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Dog Gone Off Dry Food


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Just wondering if its normal for dogs to go off dry food. Weve had our dog a couple months now and she *normally* eats most things we give her. We try to feed her a variety including chicken mince, chicken necks and wings, beef mince, rice, vegies etc, very occasionally tin, leftovers etc.

Lately she doesnt seem interested in dry feed (feed her supercoat and was fine with it until just recently). Sometimes she may pick at it overnight if I leave it in her bowl but its usually just a few.

I dont imagine her to have a teeth problems because she loves bones (raw chicken) and pigs ears. Just seems to be the dry food. I cant afford to be buying bags of other dog food to see if theres one she likes....any suggestions?

p.s she is happily crunching a pigs ear while I type this!

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Perhaps she's testing you to see if she can wrangle you into buying her a variety? I'd stop giving her the other good stuff for a day or two and give her just the kibble...taking it away if she doesn't eat it etc. also since it's cold pour a lil warm water over it before giving it to her, it will make it smell more appertising (sp) as well.

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Guest LittlePixie

How old is she?

I was just thinking... if she's only young, then perhaps she's reached an age where she doesn't need as much food as she did before??

I might be way off track, but there's a thought.

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Consider what KitKat and Little Pixie have said. Do what KitKat suggested if you like. It seems like a good idea.

The other alternative is to stop feeding dry food altogether and put your dog on a natural diet or BARF diet. There is plenty of info about that here if you do a search and also elsewhere on the internet.

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It could the above, or your dog doesn't like the taste of Supercoat, mine will eat the stuff for a little while and then become fussy, get diarrohea etc, I don't feed it any more, in fact gave away a near full bag only recently, wont be bothered buying it any more, all of mine love what they get now, Advanced moistened with warm water and some meaty bones a few times a week :)

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She is a year old, well nearly 14 months. Maybe shes just got used to the wonderful chicken wings/necks Ive been giving her regularly and doesnt think dry is yummy enough. I dont want her to become a spoilt thing just used to one thing only. *sigh*

I will try adding a bit of water, or even some meat broth type stuff (I boiled up a cooked lamb bone and kept the water for her!) But even with that I dont fancy my chances, shes a bit shrewd.

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Guest Tess32

Reilly has gone through various stages where he won't eat the dry food. He's been doing it since before we even got him.

Collies can be very picky with food, but is usually males I think.

I'd take it off her for a week or so and then try again.


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Hi Chezzy,

Duncan's been getting Supercoat Puppy in his morning breakfast since we got him. We moisten it with warm puppy milk, he also gets a little bread mixed in with this. Just lately he has been leaving the dry behind and eating the other stuff, he may eat the dry later on if we leave it. He is 12mths old so may be a bit old for this puppy brekky but it seems to be the one meal he will eat with relish, he often rejects his evening meal. I've tried cutting back quantity, etc, it doesn't seem to make a difference. I've bought the adult variety now so will let you know if it changes anything.



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I am not keen to feed her breaky as she is pretty well used to one main evening meal and just a few tiny "training" tit bits during the day. These treats barely amount to anything and would hardly fill her up. I will try a few things suggested. But she will just HAVE to eat some dry until we do our next shop. Problem is she thinks she is human and deserves what we eat :)

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Hi Chezzy,

Problem is she thinks she is human and deserves what we eat 

Don't they all? :) They will if you let them anyway. If Duncan doesn't eat his evening meal I just put it in the fridge and serve again the next night, if he still doesn't eat it I throw it out and try something else. This is probably the wrong thing to do, I should just keep dishing it up till he eats it.



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Hi Chezzy,
Problem is she thinks she is human and deserves what we eat 

Don't they all? :) They will if you let them anyway. If Duncan doesn't eat his evening meal I just put it in the fridge and serve again the next night, if he still doesn't eat it I throw it out and try something else. This is probably the wrong thing to do, I should just keep dishing it up till he eats it.



Is it a dignity thing with Collies?? I think Rosie would prefer to starve, I will try the same bowl of dry with her tonight, maybe with some water or meat juice added. But at this rate (if she refuses) she will be like a greyhound in no time :D

Having said that a few people have wondered what breed she is and asks if she is a greyhound of some type :laugh:

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Well its the second night and she wont touch it. Just looks at it and then at me. I added some meat juice to perhaps make it more appealing but nope. Just to make sure she is not actually sick or something I grabbed some half frozen chicken necks and wandered by her....and suddenly shes my shadow. Very awake and alert and licking the lips!

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Hi Chezzy,

I have some Natures Gift Tender Cuisine (Lamb & Rice formula) from a showbag I got at Pet Expo. These are small individual sachets of semi-moist chunks which can be fed as is or added to something else. I started using these as training treats and he loves them, would scoff the whole packet if I let him. They don't work too well in the park but as soon as I get home woo hoo! I think they just get bored with one taste after a while, they need variety like us.



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My girl has been a fussy eater on and off. After trying quite a few different dry foods, i've settled on Purina Pro Plan. I've found that Jazz seems to find Purina more palatable. They have a promotion on at the moment where you can try it and they will send you a cheque for the purchase price - can't hurt! The promotion is for Purina One, which is readily available in supermarkets. Not the cheapest, but you also don't have to feed as much.


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I just posted a message to another member: Melbell who posted the same problem recently. I'm copying here my message:

I also have a staffy cross (approx 1 year old)

-I also feed him with Supercoat

-He recently started to reject it in the mornings but ate it in the evening.

Maybe something wrong with supercoat? I also saw the same story on another forum member: Chezzyr

Anyone has any ideas?

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