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Heart Failure Help Please


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Has anyone had a dog that has been diagnosed with heart failure? If so how was your dog after you started giving it medication?What medication were they prescribed? My dog has to take 1 fortekor tablet in the morning and 1 quarter of a fluid tablet 3 times a day.

My dog has been home since last thursday and he was eating at first,then each day he seems to have lost interest in his food, he was eating though only very little. He still is drinking water.Also this morning he vomitted out a little bit of yellowish frothy stuff.

I have a vet appointment this afternoon.

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:eek: sorry to hear about your dog.

It really depends on the diagnosis, heart conditions can vary from mild to critical;

my old boy was diagnosed with mitral valve failure on the Monday, and had to be put to sleep on the Friday, medication was only to keep him comfy until he was ready to say goodbye (he did really well for four days)

My friend's dog had cardio-myopathy, was on medication for years, and lived happily and well.

So its really a case of what your vet finds, I know many dogs that have lived on Fortekor for a looooong time, with good vet management and a good diet & moderate exercise.

good luck, let us know how you go.


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As fifi has said it can really depend on the diagnosis and how critical the condition is. I have had a dog with dilated cardiomyopathy but unfortunately she only lived about a month after diagnosis despite medication. She went to sleep one day in her favourite spot and simply didnt wake up. I have known other dogs diagnosed with heart conditions however, to live for years.

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As others have said it depends on the condition, the dogs breed and how old your dog is.

Cavaliers can live out their entire normal livespan with mild heart disease with absolutely no consequence. They can also die very suddenly at a young age due to the same disease.

Dogs like Dobermans with dilated cardiomyopathy have a much poorer prognosis.

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Today we took him to the vet and he said my dog could only have weeks -months left.

Initially before we went ahead with everything they told us he has a good chance and now this.

Today we got told he has a ruptured chordae tendinae which makes things worse.

My poor dog :eek:

we are so upset.

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:rofl: sorry to hear about your dog.

It really depends on the diagnosis,  heart conditions can vary from mild to critical;

my old boy was diagnosed with mitral valve failure on the Monday,  and had to be put to sleep on the Friday,  medication was only to keep him comfy until he was ready to say goodbye (he did really well for four days)

My friend's dog had cardio-myopathy,  was on medication for years,  and lived happily and well.

So its really a case of what your vet finds,  I know many dogs that have lived on Fortekor for a looooong time,  with good vet management and a good diet & moderate exercise.

good luck,  let us know how you go.


Sorry to hear about your poor dog, its so sad what happens.How did you know it was time what signs was he showing?

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and wishes, its so hard to deal with,his part of our family, his out little best friend. :laugh:

Edited by girl05
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Take every day as it comes. Try not to dwell on the inevitable. Enjoy every minute with your beloved friend. You will know when the time has come.

Pop into the rescue forum.... there is a thread there about Theo, an aging newfy x who was rescued from the pound with a heart condition. Theo has just spent the last three months surrounded by love & was sent to rainbow bridge with his family around him instead of dying alone & afraid in the pound.

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