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Tick Warning!


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Can I just say, I live in the hills district in Sydney, and over the weekend my next door neighbours dog got a paralysis tick and almost died.

I didn't think I was in a "tick" prone area either, but I guess I was wrong! I spoke to our local vet and they said that they see soooo many cases around our area!

Be really careful guys!


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These days, any where is tick area. With the semi's loaded with cattle coming past, you just dont take any chances.

I've seen them here in country Vic. Living close to the highway, I have heard a few dogs get them.

Always check in the most unlikely areas too. The ears especially. They love a warm moist area. Sweaty areas too.

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Well 5 days ago I was warning everyone about ticks..........

Today one of my fosters is at the vets with yes you guessed it tick poisoning.

I am very aware of ticks in my area and check religiously, Frontline and looking for the signs.

For the last couple of days Jack my wonderful foster has been a little off colour. I have been keeping an eye on him and checking him over at least twice a day. Today he took a sharp turn for the worse and was unsteady on his feet. Straight to the vet we went - Tick poisoning confirmed, even the vet couldnt find the bugger.

So again get checking, take precautions, and with all of that still keep an eye out for the symptoms.

Jack should be back home tomorrow.


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A friend just lost her GSD from 2 ticks last week - she didn't know the central coast was a problem area as she had only recently moved there from a non-tick area. A friend's dog that she was minding was saved tho.

Always keep injectible vit c on hand to administer if a tick is found.

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Get hold of Pat Coleby's book on Natural Pet Care - a mine of information. Don't know the dosage rate myself for tick poisoning, but friends who have used it say that the symptoms start to reverse within several hours as the poison is detoxified.

Would still place a badly affected dog in vet care in case of respiratory problems etc, but they can't actually break down the poison that is in the system or prevent further damage. My friend's GSD that died last week was at the vet's, who was unable to do anything to save her. Unfortunately it all happened so quickly that she didn't contact me until afterwards, as I could have given her some.

We always have it in the frig from the beginning of spring till the end of autumn, just in case. Then chuck it out if unused, and buy more next season. Have also used it many years ago for pups with a parvo-like problem. Had 6 deathly ill pups at home on drips for several days, and kept injecting vit c in thru the drip. Saved 4 of the 6, much to my vet's surprise!

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Phew!!! Glad I do not live in a tick area, but we do have the deadly dangerous brown snake season now, and the occacional red belly black, but we keep a weed free and timber free yard, so as to make it safe for the fur babies.

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years ago when I still lived in inner Paris, and only took my girl to the country for horse riding, I never needed to treat her for fleas or ticks... One day i found one on her fanny... sorry, I dont know what it's officially called in english 'la vulve' in french.. I only saw it because she kept licking there and I wondered what was up... She couldn't get it herself = too burrowed in, filthy beast.

Please could someone tell me what "paralysis ticks" look like ??? What is tick poisoning ??? What are the symptomes. My friends dog nearly dies of Pyroplasmose (babeosis)= pale gums, lethargy, black pee...) but I don't think that exists in Australia.

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Do you mean Equine Piropasmosis? It is control by Australian Equine Quaratine. With a lot of horses coming from overseas for racing, olympics and horse equestrian events we usually dont have any of this. I dont believe there has been a case.


What do ticks look like. Click on the pictures for a better look.


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