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Floppy Ear


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I know it is normal for my german shepherd pu to have floppy ears, and my boys ears have been up and down since I got him but one of his ears that had finally stood up straight, and was up for a couple of weeks has come down again. I thought they were up for good!

I have been told at puppy school not to worry because at least it has come up. If it hadn't come up at all then I could worry, but can anyone tell me at what age should I start to get worried about it not staying up?

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Ears are very much influenced by teething, they will drop and lift until teething is completed. By 7-8 months this should be done.

I belive your pup is older than this and if, like you said, his ears have been up, perhaps he currently has an ear infection or sore jaws or something like that which is making the ear droop.

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No my baby is nearly 5 months, so going by what you have said, I still have a few months of up and down to go?

Although, I didn't realise that there ears could come down if they had an infection or something like that!

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My little one has two left ears. It doesn't look like they will be changing any time soon.

We think she sat funny in the womb :thumbsup:

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No my baby is nearly 5 months, so going by what you have said, I still have a few months of up and down to go?

Although, I didn't realise that there ears could come down if they had an infection or something like that!

Oops, must have been thinking of someone else. Yup at 5 months, you've still got a few adult teeth coming through and so the ear may well be up again tomorrow even.

It's a pain thing, not every dog will do it, but quite a few will get a funny look to their ear with pain in the area (due to infection or bruising).

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I did notice the picture below, but I am sorry I am not familiar with your breed of dog and didn't realise it wasn't right.

Yes, he has very few adult teeth, mostly still the sharp puppy needles so this is obviously why he still has a floppy ear.


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My (now 14 month old) pup Gypsy, has "weird" ears - they both fold inwards and forwards :thumbsup:

It's not the best photo to show you - but you can get the general idea....

ETA: Hers will stay like this now.

It can also have something to do with circulation, as if it's colder the body keeps the bloodflow away from the "extremities" - and with young pups the cartilage etc hasn't strengthened enough to do the job completely on it's own.

If you were really worried, you could always look at how they make cropped ears stand straight :laugh::rofl:


Edited by Kez
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I don't think I would leave it too much longer before doing something, I once left my girls ear for it never to stand up. Maybe ask your breeder as the lines could be slow or there could be some softness in the lines.

Over the years most of dogs ears went upNdown till about 4 months then stood firm after that..

Good luck


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My pup was about 6 months (i think) when his ears finally set...I'll post some pic's tonight when i get home. First they were both down, then one went up, then both went up, then one went down, then they swapped sides being up and down, and then one day they went up and stayed up :thumbsup:

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First they were both down, then one went up, then both went up, then one went down, then they swapped sides being up and down, and then one day they went up and stayed up

KitKat - Sounds just like my boy. Exactly the same thing is happening to Bear. He finally had them both up and I took a million photo's because he looked like such a "Big" boy and all grown up and now we are back to where we were a couple of weeks ago looking like the cute little pup again.

Thanks for the reassureance, I just didn't want to not do anything about it and keep waiting and waiting and then it be to late and it never come up!

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Perhaps you shouldn't fondle or play with the pup's ears, because I've heard this can 'break' the cartiledge.

Is this an old wives tale? (I didn't take any chances... hehe)

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Ok...here's some pic's in a time line...these were taken over a 4 month period.... I've just taken these from threads i have had in the pic forum so i don't have the 'name' of hte file which had the ages Bronx was when the pic was taken :thumbsup:







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Oh KitKat - how gorgeous! And that does make me feel better. Look at him now! How cute and big he is! Thank you for doing that for me! He reminds me of Bear with how big the ears are. I think when Bears ears are up he looks like a Kangaroo!

I have some photo's. I am not sure of the order but this is what has happened to him.






And now....


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