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Feeding Fish To Dogs.


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Ok now I know people that feed BARF, feed Fish to their dogs.

Does anyone else feed fish to their dogs ???

If so what sort of fish ??

The whole fish or just fish heads ??

What are the benefits ??



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While we dont 'intentionally' feed them fish... when hubby gets back from a days fishing and sits down with the kids out the back to clean them, our dogs will pinch a whole fish if they can and run off and eat it. :rofl: Then i worry the rest of the day if they will choke on a bone.

Could be anything from garfish, whiting, flathead, salmon ect ect.

They love cooked left over fish with the spine removed also.

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My dogs also love tuna and sardines. I feed them tinned tuna and sardines in oil. It is great for their coats.

They love any fish. It wouldn't be the first time I have gone and bought fish and chips for our dinner and bought the dogs fish as well. Not in batter but grilled.

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i feed fish at times to my dogs they love it. the fish will be any thing that is cheep at the time, i feed it raw or cooked.

you realy see their coats shine after a few weeks off feeding it, and their energy level is great.

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I feed whole raw sardines. That seems to be the favourite of my lot when it comes to raw fish. I buy it in bags from the fish place at the markets. The Cats love them too :rofl: .

Otherwise they get canned sardines, mackeral, tuna or salmon. Usually they get fish of some sort about every 10 days.

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My boys get canned sardines fairly regularly...but i've often seen whole mullet going cheap etc etc the medium type fresh fish...and i've wondered if i'd have to scale the silly things forst...or aim for the fish with only itty bitty scales?

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Yep I feed fish to my dog. Once a week on average.

Whatever hubby catches :rofl: or whatever is the cheapest in the fish shop

Macrell, whiting, bonito, yellowtail etc

Yes the whole fish, scales, head and guts - the lot.

My dog really likes it

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Guest Pandii

Yep I feed salmon or bream or what ever else is running in the river at the time

Yep whole everything

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Yep whole fish, whatever hubby catches and they love it. At first they didnt but i started on whole raw pilchards ( the sort you use for bait) and now they eat any fish without any problems, heads and all.

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Yep, mine get fish about once a week.

If the OH has been out they get whatever the bay has offered that day - could be whiting, snapper, anything. It gets gutted for them, but thats it, they eat the lot. Jem will suck in a whiting like its spagetti - she'll look at you with the just tail tip still hanging out of her gob then suck that in too. I try not to watch. If the boat hasnt been out, they get a tinned sardines, or tinned makeral (which you can often find really cheap).

Doggy fish breath kisses......... eeeeeeeeew. :rofl:

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Just to be on the safe side I would never ever feed a whole fish that had not been gutted. Many people release fish or they break a line and get away with a hook inside them. Wouldn't want that to end up inside my dog!

I scale the fish first, only because I wasn't sure and wanted to play it safe. If it's a fish with big spiny fins I cut them off too and of course you have to be careful as some types or parts of certain fish are poisonous.

Other than that they get everything including the head and tuck in with relish!

I think once a week or once a fortnight is fine.

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when you feed sardines from a can do you mash them to beak up the bones or leave them whole?

our foster dog loves sardines but i have been mashing them into his supercoat. I also give him tuna in oil. He is looking very glossy at the moment.

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Guest Pandii

When feeding tinned fish I just tip it in the bowl oil and all and leave it

Thye slurp it up regardless of what it is

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  Bailey said:
I have been feeding Bailey tinned tuna about once a week but I wasn't sure if it should be tuna in brine, tuna in springwater or tuna in oil?

What is the best?

Angel & Gracie get 2-3 cans of tuna in springwater a week...tuna for skin health & in springwater because they're senior dogs that tend to put on weight. I avoid the brine because I wonder about

saltiness...I just don't know.

In their younger, slimmer days tuna in oil would have been OK.

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I feed tuna in oil because my two are underweight and also tend to have dry coats.

Also I feed sashimi tuna and salmon. This is deboned of course. We get it from our local Japanese restauarant to takeaway. Some for me, some for the dogs! They love it and so do I, though I like mine with soy sauce and they have theirs sans sauce.

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Guest LittlePixie

I feed my lot sardines in oil once a week.

I usually mash them up into their vegetables because then they don't leave the vegies! :p

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