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Prey Drive Control & Focus..


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I'm building my TOT instructor robot .... can control it from the outside. Robot has a stash of steaks, chicken wings, bones and ......... pigs liver (thanks for the hint, Myszka) to work with. When the dogs are distracted, we rush K9 ..... :thumbsup: Haven, that's where you come in with the "doggy bag" .......

And Kelpie-i, you cover the back door ....

Oh - and by the way, the robot's name is ......

"ROBOTOT" © :hitself::o sssshhhhhhhh .......

Edited by Erny
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ROBOTOT....Interesting name Erny! :thumbsup:

Haven, I'll wait for you to come rushing in with the doggy bag and then I'll open the door so that Erny can carry Steve out - in one foul swoop!

I will bring my ray gun which doubles as a missile shooter in case we strike trouble.

Melbournites - May the force be with you.......

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Kelpie-i - :confused::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Kelpie-i:  Melbournites - May the force be with you.......

And with you ..


Don't forget to bring a prong collar ..... will have to pick one up as soon as we cross the border because they're illegal here in Victoria (and we're good "bad guys"). Hugely Wirthless says they're equipment of torture ..... it may come in handy.

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Ahhh guys, you are soooo funny.... :rofl:

I told you, you have NO CHANCE stealing him.

The only way is to convince him to move.

Good luck, for now the Force is with US in Sydney.

BTW stop this sillyness, he might actually start thinking we want him :confused::rofl::rofl:

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K9: It would take a dog that had solid foundation work as a puppy with the toy bto ignore a live bird.

It wont cause you any issues....

Could you please expand why it will not cause any issues?.

Thank the stars did not suggest I buy a pet dove or pigeon to have hanging around my neck. :confused:

How I would love to have a young puppy at the moment to experiment on, from whelping box to novice retriever. Just to prove to myself that a toy, could have equal value to a bird, dead (or alive).

For example police GSD, in full drive while attacking (a very naughty person, LOL), would every dog release on command at a distance every time?

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Hi LL,

If I may put my 10cents worth in before the 90cents value from Steve.

It is a bit hard for Stamp to ignore the live bird and accept the toy at this early stage in his training - meaning that you haven't trained him for that long with this modality and it's a bit hard to expect him to hold complete value of the toy yet.

We have proofed our dogs with live rabbits running across their path while working and they haven't battered and eyelid STS...but they have been training with this since puppies, so they are used to it.

Keep at it and don't stress too much..lol...(I think it may be only 8 cents value!)



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Could you please expand why it will not cause any issues?.

K9: In addition to what SARDOG has said, he was self rewarding in the old training program to date, it wasnt hard to change him, one rep with the bird wont make a lot of difference.

The bird wont be a constant thing either...


How I would love to have a young puppy at the moment to experiment on, from whelping box to novice retriever. Just to prove to myself that a toy, could have equal value to a bird, dead (or alive).

K9: I 100% guarantee it will work 100%. Eg: my 2 year old will do anything for a sip of coke, as we hardly let him have any. He isnt speaking much but I can send him to give his mum a kiss when I have a glass of coke in my hand, he will seek her kiss her & run back for his sip. Thats him leaving the reward, going elsewhere & then coming back... :)


For example police GSD, in full drive while attacking (a very naughty person, LOL), would every dog release on command at a distance every time?

K9: lol, no but most arent trained this way, I can tell you that dogs I have trained will, every time, as they have been taught that releasing intermitantly brings bigger more fun fight straight after...

I would not have tried to take the bird from him, but made big fun with the bumper by yourself so he would see fun has gon out of bird & is still available from you...

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We have proofed our dogs with live rabbits running across their path while working and they haven't battered and eyelid STS...but they have been training with this since puppies, so they are used to it.

Hi Julie,

I agree it is very important to have sound foundation with diversions like rabbits, other birds, scents and people.

I cannot help, also, but own up to a deadly sin. :rolleyes: That is, I do feel I can place a dog in a trial before they are fully ready.

I would not have tried to take the bird from him, but made big fun with the bumper by yourself so he would see fun has gon out of bird & is still available from you...

Uumm, I am going out to the garden to do some more weeding. Hopefully another bird will be about.

Do not worry bird lovers, it will be released unharmed. :)

Check IT OUT, quotes!!! At last.

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LL:  Check IT OUT, quotes!!!  At last.

Congratulations, LL! Well done :) A hint, though ... it is often helpful if you type in the name of the poster who you are quoting from, so people can track back to the full post if need be. :rolleyes:

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LL:  Check IT OUT, quotes!!!  At last.


Congratulations, LL!  Well done  :)  A hint, though ... it is often helpful if you type in the name of the poster who you are quoting from, so people can track back to the full post if need be.  :)I would not have tried to take the bird from him, but made big fun with the bumper by yourself so he would see fun has gon out of bird & is still available from you...


Like the above. Yiiipeeee, I am so excited. I leant something new today. Maybe even two new things today. Oh joy, LOL. I tell you I need a laugh so badly, Ses our six year labrador, with cancer, is looking very bad today.

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Well done on the quotes, LL .... that's a small thing to teach. Would rather be able to teach retrieve as you have to Stamp. :rolleyes: Maybe with my next dog.

So sorry to hear about Sas ... I didn't know. That'd be one of the golden lab's you have? :) It's tuff when one of your dogs are 'down' .... I know the helplessness you feel. Poor darlin' .... but lucky to have an owner such as you. Feel free to PM if you need to talk anytime.

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