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Apple Cider Vinegar


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ann21 - with the paddle pool you don't have to empty it every day, just when it shows signs of getting gunky. Interestingly, I'm finding with the warmer weather the first signs of algal growth are more black - they were greenish, but that might have something to do with the green tree frogs spawning in it :)

Sonic, I don't use a "dose" per se - I think a slurp is the correct terminology :( Probably as much as the dogs will stand, but if you put it in all their water they don't have a choice ;)

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Dose of ACV???? Hmmm. Caffiend said it best. A good slurp!!! I tend to splash it into their bowls at dinner time, would probably equal a teaspoon per dog (12-15 kg dogs). You cannot overdose with it.

I read ages ago in Pat Coleby's Natural Pet Care that you should use the natural stuff from the health food store, with all the sediment. Have always done that. I don't know about the supermarket stuff, whether it is as good or not.

Does wonders for immune systems, kills bacteria and seems to keep them nice and healthy. I recommend it to all dog owners I meet.

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Just to add, I use it a LOT.

My cats drink it and the kitty litter trays aren't as offensive.

My dogs drink it and they don't smell as much, particularly the boys and the girls don't leave those attractive burnt rings on the grass.

I also give it to my horses and have in fact just purchased a huge big container of natural ACV which is mixed with garlic - will see how it goes with the animals.

I drink it warm with honey and I haven't had a UTI for years (used to be VERY prone to them once!).

Simply excellent stuff!

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Where do you guys get it from? I've looked for it in Woolworths, Coles, Bi Lo & Franklins without any luck!

I get my in Woolworths in the healthdepartment it is the Organic Apple cider vinegar.

I give it for health reasons they love it in their water.

In fact they don't like drinking it without. :(

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