball in size and the stalk is probably a little smaller in diameter than a 5c coin. The vet said that it was sitting right above the urethra so he got as much of the stalk off as he could but didnt want to go to deep at this stage so as to cause damage to her urinal tract which would make urinating difficult for her. He has cut it back to healthy looking pink skin and left about a half centimetre stub there. He hasnt hesitated a guess as to whether it is benign or malignant. He has said the two possible types are fibroleiomyoma or Leimyosarcoma......i'm hoping it's the fibroleiomyoma as that is a benign hormonal tumour whereas the leimyosarcoma is malignant. He also mentioned Lipomas but said with 100% certainty it is not that. She also had a small lump removed from her front leg which i asked the vet to take out and send off for pathology. So now it's a wait and see game.....he did say the the tumour has most likely been growing for a few months but inside so it wouldnt have been noticeable.

At the moment i'm just glad that she's home and ok. I'm confident that it will come back as the fibroleiomyoma...based on what i dont know but i'm just confident...even if i have to tell myself that to believe it will be ok...she is healthy, hasnt shown any signs of deterioration whatsoever so yeah...the vet reassured me there was nothing i could have done but i'm still feeling down about my baby being sick...

Has anybody had any experience with a similar type of tumour?

Thanks again for your support and encouragement...

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Hhahaha Isaviz, the way i feel at the moment a half a bottle of whiskey would go down very nicely! although it will have to wait until after Tasha is better sadly....can't keep an eye on her through beer (or in this case whiskey) goggles....tell ya what though it is exhausting worrying about your animals....i feel like i could sleep for a week!

Meriment, those good vibes are flowing :) i've done a brief bit of reading on those two types of tumours and normally the leimyosarcoma is associated with connective tissues etc and the fibroleiomyoma is associated with urethral cells....so it's looking good to be the fibroleiomyoma based on location etc..fingers crossed

Does anybody know of a concise and detailed online site dedicated to canine cancers?

Edited by my_malamute
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Hey Dan!

Good news :laugh: Very happy to hear all is well.

I had fibroids (the common name for fibroleiomyoma), so I can say if it was a fibroid (being the most common form of reproductive tumour I would be more surprised if it wasnt!) I can say from personal experience it wouldnt have caused her too much discomfort most of the time but having it gone will improve her quality of life for certain :D

Fibroleiomyoma are re-occuring... so desexing is definitely a good idea. :D

Even though they are not malignant they do have a rich blood flow so put unwanted strain on the heart... especially for an older girl.

Very happy to hear all is well!

Vet pathology is faster than human pathology as well!! *LOL*

It took longer than a week to get my results back and eight months later I still havent been told the results cause I am too scared :)

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Dan where abouts in Perth are you? I'm in Yokine and the Osborne Park Show is on... fireworks in 5 minutes! Got all the dogs inside and all the doors & windows closed :)

Sorry I can't help with a good link to some research for you... keep hunting I'm sure you'll find some, or some clever DOLer will step in with some links.

And we're away!! BANG BANG BANG!!!! BARK BARK BARK!!!!

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If you want to know anything about Leiomyomas I think I know a fair bit *LOL*

Basically those two tumours you mention are the same thing, only one is malignant the other benign. Just look up fibroid and forget the canine part... you wont find much searching for canine specific.

It is almost the same thing as in humans... only the dog has a different uterine set up

i.e. they have modified fallopian tubes that make up the 'horns of the uterus' where the pups attach... and the body of the uterus does not always house pups but can.

Here... this link is very informative I guess... not that there is much to know about fibroids :) they are pretty straight forward.


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Hey Arainwen :) well it certainly didnt cause her any discomfort and there was a very rich blood supply there....she certainly will be getting desexed once she is over this surgery. I'm just glad that it is gone...get your results!!!! that's an order :laugh: i'm sure the Doctor would have been more persistent with you if there was a problem..

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Meriment, i'm in Carramar so just up the road :) gotta love fireworks. Thankfully Tasha doesnt get upset at anything, except occassionally ambulances and then only Victorian ones....something to do with the frequency.

Thanks again everybody for all of your help and advice....it is certainly appreciated

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Just noticed you said your 26... you just seem much better spoken (or written) than most 26yo men... just assumed you were much older and wiser than most 26yos. this coming from a 24yo ;-)

The Leiomyosarcoma is just the technical term for a malignant fibroid :laugh:

They are very rare. It is more likely to be benign. It is more a case they start out benign and with some sort of stimulus can become malignant.

Leiomyoma is the technical term for such type of tumour... fibroleiomyoma is a benign one, leiomyosarcoma being malignant (sarcoma meaning cancerous).

There is no way to tell until you get the pathology results back :D

I dont have a doctor, I take care of my own health care so I have no one to notify me. When I want my results I have to go to the nearest G.P. and ask them to get them in. I havent done that yet ;-) But I also had an echocardiogram done about the same time and haven't got the results either ;-)

Pathetic... I know.

I'm just glad that it is gone...get your results!!!! that's an order  i'm sure the Doctor would have been more persistent with you if there was a problem..

Yes Sir! *salutes*

I cant promise anything, my memory is shot ;-)

BTW... sounds like you caught it reasonably early and it didnt sound aggressive... so even if it was malignant desexing should take care of it. :) You've done well. Dont be too worried :D She is doing well for an old girl, I hope you will have her for at least another six years :p

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BTW... the types of stimulus (that may cause a Leiomyoma to become cancerous) in humans are usually pregnancy, the pill, hormone imbalance, trauma, disease and obesity.

I would assume it is the same in animals. There is of course a genetic element as well.

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