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Vet Shocked At Me Giving My Dogs Vegies


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I was telling the vet tonight about how my SWF had a vomit last night- i took her up because my cat had to go for another check up on his leg. The vet said, was it digested food? I said no, because the peas and corn was still whole in the vomit. He looked at me like he was going to faint! He couldnt believe I give my dogs vegies :D :) Do you guys?

Edited by sugar
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because the peas and corn was still whole

When she gets better you might try blending/juicing up the veggies :D

Yup, Dieter gets a lot of leafy greens and pumpkin as a 'staple' veggie and then whatever is cheap :)

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Firstly , dogs cannot digest raw vegies unless they have been pureed, that is whythe peas and corn were whole. I don't feed corn.

My dogs love their vegies and my Vets supports what I am feeding them( raw mince, pureed vegies, boiled rice, chicken necks, shanks, brisket bones and some Bonnie Complete).

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why no corn? it was only a little bit :D :D

I lurve :o my vet :)

Seriously, besides this, I wouldnt know what to do without him. He is always available to make squeeze in times for my pooches and ragdoll, and has been excellent with my ragdoll cat with the whole scenario- he saw our cat so many times for check ups in a month for no charge.

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why no corn? it was only a little bit :D :o

I lurve :o my vet :)

Seriously, besides this, I wouldnt know what to do without him. He is always available to make squeeze in times for my pooches and ragdoll, and has been excellent with my ragdoll cat with the whole scenario- he saw our cat so many times for check ups in a month for no charge.

No way said that you should dump you're Vet :D I was just have a bit of a laugh, loads of vets are against the BARF diet.

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may be an old wives but I never give my dogs corn, breeder of my first Goldie donkeys years ago told me that corn had caused obstruction and death in dogs.

I never put it to the test, I have never checked it out. It may need serious research.

Giving vegies to dogs is not a new thing and I am stunned at your vets surprise. My parents fed our dogs raw vegies in the 50's which is as early as I remember and mum told me that becuae of war restrictions their dog really only had vegetable peelings and other leftovers, they would be fined if they gave the dog food suitable for human consumption.

The dog was beautiful, well fed, no problems.

So it isn't new and I have been feeding my dogs on vegetables, bones and biscuit for 30 years or more.

get another vet :D

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Corn kernals fed whole come out whole, I steer clear of them. I don't give peas either as the acid in peas upsets some dogs tummies. My boy gets carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, beans, pumpkin, sweet potatoe; none of this seems to upset him.



Edited for minor typo.

Edited by fido666
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Corn kernals fed whole come out whole, I steer clear of them.

Yes they tend to in humans too!! :D But I imagine that the digestive process allows for some digestion and therefore gaining of nutrients. I give them to my dogs only when I am doing the "lazy Barf veges" and cooking a combination of raw and frozen veges for them.

Ideally I pulverise the raw ones... but sometimes it just is so much effort... and I would prefer to give cooked veges than none at all! *Gotta hate cleaning that bloody food processor!!!*

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Corn is a cereal, not a vegetable. Dogs don't digest cereal at all well.

Corn COBS can cause gut obstructions - not corn kernels. They tend to be just the right size for a large dog to swallow but they won't pass through. Its probably quite safe to feed corn kernels just not very nutritious.

Sugar, I'd suggest you invest in a juicer or blender and vary the veggies you feed a bit more. Both corn and peas are mostly starch.

There are threads on hear about fruits/veggies that are toxic to dogs. The worst of the lot are onions - raw or cooked. :D

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