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Recovery from partial tear of medial ligament (non-surgery)


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About 3-4 weeks ago my dog suffered a partial tear of his medial ligament  luckily no surgery was required , Since then he has been kept as calm as possible  no running around which he hates , He is 9 years old but thinks he is 2 .. No it time to start the recovery  we have started small walks & try to encourage him to use his once injured leg to build strength  he does use it  he even stood on in while trying to take a leak  but he does tend to want to just keep it of the ground , When I walk him I notice if we walk very slow  he tends to use the leg often not sure if he is putting that much pressure down on it but it is at least using it but as soon as we speed up any say  normal walking pace he starts lifting it and just using 3 legs


This is concerning me  I don't want him to go so use to not using it it becomes his natural walking , I have been thinking about a few things that may help ,  Jack Russell back right leg :A leg brace to hold the leg a bit straighter ? hydrotherapy or Just taking him to Parramatta lakes to swim  or should I just continue  with small walks  and see hopefully his improvement .


First Time Dog Owner.

Any help much appreciated


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Hi :) what does your vet say?

3-4 weeks doesn't seem that long, usually 4 - 6 in my experience. 
He'll use his leg with caution for a while so don't push him too hard. 

You can do hydrotherapy yourself :) but I recommend having the brace chosen and fitted by your vet instead of DIY if you choose to try that.  

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Thanks for the response , My vet said a brace is fine  but I need to make sure its the right type and size  she said measure the dogs legs in 4 spots  she drew a diagram  then find a brace that fits the area . she also said  to maybe wait another week or 2 before walks  but small walks under 500 meters is fine for now as long as its on a flat surface .

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 :) I'm soooo glad you've got help from the vet for your brace. Improperly fitted ones do more harm than good. Best wishes for a great recovery. :heart:


Not referring to you at all here Bandit-Bailey, but as many of these threads show up for people browsing Google seeking help..... Yes, you can buy all sorts of braces off Temu now that look like the real thing, but are pieces of garbage. Always consult your vet for a reputable supplier.  

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I thought the usual recovery time was 6 weeks even without surgery.  In fact I thought it may take even longer with conservative treatment.


There was a Vizla near that went through the conservative treatment i.e. no surgery and it took quite a while .  They kept the dog crated a lot of the time but in the end it worked perfectly.

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