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Worst Day Of My Working Life


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Isaviz,you did what I would hope someone who knows my dog would do if ever she was out on the road and I didn't know it.Most people,I'm afraid,would have kept on driving.Like Alibear said,there should be more people like you.

My thoughts exactly.

What a horrible horrible thing to happen to you. My heart goes out to you and I totally agree with what Inanna said - I would hope someone would do the same for me if it were my dogs and I would never ever blame them for trying to help. Sometimes, things just happen - there's no way of knowing that the accident would have been prevented if you werent there - theres every chance it would have happened anyway, but at least this dog had a friendly face at the end. :cry:


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Thanks guys the owners returned today and collected Bella (I put her in a kennel) then went and collected Mika's body from the vet. Yes they were very thankful that I was with him to the end at the vets and he did not die with strangers. And they asked all the questions and through my tears I answered and they also said it was not my fault and they were thankful Bella never got hit as well.

I still feel bad but now I am not blaming myself.

thankyou, no one else understood a lot said it was only a dog.

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