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Cruciate Ligament Ruptures


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Hey Corine,

Mallee has not been seen by a physio, but we have had permisson by our two surgeons for her to start swimming - it has been well over 3 mths since the op, so we needed to do something. We are thinking that maybe she has restreched her syatic (spl) nerve again - as this was streched and damaged when her pelvis collasped. See how she goes and if any more pain we will take her back to the Surgeons.......... :confused:

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Oh Antoinette, I've just caught up on the news and I'm so sorry. I truly hope that Mallee is showing some signs of improvement. What a worry. Believe me, I think anyone who has been through the surgery and the post op understands how stressful it is. It's a loooooong drawn out process that can cut the nerves. I can understand how it can affect relationships and life in general. I guess you've just got to keep the end results in mind. Still though, it's damn tough. But like Corine said, if you don't feel comfortable, keep contacting the surgeons. A dog does not let out a yelping cry for nothing... especially after all the pain she has experienced in her life so far. Perhaps it is a nerve or something similar, but still you need to put your mind completely at rest. Otherwise, you will both worry yourselves sick. And remember, little Mallee hasn't used her legs very much at all for a long time and is now starting to use them more effectively, so it could be only a minor problem, but you will not rest easy until you know for sure.

So do whatever you have to do to ensure that all is well. It's not pestering or anything even close... you've paid good money and spent many long hours caring for her and the least that the surgeons can do is put your mind at rest that things are still on track. And don't ever apologise for rambling on here... we've all done it enough and need to let it out somewhere don't we? Or else we will explode.

Please give us an update as soon as you can. I will be hoping for some positive news. Thinking of you and sending lots of love and hugs your way... for you to share with Brock too!!! :happydance2::happydance:

Will keep checking for an update...

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Hi Kelly :happydance:

Well we are feeling alot better after the weekend and Mallee seems to be happier than she was last week - thank god. I think we both went into a bit of a panic considering that she has been doing so well, and then for a hiccup to come along it really gets to you. The surgeons don't seem to be worried so i suppose that is one thing. Both Brock and i feel that she may have restreched her syatic nerve in her right leg again as that was damaged when the pelvis collasped and was strechted during surgery. We were told after the last op that she would roll her right leg and not be able to life it as good as the left leg until it repairs itself.

Up until last week she had been walking fine with no rolling in the right leg, but since Tuesday she has been rolling her foot abit again, so all things seem to suggest that that is what has happened!!

I can be quite a worrier at times, and do seem to only see the bad in things at times, and i think last week i was just having one of those weeks were you look to much at the down side of things. So heres to fingers crossed that she will remain ok and happy, and not to jumping to the worst conclusions all the time......lol.......

I think we are now going to give the swimming a bit of a rest until she is either 100% back to the way she was when she first started with the swimming or wait until we definatley have the all clear from her next x-rays, as we just can't risk her pelvis again. Its so hard to know what to do sometimes!!!!!

Anyway take care of yourself and Chloe - thanks for the hugs. Hope all is well in your end of the woods.... Thanks for everything!!!! :happydance2:

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I'm so glad that Mallee is doing better. Hopefully it won't give her any further problems. Maybe you could continue the swimming but just cut it back a bit and take her for short swims only? That way she could slowly start to build some muscle and support back without over doing it. I know how worried you must be, but the surgeons have told you that she is healing well and you know that you have done everything to ensure this. I know that I too was afraid of the unknown with Chloe. I was afraid of letting her out of her pen etc. But now she gets around so well and we let her off the lead most of the time as long as she has supervision. Every now and then she gets a tiny jog going, but nothing strenuous. And she has fantastic muscle tone and use of her leg. And she is happier that she is not always being restricted. I know that Mallee's operation was much more significant and there is more danger, so maybe just take it very slowly and let her do a little bit more gradually until you feel more confident. But it's been such a looooong road for you guys that I know it's hard to not be so cautious. I bet you are counting the seconds to the next lot of xrays... as I am with Chloe. But I think we both know that we will still be worry warts even with the all clear. I was telling Chloe the other day that she would be back to her old self in no time and even my Mum commented that even with both legs healed we will always be cautious every time she gets a fast run up and said that we will probably never be confident enough to play a vigorous running and jumping ball game with her. Just throw and standing catch stuff. Which is sad cause she loves her ball, but that's life and she has a whole huge toy box full of other squeaky, fluffy, chewable toys etc to keep her entertained. And she will be able to go for her beloved walks again to check out what's going on in the world... which I'm sure she will love. My dad has even started to take her for little 50m walks out in the front yard and a short way along the foot path. She loves being part of the big wide world again. But she can't wait to get back across the road to the big park we live opposite off. She gives a woof if she sees any other dog walking in 'her' park!!! :happydance: How dare they when she can not!!! But I notice that I am always analysing the way she is walking, whether it's bending properly, whether she is limping etc etc etc... So don't feel alone in being such a worry wart... I'm right up there with you in the OCD stakes when it comes to our girls!!! :happydance2:

You're right, it's hard to know the right thing to do. But we've done everything humanly possible to ensure they come back to good health, and I have full faith that they will. But we'll never stop worrying I don't think... well not for a loooooong time anyway!!!

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Hey guys!!!

Just wanted to see how Mallee is doing Antoinette? Have you had any further problems? Is she back swimming or anything just yet?

Well Chloe was so naughty over the weekend. It seemed that the only pace she would travel at is a run. She tried to run everywhere, and it was the silly zoomie runs too... even to get a drink. Hopefully this means she is feeling so much better... She is back to the surgeons for more xrays in about 1 - 1.5 weeks and I'm really nervous all over again. The first time I was expecting all good news and didn't totally get it, so this time I am expecting the worst just so I don't get disappointed... Although the results I see in her with my own eyes tell the real story!!!

Hope that things are going well for you anyways!!! Just wanted to touch base and see how you're doing!!!

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Hi Kelly - Hi All :(

Glad to hear Chloe is doing well, although a little less running might make you fell a bit better. I know the feeling all too well, it must be something in the air as Mallee has been running flat out also. Trying to stop her from running seems to be more exhausting, and makes her play up more than just letting her have her silly little runs. Mind you, it is quite hard to control her when she goes off on one of her cabbage moth chases!!!! Trying to hang onto the sling is a real task!!!.....lol....... we must look quite strange to our neighbours.

We have had no more problems with Mallee, and are tending to think that she did strectch her syatic nerve again the last time she went swimming, the rest seems to have done her the world of good, and we are thinking of taking her again as soon as she comes off heat......hoping that is soon!!!! But next time we go swimming not as many laps.

Mallee is due i think in about 2-3 weeks for her xrays (i wont say final as the last time was suppose to be final) - and i know to how you are feeling, i have decided the easiest thing to do is go in expecting that her pelvis has not healed yet, as then i will not be too disappointed if its the case, also been trying to get Brock to think that she may not be able to come straight out of the cage, as he has his heart set on her being able to come out of the cage full time after the next lot of x-rays. WOW i think we will know what stress is when she is out of the cage full time......

Anyway glad for the update Kel - i had better get back to work and do something - 10am and i have not even started.....lol......

Keep us posted


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Hi everyone,

I'm crossing fingers for Mallee and Chloe!! Wish we had swimming somewhere around here :(

Stella is OK so far, but as far as I remember, she started to go downhill about week 6 after the 1-st op, and it's 6 weeks now with the new implant, so it still may turn out badly. She's walking not so bad, showing some slow improvement. She still is i cage all day, free in the evenings and walks on lead 15 min a day.

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Hi Koza, glad to hear that all is well with Stella so far. I know what you mean, you never feel really confident... So far so good though, so fingers crossed that this implant will be a success. I tend to judge how Chloe is going with the way she uses and walks on it, so if Stella is using it well and improving then that can only be a good sign. I remember at around week 6 I started to feel a little less pressure, but with the operation Stella had I guess it's hard to feel confident until it's 100% healed and given clearance. Such a worry. I'm now also preparing myself to go through it all over again with Chloe's unoperated leg, but feel so much more informed and confident that she will handle it all so well. She is such a good girl. It amazes me how resilient they are sometimes!!! All our girls have been so brave.

Keeping fingers crossed that all continues to go well for Stella. When does she have to go back for a check up?

Sending lots of healing thoughts Stella's way!!!

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We'll see vet in a week, I think (Solly needs his immunisation anyway). The vet is so nice, all post-ops are free and the third operation and all drugs after it are free. It's really not their fault, but they took it as guaranteed operation...

Important thing is that Stella is in a good mood, happy every day, I guess Choe is too? When do you plan the second one?

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It's great news to hear that Stella is so well in herself. Yes Chloe is also doing really well. I am so surprised at how well it's all gone. She is getting around like a young girl again, just a little limpy on the unoperated leg if she tries to do too much. But her pain killers are only given few and far between now, and the 'new' leg is really starting to pull it's weight so the focus is off the other poor leg now. She is really building up big muscle in her operated leg and it's getting much stronger. The other leg is wasting away a bit, but soon it will all be over when she has it operated on. Hopefully after the next lot of xrays in the next couple of weeks she will have her other leg done. I just can't wait. I know it will be a long slow process again, but I am so thrilled with the results that I'm so excited. To see her getting around like her old self is really just priceless.

That's great about the post op and 3rd operation being free... probably wouldn't get that at too many other places. Lucky!! But I guess it's such a delicate operation, especially seeing that it's just so hard to keep a dog from using it.

I'm so glad that the news is all good from your end and hopefully you will give us some good news next week after her check up. Will keep everything crossed!!!

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Oops missed your post Antoinette... also fantastic news about Mallee. Glad it was nothing too serious and she is on the mend. You're right it's almost impossible from keeping them from the zoomies... but I take it as a good sign cause Chloe must be feeling really good to have her energy and enthusiasm back. And I think the same goes for Mallee. I'm sure she will love to be back in the swim, but yes, like you said just take it easy and build it up. She will probably be so excited that she could go forever!!!

I know what you mean about the disappointment. Especially when it's such a big step such as being let out of her cage full time. And when you're so close, you want it soooo bad. I'm sure you guys would love some time to yourselves etc as well. But Mallee has been through soooo much in her short time that it's natural to just want to see all the hard work pay off. I honestly can't wait to see her running around like a real puppy. But you're almost there, so hopefully the next lot of xrays will give the all clear.

Give Mallee a big hug for me!!!

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I have a bit of a concern... not sure if I should be or not... On Chloe's operated leg, she has a raised part of the skin where part of the leg was opened up. When healing from her op, she either licked, or there was a bit of a gap between the stitches that raised up and looked reddish (not infected though). The surgeon looked at it and said that it was fine 10 days after op. Now it has healed, there is a bit of a bump that runs along that part of the scar that is raised and feels REALLY hard underneath. If I press it, Chloe seems a bit uncomfortable and may even snap at me. She shows no other signs that it may be hurting her. It actually feels so hard that it could be metal. Nothing was picked up on the xray a couple of weeks ago, but could this by any chance be part of the metal implant sticking out underneath her skin? I know this all sounds really silly, but it just feels really hard and it's raised a bit where there was the original gap in the stitches. Or could it just be scar tissue build up from where the stitches were gapped and she maybe licked at it? Could this cause some discomfort if touched so long after the operation?

I may sound a bit all over the place and I hope I've described it as accurately as possible. I'm just hoping that it's not the metal implant sticking out and poking at her skin. It might sound dumb but I'm not sure exactly how the implant is placed on the leg etc... Any ideas?

It's sort of on the inside of her leg down near her hock??? And it looks normal other than it's slightly raised like a bit of scar, but just REALLY hard.

Edited by Kelly_Louise
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I can feel (and see) Stella's metal plate on the inside of her leg, which is where the bone wedge was cut out and the bits reattached, and I can also feel the top of the screws within that plate. I wondered what it was so asked the vet, seems obvious now but I was worried at the time! It doesn't bother her.

Edit to add, it's about 1cm wide and quite raised.

Edited by paula_canberra
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Hey Kel,

Mallee has the same thing on one of her hind leg scars - right at the top of the scar there is a lump and a bit of a skin tag - its like when he stitched her back up he miss aligned the skin so its not even - if you know what i mean!!! Gees these things are hard to explain!! I might have to take a photo of it....lol....

Anyway, sometimes if you touch it Mallee will give you an awful look and occassionally she will spin around and start chewing at it or licking it. Also not long after the op she had another smallish lump that was circular and really hard - i mentioned them both to the surgeon and he told me not to worry about it - the first one is like i said misaligned and the second one was an internal stitch that the body would eventually absorb!

So hopefully fingers crossed this is also what has happened to Chloe. I would properly say that it is scar tissue - do you massage her scars often. Mallee's were alot bigger and raised until we started massaging them as often as we could and they are shrinking well.

If you are really worried make sure you bring it up at your next appt - and make sure he sees you this time!!!!!!

Anyway must go and finish of my work for the day otherwise i will be joining the dole que.

Hugs to you and Chloe - i am sure she is fine.

Keep me posted - and post some more pics of your beautiful girl.

Antoinette xo

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Wow thanks Koza and Antoinette. I really didn't worry about it until yesterday when I accidently brushed my nail along it and she snapped at me and I was concerned that maybe something had been wrong all along and needed to be fixed etc. She doesn't really have much scar at all... it is barely visible except for that part where the stitches were gapped too far apart and it became a bit inflamed. The redness went down but it was always raised when it healed. I just hope it's not hurting her and poking her from the inside. But now that you guys have shared your experiences with similar things I feel much better. Especially since it really doesn't seem to bother her unless it is directly touched in that small area.

Thanks for the reassurance... I surely will make sure I speak to the surgeon about it (although both of them never mentioned it when checking her out). And yes Antoinette, I am going to make sure I definitely see the surgeon this time and see the actual xrays and have them explained to me so that I can see for myself and ensure that I have time to ask all the questions that will put my mind at ease!!!

Thanks again for the support guys... I really needed it... geez so many weeks post op and I still go into panic mode so easily!!! :thumbsup:

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Those hard bits on the scar - they will smooth eventually. The stitching material doesn't absorb very quickly, some bits will stay longer. Stella had small bits of that "wire" sticking out, and she shewed some and I pulled out some, too.

She is getting a bit of muscle on the leg!

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Yaay for Stella - glad to hear that she is doing well.!!!! How have you built the muscle back up - with swimming or walking? Just wondering as we are at the stage with Mallee that we have to start to really build up her muscles in the hinds legs in preparation of her hopefully finally coming out of her cage, we have done some swimming and she gets lots of on leash and sling walks around the back yard, but we have been wondering what way is best to get the muscle built back up swimming or walking?????

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