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The Divine Miss Sophie


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On Tuesday at 1.55pm The Divine Miss Sophie was helped to The Bridge.

Since she arrived here in January 1994 a starving and very ill 14 week old pup she has been both a delight and a challenge. The Divine One had brain damage due to a bite through the top of her skull which caused a bone and brain infection. She was unlikely to survive, but survive she did in style. Early in her time with me, training began to get me to lift her into the car for the drives she so delighted in ( especially when accompanied by Morris the love of her life) Her forte was leaning over the edge of the ute to bark loudly in the ear of passing cyclists, travelling with her head into the wind, lips flapping with drool flying.

The Divine One firmly believed that the farm was hers and we her indentured labour. She would carefully herd the ducks, was the best "kid" finder despite the does efoorts to stash their babes in the most inaccessible places.

She adored my husband and would roll on her back and grab his legs with her front paws, groaning in delight when he tickled her tummy.

She had been here since we first set foot on the farm and an era has passed. her couch is empty at nights, Jake wanders around the yard looking for her and I miss her so much..although I know that she was ready to leave.

On Monday night her good back leg finally was not strong enough to hold her up and she kept collapsing. her behaviour changed and she would stand/sit beside me looking into my eyes. I knew that she was letting me know that her time here was nearly at an end. Tuesday afternoon, she slipped away in my arms, not even a final sigh as she rejoined her Morris at The Bridge.

Be free, be strong and be happy my sweet girl.

The_Divine_Miss_Sophie.fxbFetching info...

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Dear Dogbesotted

A candle burns brightly here in Tas to guide The Divine Miss Sophie on her way to meet with some more exeptionally beautiful ones that went before her. Morris and The Divine One will be watching over you.

Take care of you...

Maria and Cambridge K9 Crew

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RIP one lucky lucky and loved old girl,

may the RB free you to be all you were on earth and much more,

may you sing and soar with the angels and stars

and be waiting when you and Morris see those loved and wonderful humans coming to meet you again some faroff day :mad:mad

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I am so sorry to hear of your loss :)

What a full, happy, loving and beautiful life this girl received when she was blessed with you as her family.

Soar High Divine Miss Sophie

Enjoy your lazy days baking in the bridges light until that fateful day when two become one again.


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