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Rescue dog advice , a new mate for my old dog ?


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Hi guys, have a couple questions regarding my old dog, 

I have a old Jack Russell dog who is about 14, he was always with my old red heeler  for the last 12 years there been together, my red dog passed away last week , and when we took the body away the Jack Russell was sniffing him and trying to get to him, since the old red dog has been gone my little dog , has a couple times cried  and every time I go out the back it’s like his waiting for his old mate to come back , it really makes me sad,  my questions are , should I try and find him another older dog mate for him , or could that be a bad idea , ?  also if never got a dog from a shelter or rescue place before ,  would they let me get a dog if I only keep my dogs out side , ? My Jack Russell was one I got free as the owner was going to throw him in the pound, so I got. Him and then he had parvo and I managed to save him , I didn’t want to buy a dog of gumtree or private , as I don’t want to support people breeding backyard dogs,  any help guys with suggestions would be appreciated thank you

regards Jason 

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Would be worth a try but with a meet & greet first and a return policy in place if it doesn't work out.

Outside; no, never.

But I don't think that's everyone's policy.

It would take a few applications or initial inquiries to find out. 

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I had an old stafford girl. I also had her son (both foster fails) and he passed. She aged overnight. Then we ended up with an older pup for temp  fostering and she got a new lease on life. A few years on from  that we lost a doggo for behavioural reasons and the remaining female dog (who was not old) really struggled being an only dog and started being quite naughty. We ended up taking in another male dog similar in age who needed a home and all the behavioural  stuff settled, but the strange thing was when she passed of old age the remaining boy doggo loved being on his own! He did not skip a beat!


I wouldn't necessarily recommend getting a pup of course as they will have very different energy levels, but certainly I think some dogs feel safer being part of a pack, while others are just fine. You don't need to rush anything but just keep your eye on how your Jack Russell is coping. You might need to create some new energy around the house and give your boy more focussed attention too. Most rescues are likely to want the dog to be indoor outdoor but it can't hurt to ask them and tell them your situation because they might know of just the right dog for you.

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I think an ageing female may help - the being outdoors may cause a problem with rescues though . However- someone might have an older dog who is used to being outside , and who they are worrying about placing as an inside dog ......maybe there is something like that :) So sorry you lost your heeler last week - after so many years . 

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