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About A Boy


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Sorry, I dont want to uncheer anyone up but loosing Maya is huge for me. Since a puppy I had him for 15+ years and he nearly died as a puppy with a golden staff infection called puppy strangles. Crickey, I loved him to bits and now what do I do with the greif? Cry every night if I am lucky to be able to cause I know that is a well thing. Not sleep cause I haven't since he died. I'm not coping with his departure, please help me. Sorry, that's very selfish on my part. Maya would just think I was silly. Of course. I miss him heaps.

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Katey, my advice to you would be to consider getting another dog......not to replace Maya......one animal cannot replace another, but because there are so many darlings out there who need an owner like you. :rolleyes:

Somehow I think the ones that I have lost and grieved for look down approvingly at the happy mutts here who have been given a second chance. :mad

Being able to give love to another animal is a very healing thing, and I'm sure Maya would want you to be happy.

Do give it some thought.....you don't have to stop loving one animal in order to love another!!!

Cheers, Fido. :)

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Katey, I lost my eus who was 13 years old to cancer in August. It feels like it was only yersterday. His breathing got weird at 4am on a Sunday morning and I sat with him until 6am when he died in my arms. God it was heartwrenching and heartbreaking. I thought I would break into two.

I miss him very much. He had a mate. A female kelpie and to cut a bit of a long story short, for her good I needed to bring another dog into the home. I got Jindi and it was the best thing for our Kelpie girl and for us. She does not replace Zeus in anyway, but she diverts our attention from grief into laughter and other positive things.

Maybe you can go to a few sessions of grief counselling. Its not silly and it will likely be really helpful. Our dogs are part of our family, often they are like children to us, and though they are only expected to live that long, we still feel so incredibly cheated when they are gone.

It sound simple, but its not....but I think you also can try to find some way to move on, and not to cling on. Us humans can get very clingy sometimes. To find a way to move on, takes alot of courage. For me, I focus on the life we had together - that it was good and it was special and I take comfort in the fact that Zeus always knew I loved him so very him. Maya knows you loved him and he is an angel right there with you. He wants to you to be happy because you deserve it for all that you gave him over those treasured precious 15 years you had together. Another I idea I have is that maybe you could make something which is like a tribute to Maya. So that might be a special collection of photos in a large frame, or a quilt, or maybe find a tree and grow it...whatever works for you. Then once you have done that, it reflects your love for Maya, your committment to him, and your commitement to being ok - and it will forever be a tribute to Maya.

I don't know if I have helped but I wish you well.

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HI Katey

I have also lost many dogs over the years and I like

everyone else here that has lost a animal whatever breed

can understand what you are going through. Time is a great

heeler and I say to you when you feel the urge to talk about

your lovely boy Maya then do so . By letting it out is another

way of helping with your grief. Only you will know the time.

to let go. I posted a poem some time back and I would like

you to print a copy of it and when you feel down have a read

and read it out load It does help.

Hope this can ease your pain?

love my german shepherds



Miss me a little, but not to long,

And not with your head bowed low,

Remember the love that once we shared,

Miss me but,let me go.

For this journey we all must take

And each must go alone,

I'ts all a part of the Masters plan,

A step on the road to home.

When you are lonely and sick of heart,

Go to friends we know and,

Bury your sorrows in doing good deeds.

Miss me but let me go.

RIP MAYA :thumbsup:

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Hi Katey

It is so unfair that we humans live for so long but our dogs are lucky to crack 15 years.

By the time we die, we may have lived 7 times longer than the average dog.

Even if we only share our lives with one dog at a time, we might have to grieve as you are grieving 7 times in our life time.

I hope you heal soon :thumbsup:

Perhaps now is time for your next dog?


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Hi Katey,

I just read the post about your boy and really felt for you.

I have only ever had boy dogs so dont know anything about the female variety ;)

Yes, and they are very special. How are things going for you these days?

Hope you are coping.

Lots of luv to you and the girls


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I must confess I get embarassed sometimes after I write about him when I've got all gushy. It hits me mostly at night. But what the heck, he's the love of my life so far! It does get better as I realise more and more what he gave me and move away from the grief.

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