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Gone Mushing Forever


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Gone mushing forever

I’m going to lay low for a few days

This thing has hit me right in the face

My Chilly has gone mushing forever

And all I want is to be with her

How she used to love mushing before…

Before her left front leg became sore

So sore it had to be amputated

And her mushing days were interrupted

To being a tripod, she adapted

And for months, never seemed deflated

But for weeks now things have changed

The cancer has relentlessly spread

Her beautiful body was being ravaged

Hanging to life by a thread…

I knew she wanted to mush forever

I knew I needed to help her cross over

How I wish I could run with her

In my heart a bony spur

With her name on it CHILLY

Godspeed my canine beauty…

Chilly crossed the bridge at around 2pm on the 17th of November. I miss her terribly


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what a beautiful tribute to chilly

Our dogs are the best friends we ever have they dont judge or complain and know when to give you that extra lick on the nose. Losing a best friend is like losing a part of yourself sometimes you think the pain will never go away Remeber the god times cry let all the emotions out time will help the pain subside and then the meories wll become bright again.

I often look at videos and photos of my boy only just now can i do so without crying i still get the lunp in the throat but then i think of the funny things he did and the cut way his ears would turn in diffferent directions and i laugh.

Manon i wanted to say something earlier but hadnt the chance feel free to cry sweet girl and remeber shes mushing her way across the clouds

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What beautiful words for a beautiful girl, sorry she had that dreaded C that cut her life short and your time with her.

She is now your special angel, it is so hard, it is like a spear in the heart when we lose one of our trusted and loyal friends, just cry a little, then smile at all the wonderful memories of your precious time together.

Run free beautiful Chilly, you are whole again and you have many of our loved ones to play with at the :laugh:

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