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thanks each and every one of you for all what you have written , i have a app at 5pm tonight at the vets, to find out everything in detail, as i was away at the time, and i was crying too much on my mobile.

michael my husband is taking very hard atm, we just never expected our jenna tobe like this, all so sudden....

its kind of surreal reading other posts on here with same thing or similar, but then it happens to you personally.

it's not the first dog/pet ive lost, but it doesn't get any easier :confused:

i do believe in alternative therapies, i too had a pancretic tumour and shouuldn't be alive today......thanks to a combination of things and a will to live, i did survive.

with Jenna, im not so positive, she has her athritis playing up, no matter what we do for that, the worse part is, that she has lost her will and spirit, and that is the saddest thing to watch, its not always just the physical side of having a illness.

i made a pact after my i lost my last beautiful dog, not to ever let another dog suffer, the way i did with my other dog, despite my own feelings of wanting to keep them with me till its too late, and watching them suffer immensly.

that time is not just yet, but i think i will know when,they always let you know in their way. :rofl:

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I'm so sorry

A lady on the malamute board I am a member of had similar news that her malamute had anal gland cancer. She did the operation to remove the cancer and then consulted Dr Martin Goldstein regarding holistic treatmet. The last post I saw was all good news so this might be worth looking into? I can put you in contact with her if you would like?

PM me if you want me to get her email address so you can talk to her

thankyou for that :confused:

i will see what the vet says tonight exactly.........i do beliueve in approaching holistic ways. been there myself...

just not sure with jenna yet, what road i will take.

i'll pm you if i need ur help.

thanks from the bottom of my heart xx

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Hi Julie-Anne,

Have been reading this thread and thinking of you.

I am sure Jenna will let you know when the time is right. Our old boy certainly did and though it wasn't convenient and many of the family did not get to say good-bye it was definately time to let him go.

Sadly knowing it is time and doing what is right is not easy.

My thoughts will be with you at 5:00 this afternoon. Be strong and be with her, no matter what the outcome, she will appreciate your presence.


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Hang in there - Jenna knows you love and cherish her, and would do anything for her .....thinking of you. Take care and what ever the outcome feel at peace with your decision and know in your heart you are doing the right thing. :confused::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: hugs to you and your family.

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hi guys, :rofl:

its a soft tissue myxosarcoma....on her rump

it may not spread, but they don't know or guaratee that :confused:

they said we could seek more advice from a cancer specialist vet, or go down the holistic path or just let her be, considering her age, and make her as comfortable as possible for the time being......

we noticed she was yelping yesterday a few times....so they have put her back on antiflamotories, but not a strong dosage.

thats all i can tell you guys atm...

they said to bring her back in the next few weeks for a another check on it.

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Oh dear Julie Anne, my heart and thoughts go out to you as I had a similar scare recently and lived the worst few weeks ever.

I can only offer my thoughts to yourself (and your poor hubby) and my prayers for Jemma.

Try to keep your chin up in knowing that so far, you have enriched each others lives to the fullest :)

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