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I Can't Read Anymore


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Sorry guys, I read a few of your stories and they all made me cry. I wanted to tell you all how sorry I am for your loss I know how heartbroken you must feel. I've lost animals in the past, when I was younger and it was sad, but now that I'm older its a bit different. My guys are my whole life and have got me through so many tough times. I can't imagine losing any of them and staying sane. I wish I could reply to you all singly and give cyber hugs and wish you all the best but I just couldn't read so many sad stories all at once. My love to you all at such a sad time :hug:

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  • 2 weeks later...

haven: Thankyou for your kind words. I agree - its so hard to read anything in Rainbow Bridge without shedding a tear or feeling that lump in your throat. ;)

I know for me - i will only dare coming in here when im at home and in the solitude of my little office. Where i can read, reminisce, cry and litter the floor in tear soaked tissues.

My little girl left us 6 weeks ago tonight and it would have been her 1st birthday this Sunday. :) [Gawd - here come the tears...]

I think the one thing that helped me immeasurably was this forum. People understood how i was feeling and shared their stories of loss with me and thats where i found the most comfort. After 6 long weeks the pain is still there and the tears - well they're always there.

There were times when i would wake up in the middle of the night and just bawl... hug Kiara's little urn and cry all the while feeling like my heart was about to explode all over again. Sometimes the memories just spontaneously push themselves to the front of my head and i can remember so clearly the first second that i laid my eyes on her... the drive home from the breeders house when she was nestled in my husbands chest.. shivering a little because she must have been a little frightened... how i cried when i took her to the vet for her spay because i didnt want to leave her in a strange environment. ;)

I guess thats the heartbreaking thing about loving an animal and a dog especially-because all they can do is give you unconditional love and loyalty and when you look back on your time together all you can remember is the good and never ever the bad.

One things for sure - i love the stories in here and the memories people are good enough to share. Thankyou everyone for sharing and thankyou to every single one of the members here for being there for me through some of the most traumatic and darkest days of my life.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is the first time I have read the stories in the rainbow bridge section.

(Am now asking myself why I had to do this when I was at work!! - Im sure people are now looking at my puffy eyes and thinking I have had a fight with my husband)

I hope I dont have to post a story in here for a very long time - my heart is breaking for everyone who has. :D


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