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Tahoma The Wolf


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tahomafullsize.jpgTahoma was a wolf i adopted she lived from 1984 - 2002. i adopted her from wolf haven international so that the wolf hunters dont kill them. wolf haven finds the wolves and shelters them then gets people to adopt them like world vision adopting a child but not actually having it with you. Tahoma was my baby in my heart i was going to go to the shelter and visit her overseas. http://www.wolfhaven.org/tributes.htm is a tribute page to all the wolves that have past on. She will forever stay in my heart Tahoma R.I.P


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wow that really sad, sorry u didn't to see her.

wolves have been apassion of mine since the day i could walk, one day i would love to meet one face to face but for now i see those lovly wolf eyes sparkling in my dingos eyes, they are very much alike :laugh:

going to check out that site

cheers Sam

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If you are interested in wolves you can also check out www.wolfpark.org . They are similar to WolfHaven (non-profit organisation which main goal is to help wolves/educate people about wolves etc). Also check out Monty's Photos of the Day page at www.wolfpark.net . He updates the page daily with new photos from WolfPark. Sorry a bit off topic but whenever I find someone interested in Wolves and Dogs I can just go on and on :laugh:

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