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Urgently Teaching Puppy To Shut Up........

Guest LittlePixie

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He must be a new one ... at least he's unlikely to stay long.

What days do you go for a long time? Do you want to bring her here?

Goodo that J. likes you ... he can be helpful if that's the case and knows about these kinds of people.

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I've tried a bark collar. They're expensive as are the batteries you need to run them (I borrowed from a friend). Found it worked Ok to begin with, but effect decreased over time. Also, sometimes 'beeped' loudly when dog NOT barking e.g. jumping or playing with ball. Would try other suggestions first.

I would agree, but for the urgency of the OP. I would try a combination of everything, as you obviously feel you don't have the luxury to take a few months trying various things.

Would most definately be contacting the police though!

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This is a sort of sideways suggestion, and maybe not a goer with Holly and Brodie in the yard too... but bones? Big juicy ones?

The only way I can quietly leave the house with Ruski staying behind, or the pups staying behind, is to occupy everyone with big bones first.

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Hi LP,

Instead of a crate would something like a puppy pen work instead? Sorry, I don't know the size of your dog but a pen would give her some room to move while keeping your furniture safe. Of course if she is large or agile enough to hop out of the pen this wouldn't work (unless the pen has a roof). I've used a squirt of water from a Super Soaker water pistol fired over the neighbours fence to quieten their crazy dog. I had tried hoses, buckets, etc but he would always stop as soon a he heard the tap turning on and then start up again as soon as the water went over the fence (I couldn't aim very well as I couldn't see him). It might sound cruel playing sniper on the neighbour's dog but he would start up at 3 am in the morning, keep me awake half the night, and then sleep all day. Because he could not see or hear the water coming, it was very effective. Of course someone has to be there to catch the barking to correct it.



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I to would seriously suggest contacting the police...if nothing else other then so that they have the abuse and threat on paper (report etc).

Not sure i'd use a bark collar on such a young pup but i'd certainly look at the water idea....and the whole 'pretend leaving' thing that you'd do with a dog with separation anxiety issues...she's just chucking a tanty by the sounds of it so it shouldn't take long for her to realise that it's not going to work....but rather then just ignoring her as it happens sit down and specifically do the training as such.

Hope that makes sense..lol...i have to go crash before i pass out :thumbsup:

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Sounds like our neighbour is visiting your place! we had the same threats and abusive treatment from ours. it is bizarrely unreasonable too as our neighbour was actually tormenting the dogs to MAKE them bark, plus he isn't home for most of the day so he only hears about two minutes of barking as he goes in and out of his house, unless he was stopping to tease them!

I'd try the soft muzzle before the barking collar unless you can get some advice from a behaviourist before using the collar. we were using one on Nina to try and get her to stop barking at the neighbour - who then upped the ante by deliberately teasing both dogs and stressing Nina out even more. Unfortunately the collar then added to her stress instead of breaking the cycle in this case, but it works a treat for Ted who just barks because he can!

we keep our two inside now and it has helped alot - both with their sensitivity to the nasty man, Nina's anxiety in general and my peace of mind. but our pair are extraordinarily well behaved inside. we haven't had any destruction.

the neighbour hasn't said a word to us since bringing them inside. I think he's kind of missing getting his jollies from tormenting them while we were out and then abusing us about it. nutter!

we contacted the police and were told that he was just being a "public nuisance" and that they couldn't do anything about it. but I think I was just being fobbed off. I've been advised since that we could have complained about the abuse we copped, even if they weren't willing to do anything about the threats to the dogs.

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This is in addition to the good advice given so far....not a sole solution.

I've found that it can help to teach a dog (that tends to bark as separation anxiety) that good things happen for it, only when it's quiet. And absolutely nothing happens, if it whines or barks or makes any noise to get your attention.

The dogs have to 'Sit' & be quiet to get a pat, a treat, dinner, lead on for a walk, get in the car etc. Any noise (even the slightest), I just turn my back, total ignore....only when quiet turn back. The penny drops after a while....that the sound of its voice doesn't get attention & good things....but quiet does.

I had to do this because of a dog that screamed & barked non-stop as separation anxiety.....& screamed even louder, in excitement, when we came home. After a couple of weeks....& with the neighbours being told what we were doing....the screaming & barking stopped.

Edited by mita
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I'll leave it to Pixie to update how Kaeleigh is going...

We've been advised to report him to the department of housing... apparently they have to investigate all claims, and if they get enough complaints they'll relocate the family. J says he constantly has his doors and windows open and he barely ever hears them - the night of this abuse she was a bit whiney apparently, a little over the top but not THAT bad - his dogs have always been worse (bad neighbours dogs that is).

This guy is the same one that was there ages ago - we'd just never seen him until now because she had an avo on him that's only just run out...apparently he used to bash her quite often - sometimes even in the front yard.

So, I have a letter to write to the department of housing now - not just about this incident, but also about their kids who throw rocks at people, their old dogs and what we put up with etc...will have to do that after the weekend - my dad is coming for a visit and will be in Sydney for Sat/Sun so going to be too busy before Mon/Tues ish.

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Guest LittlePixie

Kaeleigh's good :(

I put my lemon-scented spray bark collar on her. I was afraid to put anything around her face in this heat. She seems to have pretty much got the picture! She'll always be vocal, as her father was very much that way inclined, and most of her litter is like her as well, but this has really minimised the yelling of "HEY!! I'M OUT HERE!! YOU'VE FORGOTTEN ME!! HEY!!". I'll have to see how she goes once the collar is off, but she's a very clever little girl and she's going okay so far.

And yeah, apparently she was noisier than usual that night. Thing that annoys me is that I am not an unreasonable or unapproachable person... if anyone had come over and pointed out that she was interrupting their sleep I would have been absolutely mortified.

Anyway, whinge whinge :)

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to share their thoughts/advice with me. I really appreciate it and it's given me a lot to think over. Reminds me why I love this forum so much :eek:

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