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Aloe Vera Juice - Getting Them To Drink It


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Hmmm now I wonder if I have just exposed myself as some sort of freak who likes gross tasting things... :whip:

Mr GT says I am gross for liking Chinotto and for eating lemons... maybe all this time he has been right?!

I haven't smoked any cigars, or anything for that matter!

Steve not sure about the accreditation on the juice, I haven't seen anything like that- maybe I am buying poorman's aloe juice. Ughh the shame! :thumbsup:

Actually I will check it out properly this weekend when I do my grocery shopping.

I like to make my own juice, I like this combo:

Pomelo (when there is none, I get Grapefruit) Celery, Ginger, Passionfruit & Mint.

Maybe my dogs have freak taste too because they like the juices I give them- esp Henry. He is a fruit eating monster!

In terms of healthy guts, I have to say that ever since I stopped making my own version of Barf and switching to SassyTreats meals together with yakult and aloe and other juices, my two have looked great. No poo problems or vomiting. If only my squirrel runt would put on some weight...

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Hey GT - I drink chinotto and eat lemons but I think stabbing myself in the heart with a blunt Swiss Army Knife would put more of a smile on my face than drinking AV juice. Maybe Mr GT has a point. :rofl:

I still remember the day Mr Raz thought it was lemonade :rofl: That'll teach him for taking a swig straight from the bottle!

Edited by raz
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