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How's This For A Prey Item?


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I'll wait till I get it, and then I'll decide what to do with it. I have a dried uncured rabbit skin hanging inside out stretched on a reshaped coathanger. I was thinking that would be a good start for making it scented. My thought ATM is to make strips of rabbit skin/fur and plait them in say a round or 4 plait, including the uncured, dried skin (which is likely to get slobbery but I can make a few and rinse/dry them in between slobbers).

I always like to collect fresh bunny road kill, I find it useful. The dogs like the meat and I dry the skin. Unfortunately in the burbs wild roadkill bunnies are not so easily found.

BTW all kinds of cheap furs on Ebay.

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I haven't got to picking up roadkill myself, but I am sure one day, I will.

Never say never is my motto.

Every time I have bid on Ebay I never seem to end up with the item. I am always overbid. There is apparently a method to have secret - silent bids (or something like that, right?

Sorry about my silliness. My darling mum is being dicharged again from hospital tomorrow. Yippppeeee.

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Hmm ... an interesting purchase, to be sure! What I'm wondering is how on Earth you found it?

Do you have favourite search for "rabbit fur tug toy" or something?! :rofl:

It looks like a great find, anyway. Let us know if it works!

There's a redneck at the uni with a fox tail attached to the roof of his hotted-up ute ... I'm happy to procure that in the name of increasing your Viszlas' prey drive :rofl:

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