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Aloe Vera Juice - Getting Them To Drink It


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Had a search, lots of threads on putting 100% aloe vera juice into your doggies' diets, but nothing I've found about getting them to accept it, other than adding a splash to barf patties.

I've got Keg on chicken wings ONLY for the next two weeks to see if that will clear up his nasty tummy and chest rash, before going back to 100% BARF. No more kibble in the mornings. How do I get him to drink the stuff?

BTW he looks ever so unimpressed in his size 0 singlet to reduce his scratching, which, incidentally seems to work! It's early days, but this is a good start.

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BTW he looks ever so unimpressed in his size 0 singlet to reduce his scratching, which, incidentally seems to work! It's early days, but this is a good start.

Poor. itchy Keg.

Bet he'd look fetching with a pair of Stubbies to match that singlet, though ...

I don't know whether it does the same thing, but lots of Asian grocers sell some type of aloe vera "juice" in small cans ... could be worth a peek at the ingredients list?

How much is the dog supposed to ingest? I'd try putting it on my finger and smearing it all over his teeth if only a little is needed.

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Poodlefan: yep, even though it's already got ACV? It all gets mixed up inside anyway, so i wouldn't think mixing it externally would hurt? The only thing is that the bottle says refrigerate after opening (unlike ACV), and it's 33deg+ here consistently, so I'm not all that keen on leaving it out all day.

Mooper, the AVJ is 100% stuff, no additives. Steve's advice is 100ml twice daily. So far, he's had a little lap at it, and if he could screw his face up in disgust I think he would have. But we've dunked his chicken wings in it, so he'll get some that way, but not like 100ml. He probably injests a fair bit of the jel we're slathering all over his tummy too, so I guess I shouldn't worry any more than I already am!

hehehe I wanted to get the little bubsta Chesty Bonds in dark blue, but they only had yellow. That's not right! So he's got little white and baby blue singlets. :D

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Thanks Yvonne, I'll try the latter for the next fortnight (didn't think of that! :D ), and once we slowly get him back to the barf patties I can add a splash in the mix.

Shame it's as expensive as it is, but seeing that it seems to be liquid gold, I'd buy it even if it was at those prices.

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Don't know Greentea, I haven't given it to him before, but he does like his yoghurt :D

I want to give the chicken and aloe only for two weeks as an immune system kick start, and then build him slowly back into other BARF. Vet had suggested 6 weeks of Hills z/d allergy free kibble ONLY - which seems to me to be the other end of the spectrum to clear up his rash.

Timing-wise, it's looking more like a vaccination reaction than environmental, especially since Indy is not affected.

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Now, I know it is mean to make a spectacle of the sick... but could you maybe post a few pics of the little guy in his singlet? Sounds so cute!! :D

I give mine the aloe and yakult mix about once a month, the yakult on its own every few days. The reasons I give it to them is because they have had tummy upstes in the past as have I, and I was told to drink it so I figured it would work on them too.

I don't suggest you try the aloe and chicken combo though! :D

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Hi caffiend,

I'm giving the aloe capsules - one a day. I'm hoping my girl is digesting them. We also are having bowel problems (started a day after her 12 week vaccination, but everyone has said that it shouldn't have been the vacc which caused it). It's not diarrhea as such, but her stools are loose with mucous and are a mustard sort of colour. I've been feeding Chelsea chicken and rice for 2 weeks now with no improvement and now am also feeding Science Diet I/D to see if that helps. Otherwise my vet wants to do a scope to see what the problem is as he can feel nodules in her lower bowel. She doesn't have any other gastro-intestinal symptoms and is as energetic as ever, so i have no idea what's caused this. I am also adding Slippery Elm Powder to 2 of her feed daily to help line the digestive tract as well.

Anyway, best of luck with your boy.



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Good news! The little guy has stopped scratching! Don't know what may have stopped it, but a combination of no kibble, lots of aloe on the tummy, starting the aloe juice and the singlet seems to have done the trick!

One thing that was evident was his that he was a lot less active whilst he had the singlet on - maybe it acted like a pressure bandage, and there was less opportunity to lick all the aloe off? Just a theory. Doesn't matter - it's worked!

I won't presume to think we're fully out of the woods yet, but it's a bit start.

Greentea - I've got a little ripper of a photo of him in his little white singlet (before he went and rolled in the garden) fast asleep on OH's chest, who is also asleep.

Goldielover, hope your girl improves soon. What I do feel now is that Science Diet is a crock, maybe taking that out might make a difference?

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I emailed you yesterday, Caffriend, but think it went to your work addy.

Syringe. Buy it from the local chemist. I'll be doing the same with my boy. The stuff tastes bloody disgusting so I dont blame the poor little bugger for screwing his nose up. Great to read he's no longer scratching himself raw :D I'd make him finish the bottle anyway - if only to get him back for putting you through hell last week (and for upchucking on the fresh sheets then cocking his leg once you remade the bed :) )

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Oh yeah, just for that the photo in his singlet is being publicly broadcast. I just won't tell OH! :D 11.30 on a school night is NOT the time to make your bed - TWICE!

If I mix the aloe in with chicken juice he laps it up, so no need for the syringe.

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I drink the aloe and it tastes just as I would imagine cats wee would taste . Gotta psyc myself up for 10 mins every morning to get it in.

I cant look into the glass when I skull it [ have to close my eyes] take a big gulp of air before I get it anywhere near my mouth and I try not to breath out until I can get in some water to wash my mouth out . God its nasty stuff. I cant watch while anyone else takes it either Have to leave the room .It has an enzyme in it which naturally makes people gag just like something else [ same enzyme] which Im not prepared to say on the forum . My dogs dont seem to be bothered by it and the cats love it .

However nothing equals it for your immune system and its almost worth putting up with the taste when you start noticing the results.

Honestly though the benefits for dogs are huge and there's nothing that comes near it for skin problems or the immune system and its a perfect example of how many things can be affected by diet.

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Yep, it's wronger than a wrong thing by itself! OH takes sadistic pleasure watching me take fish oil tabs, Vit B and other nasties - I think adding raw chicken juice to the aloe would make it taste better :)

Best to make a game of it and take it together, and the one to last the longest without heaving is the winner :D

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My cav has had the same sort of bowel symptoms, and i tried the chicken and rice but i found it was making it worse.

Some dogs do have a sensitivity to chicken and rice. i am now trying her on a single source of protein which she hadn't had before, lamb, and it appears to be settling down.

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