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Getting High Scores


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Many years ago i was told by a fellow dog trainer " if you want to change the way people think about training their dogs you need to lead by example"

those words have stuck with me . Several years later and here i am with a dog that has the potential to gain high scores and do well in the ring. A dog that is the essence of positive training hopeful i the handler can be as good.

to gain high scores you need to develop a dogs drive food prey etc and teach the dog to push you for those things to become more intense is what will gain the reward so i have spoken to many trainers about the best ways to achieve this K9 and Lablover have been extremely helpful giving me loads of tips that i can use.

Now i am being accussed of being a win at all costs person not putting the dog first why becasue i have spoken to peope from differeing backgrounds that use different equipment never at any stage have i said i am about to change the way i train these people have a lot to offere everyone if you have an open mind.

I have also been accused of using people Why because i can only read a screen for a short period of time so dont bother reading threads that arent about training or developing the areas i am intersted in. I thought dog trianing lists were there to share dog training ideas and it was up to the individual whther they wantd to discuss cameras and potography especially when you are limited to your ability to read the screen.

People have pushed and pushed me to trial and show peple it can be done without force when i set out to do that im accussed of using people and not being a positve trainer. To use someone you take what you can and offer nothing in return yet i have always been open and helpful and have worked with many people having problems and never asked for a cent to do this is that a user?Sadly friends have been put in the same pot even though their reasons for not being online were simple working 12 or more hours a day not even finding time to train their dog let alone get on the net

Its amazing how peope take a tiny piece of a picture and then develop their own scenario, they assume you dont care if you dont jump in whenever something happens in their life. I guess rather than asking why you havent been around they just make up their own minds My family is close knit but we dotn always talk to each other things happen in our lives but we dont nvolve everyone all the time. at the moment im trying to cope with the idea of becoming blind one sister is there to support me the other is busy with a new family of her own so i dont expect her to call and coe over she has her own stuff to deal with at the moment. People cant always be an emotional sounding board for everyone else sometimes we need to take time out and look after number one if we dotn everyone suffers.

for the person that feels sorry for me because im not always into chat well just remeber who was there when you were being treated badly at the clubs who backed you up invited you to train with them when others wouldnt its sad that the thankyou is to put me down as a trainer and person.

Thankyou K9 Lablover Herr Rottweiler and others that havent judged me for asking questions even though we dont always see eye to eye its nice to know there are dog trainers out there that are intersted in dog training and arent insulted when thats what you want to talk about I have learnt a valuable lesson this week dont give away information for free you wont be taken seriously dont aim high in your training people will try to bring you down. Open your mind and expect to be jumped on. Treat all trainers as equals with much to offer and you'll get stabbed in the back

Its sad how people wil listen to gossip and heresay without the facts they will tell everyone else whatthey think they know about you without first confronting you with their concerns first.


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YB - I don't know what's happened to you this week to obviously dampen your spirits - but what I will say is don't let it stop you.

IMO, those who go on the "attack" are quite often jealous of your accomplishments and are without the knowledge and capabilities of achieving what you have. They want to bring you down to their level.

If it's working for you and your dog .... then keep going. People are disappointing sometimes ... your kindness and generousity of information and help is sometimes taken as a threat to their perceived "skill" ranking. Shrug off any deflamatory comments and know in your heart of hearts and mind of minds that you're doing the best with your dog (even in the face of your personal difficulties), that you've been willing to help (as opposed to being selfish) and it's the other people's choice as to whether they wish to take advantage of it or run you down for it and so remain ignorant.

ETA: Congrats on your successes! :laugh:

Edited by Erny
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If your openness to ideas and willingness to take and try things that suit you without pre-judging is challenging the mind-set of others then that is their problem, which they are then trying to put onto you. It is hard. I also have had some experience of this, of trying to excel and help others to also, by staying open and willing to try new things, by not wanting to accept second best, and ended up with people that I thought were friends making rather horrible accusations about me. It was hard. Very hard.

You know what you are doing is right and that the self imposed limitations that others have don't have to hold you back in your search for your ideal. It can be very hard to be different and also hard to try for excellence when others are satisfied with less. They make themselves feel better by trying to bring you down.

Keep your eyes on your goal. It will be hard at times but the rewards are worth it. You know in your heart that what you are doing is right.

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Thanks guys it nice to know there are others that understand where i am coming from this morning iwas ready to throw in the towel now after reading your posts im ready to take on the world.

Your both right their attitude is not my problem and i shouldnt let it get to me. time to move onward and upward in the pursuit of my goals


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Sidoney - what I was trying to say, but you said it better. :laugh:

And one more thing to add .... YB - if people are doing this to you, it's because they recognise you as "worthy competition". They're frightened of losing their status. Take heart by and be proud of that.

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Hey YB, sad that you've been given a hard time lately...but if it's a certain 'trainer' that runs a list then it's really not worth your energy. :laugh:

You really do need a thick skin in Dog Training, and it's hard when you're surrounded by people who are telling you one thing, and you want to do the other.

I too believe that no matter what background they come from, every trainer has something valuable in their toolkit...you can learn something from everyone.

I always go off to seminars with the expectation that 'if I learn one thing or way of training something that I didn't know before, then it was worth the time/money'.

I also think that internet lists and forums are filled with people who preach alot, but don't actually do much of the practical. Often their 'theories' no matter how right they sound are totally frustrating because I'm the one out there 'doing it' and can give them 10 reasons why it wouldn't work for owner and dog. I think on DOL we probably have a high number of trainers 'doing it', which is great. :(

Sometimes you just need to go it alone for a while, and recognise that the trialling world can be an artificial one...and for every person who trials there are another 3 who would never get to trialling stage, or never want to trial and are out there enjoying their dogs.

Positive training is a can of worms..it's open to interpretation and everyone has their own definition, and comes to the table with their own expectations. I think it should be more about 'proactive training' using methods that work, and work well for the dog...methods that are humane, and that the dog understands. Positive trainers who dismiss methods and equipment just because it doesn't appear 'positive' to them, are no better than our J & P counterparts who won't use food or a clicker.


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Hang in there YB

from ny own personal experiences in both obedience and conformation people that are down and out rude are generally jealous of your success and your rapport with your dog.

Sorry to here ot our illness and I can totally empathise about the sister issues.

PM me if you want to talk to someone. I am here for you


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Yup that is so true people talk about being open minded just as they are shutting the door lol

Im so sorry i missed you Hubby is fine being a big baby but hey thast males for you i told him today if he sooks much more i'll drop something on his head


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What the others have said is right. People "attack" others because they themselves have problems and feel insecure and don't want other people to enjoy themselves and excel at what they do. Believe me people are like this everywhere and while it is sad when you come to realise that people you thought were friends turn out not to be, they are the ones with the problem and they are trying to bring you back down to their level because they are frightened of being alone and of having someone be more successful that what they are. I have experienced the same in the world of horses as well.

If we can not be open to new methods and willing to learn all we can then how do we learn? Is it not through experience and help from others that we all learn and come to reach our full potential?

I just want to say good on you for being brave enough to try different things and try to find new ways of training with positive results! :laugh:

Hang in there, we all believe in you and most of all, you have seen the results of your hard work and so know that what you are doing is right for you at least! Many people,especially those that arent't faced with the difficulties you are, can't say the same because they are either too close minded or do not have enough courage to try something new, in all walks of life, not just dog training. So for that I would be immensly proud of yourself because you certainly deserve it.

I don't know what these people/person said to you, but I would ignore them. They are just not worth your time and energy.


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I missed the drama also! But whatever happened YB, let other people worry about their green eyed monsters, you know that what they are saying is not true and that it what matters.

Speaking for myself I have certainly never considered you a 'win at any cost' person and I thought we all used eachother as a source of information so that our training skills may benefit and that was the whole point? Share and share alike I say! I though we were all on the forum because we enjoy the exchange of information and welcome thought provoking discussion on training techniques.

Happy training :laugh:

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Hey YB, glad I could help :) I believe that if I let all the things people said about me really get at me then i'd be in a pshyc ward now :(

So .... all the things I say about you HR have been a waste of time? :laugh:

:):):) (sorry, couldn't help myself)

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Hey YB, glad I could help  :)  I believe that if I let all the things people said about me really get at me then i'd be in a pshyc ward now  :(

So .... all the things I say about you HR have been a waste of time? :laugh:

:):):) (sorry, couldn't help myself)

What like..."Oh Herr, you're simply the best! May I grovel at your feet?"

Nah, that's not a waste. You may grovel :)

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Don't know what happened either to dampen your spirits YB but I had a mate this week ready to throw in the towel. I will say to you what I said to her.

Do not ever stop doing what you love and your dogs love because of people who are in your life as human mosquitoes. Flick them off, stick your aeroguard on and get out there and show us all how beautiful your dogs are.

Edited by Rusky
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Hi guys

Yup your right it amazes me how people can go from being friends to nasty little insects just because they dont see eye to eye with you.

Something my hubby said which made me think a lot must be his concussed state he's been very wise at present lol

He said that seeings he knows how i train and has seen the results im getting that these people arent geting results so they are assuming that the only reason im geting results is by secretly using some kind of force .

this means they dont have faith in non force training or why would they assume that i would have to to so to get results. lol So really they are bagging themselves and the methods they so dilligently protect

does that make sense

Nayway today s a new day and with the results connor gave me this weekend wrking on heel sit and down with the vaccum cleaner being used he loves to chase the vaccum yet yesterday he didnt even think about it he has started to outhink me as soon as something that xcites him happens he is running to me with expectation of playiing with his toy.

If i can get that on the road boy will i be a happy chook lol


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