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Cruciate Ligament Ruptures


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Wow the naughtiness is really coming out... maybe it's the weather? :) Although it's not really funny is it? Poor Mallee probably did get a bit of a fright at the strange looking dog with collar on it's head. And of course she would have been stressed just being at the vets. So perhaps it was just a quick reaction as she has been off the social scene for a while. We forget that for such a young girl, she has been confined way longer than many of our doggies here, and she's been through much more. I'll bet she'll love going for a walkies tonight, you'll have to hang on for the ride!!! :cry:

Glad to hear that Mallee Moo will make a good recovery, and you're absolutely right... a strange toe is the last thing that should bother her!!!

No I didn't know the man that Chloe nipped. He was a friend of the older lady that lives a few houses up. Chloe goes to visit her everyday as she lost her own dog earlier this year. He was dropping her off and came inside for a bit. The worst thing is that the leg Chloe nipped is apparently the leg he had not long ago had an operation on. Not that it would effect anything seeing it didn't even break the skin... but you know how people can be. Did not hear anything else, so hopefully it will be a lesson for us to be more careful with her. She thinks all houses belong to her unfortunately, so she was probably trying to round him out!!! It's so hard to be angry at her though, she's such a snugglebug. But gotta be a bit more strict now for her own sake. I don't like people having a negative opinion of her cause she has been through alot and has tried so hard and deserves some cred for that (plus I'm biased and think she's the greatest!!)!!!

Hopefully this will be the last vet vist for Mallee for a while. And I'm sure she'd be glad of that too!!! Are you having her desexed Antoinette? My OH's GSD is not desexed yet and when going into season it's such a pain in the bum (I've never experienced it, never had an undesexed dog and we've only ever had girl dogs). He doesn't want to get her desexed as he thinks it's cruel, even though he had to have his elderly GSD (who has since passed) desexed at a very late age due to her health complications. She's such a lovely girl though. I should post some pics of her.... she was a rescue girl with serious problems at first but has become so lovely (although can sometimes still show some signs of aggression to strangers or anyone she thinks will endanger her or anyone she loves).

Anyway, better be off guys, I've rambled heaps!!!

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Hi Kel,

Yes we will definately be getting Mallee desexed and sooner rather than later. I cannot put up with her strange moods and beahaviour when she is on heat and its just plain and simple a pain in the butt. The only reason she has not been done yet was due to all the ops on her pelvis and the surgeons recommended we leave it for a while to let teh pelvis have the best chance it can in healing and also let her get over all the anesthetics (spl) she has had. Its seems that everytime we have been going to book her in somethings else happens to her and gets in the way. But definatley yes she will be going in the next few months to have it done.......its best for her health and wellbeing to have it done.

Must fly


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What naughty dogs!! Im glad to hear that mallee is back to 'normal' again!! and naughty chloe! im sure the man is over it by now, Jordan has done many naughty things like that and most people just get over it so dont worry too much. He's knocked children over (he is taller than most young children) by simply walking over them to get to where he wanted to go or by the wag i.e. wack of his tail. Just keep an eye out on her or at least make sure everyone around her is wearing socks!!

Jordan is being really good he can start going for walkies soon but i am going away for the next couple of days (it's a hard life i know) so he will have to wait a little longer... He's a little obsessed with his newest squeaky toys and i can hear him squeaking them and growling at 2 in the morning so i have to remember to confisicate them from him at bed time. His energy is back to what it is now so i am really glad..

Only other negative thing at the moment is the fluffy white dog in the house behind us has been digging under the fence and i am sure jordan has probably been helping as well so ive had to spend the morning filling it up with random things i found (rocks, bits of wood etc). I am super paranoid because apparently my brother woke up one day last year to that little dog and Jordan playing with each other in my backyard :cry: That's surpising in itself as he can be dog aggressive.. But considering Jordan is about 25 times the size of this dog I would rather it NOT come into my backyard to get killed.

Hope everyone behaves this weekend!!

PS Funny story: i bought one of those car/walking harnesses to strap Jordan into the car properly from Ebay and the seller neglected to tell me it was bright PURPLE!!!! I put it on Jordan this morning and he looks ridiculous, imagine a huge male GSD in a bright purple harness...i will post pictures of it before i dye the thing black or at least put some racing stripes on it to macho it up a bit... :)

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Hehehhe, I bet poor old Jordan was cringing in embarassment!!! *Please don't let the other dogs see me in THIS!!!*

Great news that he is recovering so well. Just remember to take it slow and give him time to build his strength up again, and this will help stabilise the knee. Hope you have a great time on your couple of days away, you sure deserve it after all the work you have put into getting Jordan to this stage in his recovery so successfully!!!

Hope that the SWF neighbour will stay on his side of the fence and not annoy Jordan... I guess if I was his size I'd have a low threshold for SWF's too!!! :laugh: Hopefully seeing Jordan's recovery has been so quick and uneventful that his personality won't change in anyway and it was probably just a minor disturbance to his life, rather than a long drawn out affair like Chloe, Mallee and Duncan.

Antoinette, yes I do remember you mentioning you were going to have her desexed... maybe give the poor bugger a chance to relax a bit before going back for another procedure. She sure has been through the wars, and I can see how it's so hard to plan when she keeps trying to be a superheroine and go through windows... :( You're vet must just rub his hands together when he sees you coming!!! $$$$$

Last night mum told me that Chloe has some smallish lumps on her legs... I'm hoping that this is fairly normal. I can't feel them myself, although I wasn't exactly allowed to feel for too long before Missy got upset. I'm going to have to find them myself, and maybe take her to the vet. Although she was there a few weeks ago for needles and yearly health check up and she was felt all over... so not sure? I'm not panicking yet as I know she's a tough bugger and we couldn't be that unlucky for something bad to happen now??? Maybe we are just too obsessed with her health now... the last lump that mum thought she felt on her belly was.... yes a bit hair knot that Chloe wouldn't let anyone brush out :laugh:

There enough to drive you batty aren't they???

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Hi All :rofl:

Hope everyone and everydog is doing well??!!! I have finally found my camera cords and have been able to load Mallee's modelling pics.............

So here goes....... firstly the dreaded window....(don't look at the unmowed grass :rofl: )


Mallee with her bandage - notice the nice blood stained carpet....thank god i managed to get it all out....


And now of the long awaited sock modelling pics - this is Mallee's second job after search and rescue.....lol....... We really should insure those legs they could make us a mint......lol... :p - check out the look on her face



Hey Berly still waiting to see those pics of Jordon in his spunky purple harness :rofl:

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:cry::rofl::cry::rofl: Tooooo funny Antoinette... geez she takes her modelling very seriously, look at that pose :p !!! *all said while shielding eyes from unmown grass... what grass?*

To be honest, I think she rather likes that sock... brings out the colour in her eyes!!! I just loved the pics, and I think it's the first time I've seen Mallee in full and standing. She's a very impressive :cry: and gorgeous girl Antoinette!!! I can see why she rules the roost there. She's looking really good.

I guess we can laugh now... not so much at the time, it was a bit :cry: , but all's good now. How is she enjoying her walkies now? Glad to see her up and about and injury free (fingers crossed and touching wood).

Chloe's doing well, the nutter she is. Wind is not good, it brings out all her weirdness... but we're coping!! We've had one bad day where she was a little bit limpy (I think after giving what for to the neighbours from hell), but she's pulling up well now. Weight is still the big issue :rofl:

How are all the other patients doing?


Kel and Chloe

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Hi Antoinette,

Love the sock modellng pics, she does good runway work :rofl: .

"I'm a model you know what I mean, I shake my little toosh on the catwalk........" :rofl:

Somewhere in this thread I have a lovely pic of Duncan modelling his pretty blue bandage, yell if you'd like me to post it again :rofl: .



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Yes Bilby, we will be waiting for an update... waiting for some more news from Berly too!!!

We doing well. Chloe has had a few more limpy days, but gets through them okay, and it's not too obvious, so not too bad. It's just us with our forever watching and following her around that we notice!!! She also now has a complete phobia about being brushed :) She does the same routine as when she knows she is having a 'bath' and runs and hides on her bed when I get the brush out. Even doggy treats don't work. The only way I could brush her on the weekend was to put her collar on and tie her to the chair :laugh: I have tried all brushes and bought a new super soft one (in case it had something to do with skin, but she's never had any skin problems), but still hides at the mention of either B word. Goodness she can be a weirdo sometimes. Gotta love her, but I told her if she doesn't behave she will be a stinky dog with all her winter coat through the summer. But does she listen to me... NOOOOOOOO!!! Otherwise, she's gorgeous and well.

How about you Antoinette? Any more Mallee Moo 'moments'?

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Hi Kel,

Glad to hear all is well with you and Chlo Bo. The dreaded brush - why oh why do they find it so nasty, you would think once they realised that it got all that itchy old hair out they would love it..... Mallee does not have abrush phobia but definatly detests the bath....big time.....its always a battle

No more Mallee Moo stories, she has surprisingly been well behaved lately..... :).......hmm not sure whats going on there might have something to with the fact Brock told her she has to be good if she wants to go away on holidays with us.....yipee...only 2.5 weeks to go and i am on annual leave....i cannot wait.....its been sooo long between breaks although i had time off last year with Mallee it was not really a break at all, you know how that feels Kel, i think it would have been less stressful to actually be at work rather than looking after a recovering dog.

Anyways cleaning up my puter at work i came across some pics of Mallee as a little baby only 7.5 weeks old so here they are just for you Kel, so you can see how small and innocent she once was......not......

our first day as a new family



and these ones just for fun - no Kel she is not onthe couch - - - it just looks that way...lol :laugh:


not happy jan - when i took this photo i didn't realise how funny her back leg looked - check it out looks like its growing from her side, thats what have no femoral head will do to you


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Me here, me here!!! I know Bilby's around too, I saw her post regarding the massacre of her sheep... poor bugger.

We doing good. Hey loved the pics of the little tyke (when she WAS a little tyke that is!!). Too cute. She really is a very lovely girl.

Not much going on here. We have finally got Chloe out of her brushing phobia :laugh: , but I think it will be a cold day in hell before we conquer the bathing one. Seems she just doesn't like being brushed in one direction. Yes weird, but I thought her skin or something was hurting, so I would just brush LIGHTLY in one direction. However, it appears that she likes to be brushed with this new brush very hard in a circular motion. Gets much more hair out, and she will lie on her side and go to sleep (like she does when I give her a daily massage). Go figure??? I thought it would annoy her more, but what would I know? So anyway, she's quite pleased with this new arrangement (especially when there is nummies at the end), and I'm getting enough hair out of her to knit 10 jumpers. Geez she has some hair.

Now we just need to work on door/gate closing phobias, although I think that one will be Mission Impossible too!!! Gotta leave her with some weirdo traits!!!

I tell ya what though, her pure joy of life lately is enough to bring a big smile to my face!!! I watched her chasing (not really - more so being a petty bully) to the birds this morning with a big smile. Gotta love that.

How you guys doing anyway Antoinette? Lucky you going on hols... where you off to? Yes I know what it's like to have a nurses holiday... not much fun at all so I'll be glad when mine come up too. I'd be really interested to hear how Berly and Bilby are doing with Jordan and Bouf too... they must be coming out of their recovery periods now....

Lots of love,

Kel and ChloBo (minus a kilo of hair)

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OMG i have not seen the post regarding Bilby's sheep - is it in General...

Its funny how you mentioned Chloe and her dislike for brushing. Our old cat Skunkus Punkas hated being brushed until one day out of my prue frustration for all the hair everywhere, for some unknown reason i grabbed Brocks fish scaler (i know it sounds bad but i have since seen similar at pet stores) and started brushing him with that and lordy lord did he love it, he could not get enough of it, and the amount of hair it would get out was unebelievable you would have thought it was snowing in my back yard. I was telling my parents about it and when they brought Sport down (dearly departed RCD just like Chlo Bo) we tried it on him and he was in bliss.... Funny huh the things they like and dislike.

We are off to Gunbower in a couple of weeks, its on the Murray a bit past Echuca. I love it so much there, we will be camping no facilities but just what i need, to get back to basics and nature. It will be a test though to see how Princess Mallee goes - little does she know what she is in for........ha ha ha he he he *evil laugh*

Anyway glad you dropped by - dont' have to stalk you in threads now seeing what you are up to and checking if there is any news on Chlo Bo. :laugh:

Edited by malleerr
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Damn it... I did a long reply and posted some funny pics... but I lost it all...

Sorry will have to wait for the entertainment tomorrow night... but seriously I wanted to share my two departed precious girls with you guys. I wanted to show you how beautiful they were but the pic is giving me grief... so I will try tomorrow night.

Gotta be going, Greys Anatomy is on!!!

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Its been a tad quite - wondering how everyone was.....Kelly....Bilby....Burly......Corine......anyone out there.......

I'm here Antoinette :laugh: . Nothing much to report, Duncan hasn't tried to eat any other boy dogs yet this week :) .



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I'm here .. home PC is STILL non-functional .. posted my huge sheep story & then got cut off again ..getting a bit worried about signing up for 2 year contract with dodo now ..

I'm snatching work moments to keep up & will be back in full voice as soon as I can.

(Not now - even I don't work this late, but Richard needs the phone & we only have dial-up in the interim. My father in law rolled their campervan north of Carnarvon on a dirt track last week which is another whole Days of Our Lives saga.

Bouf seems good .. very very bouncy !

Catch you soon !

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Gees Bilby it never rains it pours hey. Hope that your FIL is Ok and that everything is alright there. Still have not had a chance to catch up on your sheep thread but sure i will find it sooner or later, hope all is ok there too.

Mallee sends :D hugs to Bouf and hopes that he is well and not too :) and all over the place.

Thanks for popping in Corine to let us know all is ok with Duncan, Mallee seems to have developed a disliking for other dogs at the moment. Trying to work our way through that, not sure where it has come from as she was always so good with other dogs, i am beginning to think it may be more of an excitment thing rather than agresssion. I have tried telling her that other dogs don't see it us iam happy to see you, but she just does not get it..........

Kelly - drat you - i was hoping for photos and you rush of the watch Greys Anatomy... sheesh...... priorities girl.....lol...... ;) On a serious side hugs to you and Chlo hope she is well and keeping out of trouble and enjoy her walkies over at the park, and that no ankles have been on the menu...

Catch you all

Antoinette and Mallee Moozle Bum.

Still no news from Burly hope Jordon is doing well

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Ahahahahaha, but my post last night was so good and i was a bit crappy when i lost it!!!

I will recreate it from memory...

Firstly I was saying something about how jealous I am... your holiday sounds so peaceful and like heaven. I agree that playing nurse on hols doesn't really qualify as a holiday, so I'm thinking your LOOOOOONG overdue. And I'm sure Mallee Moo will absolutely love it (no billowing curtains out in the bush)!!! I'm hoping to have hols soon but probably nothing lovely like yours. OH and I never seem to be able to co-ordinate our holidays at all :cry: I can come and be Mallee's babysitter should you and Brock need some alone time... I'm sure we'd get along fine, but with her 'issues' with other dogs I think ChloBo should stay home. Two psychos in one place can only mean trouble... and I'm talking about the furry kids, not ME!!

Now onto the cat brushing tale.... the picture of cat hair snow reminds me of when I was a little tyke and mum used to spend HOURS cutting our Old English Sheepdog X. We would come home and our HUGE yard would be literally covered in black and white clumps of hair (this was all before dog grooming became popular). And Sam was such a sweetie she would patiently lay there for hours. They should just learn to tell us what they like anyway... it's not like we know from experience... I've never had a hair problem that someone felt they had to get a brush out on me!!!

Chloe hasn't had any ankle in her diet lately... thank goodness cause it really scared me. However a friend dropped me off at home today and was greeted by a fairly gruff Chloe who insisted on being very protective and giving my friend the 'wary' bark. This signals that she's not sure if she should like my friend or not, and it's not too scary, but scary enough if anyone had any intentions of hurting me!!! What a little trooper - my personal pocket protection. :) Then she escorted me back to her food bowl and ensured I was safe enough to cook her dinner... I guess there's gotta be something in it for her too!!!

Hey Antoinette I was also thinking that we always seem to appear on the same threads all the time... now it's either we have nothing better to do... or great minds think alike!!! I prefer the latter cause you know... I'm very busy and important!!! :cry: ;)

Good to hear updates. Corine, absolutely no news is good news!!! Bilby, you're run of luck is shocking and hopefully FIL is okay. But the news on Bouf is exceptionally good... can't wait to hear of his antics.

The damn pics won't work for some reason... says they too big but I've reduced them down so small you'll be suing me for eye damage. Oh well, will try and work something out and scan them seperately or something. Basically I wanted to give you a laugh over me as a little tyke (with my beloved girls though). I've tried a thousand times and now I'm tired and just a bit cranky... I should really not come home and sit on the computer when I've been on one all day... such is the life of an Analyst.

But wanted to catch up and say HI!!! Got some good new pics of ChloBo too but they are on my phone... and well, that's a whole other drama... :D

Take care guys!!!

PS. If you are a bit of a softie, I'd advise to stay away from Bilby's sheep thread... it doesn't have a happy ending and brought some tears... :cry:

Edited by Kelly_Louise
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