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NSW Companion Animals Act


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Is Local Council obliged to inform complainants exactly what action they took in relation to regulatory breaches.  Like if the offending dogs owners were fined, how much were they fined or if the dog has been declared a nuisance or menacing dog.


I'm fairly sure they have to inform all parties if the dog has been declared a Dangerous Dog but otherwise they just say "  the appropriate regulatory action has been taken".  Apparently one has to get their lawyer to apply under Freedom of Information( GIPA) and that also is likely to be unsuccessful.

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Not in the same level of importance, but a ranger phoned me to tell me (who reported it) that they had caught the goat. 

Two rangers attended that day. I told them the goat wasn't tame but one of them bolted after it with a catchpole and didn't check the little kids were out of the way before the goat ran down the driveway and ran over the littlest kid.

It was the other ranger that phoned me. 

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